
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Shopping & Ukraine

I spent my 3-hour break today food shopping. Because Carrefour didn't have everything I needed, I had to go to Lidl and the Auchan to get the missing items.

Meanwhile from Ukraine:  Very interesting.

A new Ukrainian study on imported equipment used for Russian weapons manufacturing says that the People’s Republic of China is Russia’s best source of high-tech machine tools for arms production, but far from the only one.

Companies in ten other countries besides China – most openly opposed to supporting the Kremlin war machine, and more than a few NATO members – also have sent Russia hundreds of advanced milling machines, lathes, heat treatment chambers and high-tech optical polishers that are now helping the Kremlin churn out weapons, a study published on Wednesday by Ukraine’s national military intelligence agency, HUR, said.

According to the Ukrainians’ research, countries not friendly with Moscow also have allowed hundreds of high-tech machine tools suitable for production of modern military equipment to enter Russia in the past 12 months.

NATO nation companies with equipment identified by Ukraine as manufacturing weapons in Russia currently included Optical Gauging Products and Lapmaster Wolters(USA), Bonetti Cutting Solutions (Italy); Hermie, Rohde & Schwartz, Finetech GMBH, ISOG Technology and Schuler (Germany);  Benmak Makine and Inductotherm Group (Turkey); CETOS, TDZ Turn, Toshulin and TOS Celavovice (Czech Republic).Source- Kyiv Post

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

AI? No Thanks.

After working for two days with Chatgpt and Gemini, two AI systems, I've come to the conclusion that there significant difference between them and humans.

I think I've mentioned I'm looking for a way to put my blogs in chronological order with date and blog summary, all in the same font and size, without pictures, only date and summary in bold print, and then printable.

My friend wrote a program for me, not quite as extensive but still better than AI. 

My problems with both AI's were extensive also but not in a good way. For example: I would give them 6 blogs to convert and they would come back in reverse chronological order, no summary, and some times a different font. I would tell AI its mistakes, it would apologize and said it would correct them. The corrected blogs were NOT corrected. i would tell them again, another apology and promise to fix. Return blogs were in correct chrono but no other mistake was fix. Another correction requested, this time chrono was totally messed up and 2 other mistakes not corrected. I would tell it to follow the guidelines I gave it but because AI has no memory, I would have to print it all over again. 6 blogs took me AI 4 hours to get it right.

I asked my friend to send me a copy of the program he wrote but he didn't think he still had it. So, I was stuck/ I have over 5000 blogs to convert and at that rate I could be dead before it is finished using AI.

The bright side is that tonight my friend, Pawel, called and said it took him 30 minutes to create the program for me. The MOST AMAZING THING about his program is that there is a menu for every year from 2006 to 2025. All I have to do is click on a year and it prints the whole year. With the two AI's I could only copy and past about 6 blogs at a time. 

Sunday, March 23, 2025

George m. Cohan

Being the age I am. I have the good fortune to still have the ability to look over 80 years. I am glad I am 80 years old. I've had more good experiences than bad ones in my life for which I am grateful. It has given me the opportunity to hear, know, or see many truly great musicians, painters, actors, actresses, a few statesmen, a few Presidents, friends and people in general, and, of course, have a beautiful wife more than half of my life.

Today I was thinking about the actor, James Cagney. If you have less than 50 years, you probably don't know him. He played mostly gangster parts in films, starting in 1931. However, in one film, Yankee Doodle Dandy, he played the part of George M. Cohan. I was not to familiar with Cohans life or the music he he wrote. He was a songwriter, playwright, lyricist, singer, dancer, and entertainer. 

No one in theatrical history ever did as many different things as well as George M. Cohan. In the early 20th century, he dominated American theater to a degree that has never been matched by anyone else. Cohan is the father of the modern Broadway musical.

On May 1, 1940, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt presented him with the Congressional Medal of Honor for his contributions to World War I morale, in particular with the songs "You're a Grand Old Flag" and "Over There".[28] Cohan was the first person in any artistic field selected for this honor, which previously had been only given to military and political leaders, philanthropists, scientists, inventors, and explorers.

I recorded several of his movie to watch tonight and chose first, "Yankee Doodle Dandy". I chose it because I remembered he danced in it and Joan very much likes movies with dancing.

Unknown to me, it was the life story of George M. Cohan. I could see why he was awarded the Medal of Honor. All his life he was very patriotic. The movie was made in 1942. In this day and age, I think every American should see it.

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Good Weather.

Saturday and good weather, sunny, blue skies, not rain 13 C. I had to take Joan out of the flat because she hasn't been out for 3 days. I would rather be in Spain with her now but that wasn't possible. However, March is a good weather change month and it's nice now.

She spends a lot of time watching Viktor paint and I try to be with her between the daily chores.

 Meanwhile: Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told US President Donald Trump in their recent head-of-state call that he opposes ending the war along the current front line.

During a Zoom briefing with journalists, Zelensky said that many cities and settlements are split by the contact line.

“If in some places you freeze the front line, you would be leaving entire cities or villages lifeless. No one will return to half of a city. And if they do, it will be like Berlin,” Zelensky said, alluding to reunified Germany’s capital city, which was divided by the infamous Berlin Wall from 1961 to 1989 when East Germany was a separate totalitarian state under Moscow’s dominion.

Zelensky told reporters that a “Berlin Wall” is not an option, a stance Trump agreed with. He added that the issue would continue to be discussed.

According to Zelensky, Trump understands that Ukraine will never legally recognize Russia’s control over its occupied territories.

At the same time, Zelensky believes that a complete ceasefire with Russia is approaching and that it is necessary to reach one before discussing a permanent resolution to the war.

“If the Americans really push for this [a ceasefire], they can achieve it. Because we have goodwill. And all of Europe supports this… We are not afraid of anyone; we will get through this,” he said.

Thursday, March 20, 2025


 I am soooooo domesticated.

Today, Marek came for the installation of a new faucet in the kitchen sink and moving the overhead light above our kitchen table. For us, the light was fine was it was but Renata, the owner, wanted it moved to be directly shining in the middle of our table and she is the owner of the flat. 

When the installation of the faucet was completed, I couldn't believe how happy I felt. It was like getting a good Christmas present. The old faucet was leaking so Renata felt it was time to replace it. I'm sure she picked out the new one. I like it because there is no more leaking but the best thing is that it has a removable head to was out the inside of pots more easily.

Last night I made an excellent minestrone soup for dinner with fresh bread and salad. I mad a lot because we still have enough for two more servings which I have frozen in two zip-lock bags.

My meeting with Radek was his house and he told me about a new bakery where we used to live. It's called Domova and he said they have excellent breads, pastries and small foods like Pizza. What he really liked about the bakery was that every thing made is either yeast-based or using zakwas. He bought two small veggie Pizzas for us and they were very good. He leaves tomorrow foe Spain where he and his girlfriend will stay in her house. Lucky man and I am happy for them to have each other..

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Shopping day?

No, it wasn’t. I set my phone alarm for my usual 6:30 AM wake-up, but when I opened my eyes and glanced at the clock, it was already 9:30. I quickly checked my phone, only to realize that the alarm had been silenced. The reason? Last night, the sound had been bothering Joan while I was listening to my Spanish lesson. Normally, I use headphones, but I hadn't charged them in a few days, so they were useless. Just another careless mistake on my part. Now I’m going to have to go shopping tomorrow and miss out on the 10% senior discount. Oh well, that’s life, right?

Joan spent most of the afternoon mesmerized by Viktor as he created some stunning paintings. She’s completely captivated by his artistic talent.

As for me, I spent the day doing laundry, tidying up a bit around the house, and trimming Joan's finger and toenails. She can no longer manage that on her own.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Good News.

I've seen clouds from both perspectives—above and below—and yet, after watching Viktor Yushkevich create his stunning portraits of nature, with his depictions of pastoral landscapes, mountains, and rivers, I see them in a whole new way.

Yesterday and today, I found myself observing clouds more thoughtfully. I noticed the subtle variations of gray within them, the delicate shifts in color. On some occasions, when the sun peeked through, I could even spot a faint circle of soft yellow highlighting the edges. I have Viktor to thank for helping me truly appreciate these small details in the clouds.

As you might have guessed, Joan and I spent some time watching Viktor paint another breathtaking scene on YouTube. It's such a peaceful experience for us, and Joan absolutely loves it.

Meanwhile: For Ukraine,

The outcome of the Ukrainian-American negotiations in Saudi Arabia pleased skeptics and those in Ukraine who had already been disappointed with the Trump administration after perceiving it as pro-Russian.

After prolonged discussions, an agreement was reached to resume intelligence sharing and restore security assistance to Ukraine. Although this merely reinstates what was in place two weeks ago, many in the Ukrainian media and expert community welcomed it with relief.

Similarly, news of a proposed 30-day ceasefire – one that Ukraine is prepared to accept if Russia halts hostilities – was received in much the same way. The overall mood among Ukrainians, both in the public sphere and within specialist circles, was generally positive.

All the experts and sources interviewed by Kyiv Post agree: Russian propaganda is entering difficult times. Hopes for a favorable truce have collapsed, while problems within the Russian military and economy have grown so severe that they can no longer be ignored. Source-Kyiv Post

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Never mind.

I'm so pissed off today! Yesterday, thousands of citizens across the nation protested against the insanity of the current republican administration. Why? What good did it really do?

While we were doing that, ten Democratic Senators were voting against us. Not directly, but behind our backs. I didn't feel the knife until this morning when I checked the voting results of funding the government. I knew it would pass but there were three different versions. Two of them would have given us some leverage to stop other hysterical things being propose. One of them would give Trump/Musk a blank check. Our Senators voted for Trump/Musk.

Why are we puting in our time and effort to stop this choas when our own Senatore vote with the Republicans and against the common people? Am I missing the GOOD reason they did this? I just need a reason to keep going?


It's later in the day now, actually 2:30 AM, and I found out my frustration above was a mistake. 

Never mind what I wrote above. Thanks to a few who answered, I was wrong. Chuck Schumer said Trump would seize more power during a shutdown, because it would give the administration the ability to deem whole agencies, programs and personnel non-essential, furloughing staff with no promise they would ever be rehired.
Democrats were critical of the funding levels in the bill. But they are more worried about the discretion the bill gives the Trump administration on spending decisions. Many Democrats are referring to the measure as a “blank check” for Trump.
“A shutdown will allow DOGE to shift into overdrive,” Schumer said. “Donald Trump and [Elon Musk](https://apnews.com/hub/elon-musk) would be free to destroy vital government services at a much faster rate.” Source-AP(Wahongton Post/NYT)

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Viktor's message

The foreign flag that became your flag

The moment you raised this flag, you became part of this story

THERE IS A FLAG IN YOUR WINDOW. A piece of fabric, a set of colors, a symbol you chose to display.

It is not the flag of your homeland. It probably does not represent your ancestry, your family’s past, or the soil beneath your feet. And yet, you placed it there.

A blue and yellow banner. A flag from a country you may have never set foot in. A country whose language you may not speak. A country whose history you may have only learned in passing.

And still, you chose to fly it.

Do you know what that means?

It means more than you may ever realize.

Premium Photo | Woman wrapped in Ukraine flag looking out of the window.  copy space

It is not just a flag. It is a declaration. A stance. A refusal to look away.

It means that when bombs fell on Kyiv, you felt it. It means that when families were torn apart, you cared. It means that when war tried to erase us, you would not let it.

You could have ignored it. You could have said “it’s not my fight.”

But you didn’t.

You see this war not just as a tragedy, but as a warning.

You see Ukrainians not as victims, but as people fighting for something you also believe in.

Your home. The dearest and most sacred space of your life. Tthe place where you are safe from the dangers of the world, where you can be yourself without fear of judgment or the weight of others’ standards.

Your window. The point of connection between your sanctuary and the world outside.

And there, you place this blue and yellow flag. A foreign flag.

Not a foreign flag anymore.

Because it belongs to you too.

An incredible miracle': Ukrainian families find solace in British homes |  Ukraine | The Guardian

You did it in a time when it is easier to be indifferent.

You did it when the world moves fast, when yesterday’s war becomes tomorrow’s forgotten headline.

You did it without asking for anything in return.

You did it because you know that when one democracy is under attack, all democracies are at risk.

You did it because you understand that freedom is not a given, but something we must choose and we must fight, again and again.

You did it because you know that standing with Ukraine is standing with humanity’s best values.

And for that, we see you. We thank you.

We will never forget you.

Ukraine Flags- Ukrainian Flags, Double Stitched -Vivid Color, and UV Fade  Resistant, Ukrainian National Flags Sizes Include  12x18,3x2ft,5x3ft,6x4ft,8x5ft,10x6ft (3x2ft with Sleeve) : Amazon.co.uk:  Garden

To those who carry our colors in their hands, on their doors, please know that you may not be Ukrainian by birth, but you are Ukrainian in spirit.

You embody the true spirit of what means to be Ukrainian, the one we fight so hard to pass on to our children.

Every flag in every window is a reminder that justice is not tied to borders. That solidarity is not limited by nationality.

That freedom, when threatened anywhere, is defended everywhere.

So to everyone who has placed this flag in their home, on their car, on their backpack:

You are part of this fight.
You are part of this story.
And you are on the right side of history.

Flags don’t hold their meaning if no one is left to carry them. But you carried this one. You carried it, above everything, in your heart. That means the world to us. That means the world to everyone of us.That means the only possible world for our world.


Friday, March 14, 2025

Nuclear Poland?

Today is the day of protests against the Republican administraion in the United States. ALL OF IT!

Meanwhile, in Poland:

In an interview with the Financial Times, Andrzej Duda called on the United States to deploy nuclear weapons in Poland as a deterrent against possible aggression from Russia.

“NATO's borders moved east in 1999, so 26 years later there should also be a shift in NATO infrastructure to the east. For me, this is obvious,” the president said, adding that ”it would be safer if these weapons were already here.” He expressed his hope that the Nuclear Sharing project would be expanded in Europe, which Duda unsuccessfully proposed to the administration of then-US President Joe Biden in 2022. Duda emphasized that it is current US President Donald Trump who decides on the deployment of US nuclear weapons. 

At the same time, he recalled Vladimir Putin's announcement in 2023 that Russia would deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus. “Russia did not even hesitate when it moved its nuclear weapons to Belarus. It did not ask anyone for permission,” he said. The president repeated the words of Prime Minister Donald Tusk that Poland could obtain better alternative protection thanks to the idea of French President Emmanuel Macron, which involves extending the French nuclear umbrella to European allies. However, he rejected the Polish head of government's idea of developing a Polish nuclear arsenal. “It would take decades,” he said.

Duda emphasized that he cannot imagine Trump withdrawing from the commitments he made in his conversation with him in the US in February regarding the maintenance of the US military presence in Poland. “Fears that the United States will reduce its military presence in Poland are unfounded. We are a reliable ally for the US and they also have their own strategic interests here,” he said.

Tomasz Siemoniak, Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration, when asked about the deployment of American nuclear weapons in Poland, stated that the American side's openness is a prerequisite for discussion on this topic. “Such things must be dealt with in the privacy of offices and one must be sure that there is any path to it,“ he noted. ‘There is nothing worse than putting forward a concrete idea and hearing in three days’ time that it is not an option because it simply weakens us,” he emphasized. Source-The Warsaw Voice.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Do you really know what time it is?

Tomorrow. March 14th is THE DAY, but last night, as I was reflecting on how much time I dedicate to my efforts—my personal, often solitary efforts—to help protect America from the damaging grip of the current Republican administration, I found myself wondering just how much impact it is really making. Months ago, I joined forces with three different groups, united in the goal of helping Kamala Harris win the election. We poured our time, energy, and resources into that fight. Unfortunately, we lost.

Since then, my days have been spent tirelessly working against the spectacle that has become the Trump-Musk era of the presidency. I spend at least three hours every day confronting the toxic forces that seem to dominate our political discourse. Yet, as I consider all of the actions we are taking—whether individually or collectively—I can't help but ask: Where are the leaders of the Democratic Party? Where is the leadership we need, at this critical juncture in American history?

It's disheartening. In the face of growing threats to our democracy, why is it that only a few voices—voices like Bernie Sanders—seem to be traveling the country, speaking out against the relentless injustices that are being imposed on the American people? Sure, we get the occasional tweet or message from other Democrats, but where is the urgency? Where is the bold, sustained leadership? We voted for these leaders; we put them in office, and now, in this crucial moment, we find them conspicuously absent. At a time when our country’s future hangs in the balance, where are they?

It's not just a rhetorical question. I don't see the Democrats speaking out on platforms like Facebook, Bluesky, or Instagram. What I do see are Republican voices—like Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney—who are standing firm against the very chaos that their party helped create. The Democrats may flood our inboxes with ads when the midterms approach, but where is the action in the present? Where is the leadership now, when we need it most?

I'm growing weary of every news outlet and every entertainment show being hijacked by the latest antics of Elon Musk and Donald Trump. We've already endured four long years of Trump’s presidency—enough is enough. The media’s obsession with them only serves to fuel their power, allowing them to overshadow the urgent issues facing our nation.

I understand that, being retired, I have the luxury of time to be deeply involved in these issues, but the truth is that too many people are content to scroll social media and hit the "like" button, offering little more than passive support. Too few are actually raising their voices to demand action from their senators and representatives. Too few are speaking out in the way we need to disrupt the current narrative.

Take Rep. Jared Golden of Maine, for example. He was the only Democrat who sided with Republicans in voting for the “shutdown the government” bill. Meanwhile, one Republican—Thomas Massie of Kentucky—voted against it, aligning more with the values we expect from a Democrat than from a Republican. Why aren’t we hearing more from our Democratic leaders in response to these actions?

Where are the Democrats? What are they doing as the opposition party? The answer, unfortunately, is clear: Not much.

I think back to when Rep. Al Green courageously stood up to the president, only to be censured by his own party. A group of Democrats sided with Republicans in that censure vote—10 of them, to be exact. Every one of us should have taken the time to voice our disapproval, to demand accountability. These 10 Democrats betrayed the very values they were elected to protect. It’s not too late to make our voices heard. If you care about the future of this country, it’s time to hold them accountable. These are the Terrible Ten, and we should let them know we’re watching:

Tom Suozzi of New York
Jim Costa of California
Marie Gluesenkamp Perez of Washington
Jared Moskowitz of Florida
Ami Bera of California
Chrissy Houlahan of Pennsylvania
Marcy Kaptur of Ohio
Laura Gillen of New York
Jim Himes of Connecticut

I recognize that many of you work tirelessly, have children to care for, elderly parents to look after, or simply feel too overwhelmed by the demands of daily life. But the truth is, this moment in time requires all of us. We cannot afford to be passive while our nation is being dismantled, piece by piece. We’re seeing $880 billion slashed from healthcare, crucial cancer research for children eliminated, aid for the disabled and elderly stripped away, and thousands of hardworking Americans losing their jobs. And the list goes on and on.

If you are a Republican who voted for Trump, ask yourself: Is this truly what you voted for? Is this the country you hoped to create? If not, it’s time to stand up and help turn things around.

America used to be the shining beacon of hope, the “Light of the World.” But now, under the reign of Trump and Musk, that light has been extinguished. It’s time to reignite that flame, to restore the promise of this nation to its people.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I urge you not to simply hit “like” or “dislike”—let your voice be heard. Leave a comment, make a call, write an email. Do something. Don’t let this moment pass us by. The future of our country is in our hands. Let’s act before it’s too late.

"My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing."

Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Joan likes watching Steven Colbert and Jon Oliver on YouTube. For me, I don't mind if it's the latest broadcast or a day or two old. The problem for me is, I hate watching the reruns of shows in the past, like a year or more. It's not new for me and EVERY show is about trump. I can't stand to see his lying face every day. So, I sit next to her with headphones on to drown out the repeats while I listen to old Spanish lessons with Radek or listen to my current book on audiobooks. It's all I can do to keep my sanity.

I made the German oven pancake for breakfast. Joan very much likes it. Last night I made a   soup that was very good. A good thing is that here is enough lft over for two days. I froze it.

The weather has turned a little colder but there is no plan to go outside. However, it is not cold in our flat so there is no need to turn the heat back on. It is off until October. 

I sent cousin Andrzej my tax forms and he returned them to me completed. I could, eventually, complete them my self but it would take me some time. Thanks, Andrzej!

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

HELP Veterans!

Years ago, from 1961-1965, I served in the United States Navy, like my brother had. As pure luck would have it, I was discharged just before the war in Vietnam started. Serving my country for four years gave me the financial opportunity to attend a university of my choice to study music. I have never needed the other benefits of the Veterans Administration. However, I am more than aware that there are millions of veterans who do.
We can help them now.
The Department of Veterans Affairs is planning to cut 83,000 jobs, slashing employment by over 17% at the federal agency that provides health care for millions of veterans, according to an internal memo obtained by The Associated Press on March 5, 2025.
We can ALL help them now. We can ALL help America! Share this!!
The department known as the VA manages and directly provides comprehensive services for veterans. Those services include health care, short- and long-term housing options, life insurance, pensions, education stipends, and assistance in jails and courts. The VA also engages in path-breaking public health research. One-quarter of the VA’s 482,000 employees are veterans.
Those cuts will affect veterans. The Department of Veterans Affairs is planning to cut 83,000 jobs, slashing employment by over 17% at the federal agency that provides health care for millions of veterans, according to an internal memo obtained by The Associated Press on March 5, 2025.
One estimate is that of the 38,000 federal employees fired in the first five weeks of the Trump administration, 6,000 are veterans.
The media and political blow back against Trump’s cuts has already begun. Negatively impacted veterans are gaining increasing visibility. Both Democratic and Republican lawmakers have begun calling on the Department of Defense to prioritize retaining and rehiring veterans.
Help the Veterans. SHARE THIS ON ALL SOCIAL MEDIA YOU USE. HELP RETURN AMERICA TO THE PEOPLE!!                                                                                                                                                https://www.facebook.com/reel/2964685403697345

Monday, March 10, 2025

Pre-spring Bot. Gardens

After a leisurely breakfast of granola and yogurt, I dressed Joan in her shoes, coat, and hat, and together we ventured out for a pre-spring walk through the botanical gardens.

It was far too early for the garden to be in full bloom—only the crocuses had made an appearance, and even they were sparse, their purple and yellow heads poking timidly from the earth. We wandered slowly through the garden, taking in the peacefulness of the early morning. One of the few pleasures of this time of year, I reflected, is how the absence of leaves on most trees allows you to appreciate their skeletal forms—an intricate, delicate architecture that is usually hidden behind thick foliage. I imagined how Yushkevich, the painter, might have captured this scene: the bare branches stretching like fingers toward the sky, their complex, twisting forms dancing against the gray backdrop of early spring.

Towards the end of our walk, I chose a bench, and we sat in companionable silence for a while, talking intermittently. For a brief moment, the quiet felt like a balm. The only sound was the distant hum of traffic, a soft reminder of the city’s pulse. It was nothing like the profound silence of our old home in the woods of Michigan, where the stillness had taken me three full days to acclimate to. I still miss that place, the way the quiet enveloped everything, almost as if the world outside had ceased to exist.

I snapped a few photos to share later, primarily to show the stark, almost desolate beauty of the gardens in their winter dormancy.

Returning home, I set to work preparing a hearty beef stew for dinner, accompanied by a fresh salad.

Sunday, March 09, 2025

Never before!


 Claude Malhuret, French Senator's speech(excerpt) to the Parliament....

Dear colleagues,

Europe is at a critical turning point in its history. The American shield has slipped away, Ukraine is abandoned, and Russia is being strengthened. Washington has become the court of Nero: an incendiary emperor, submissive courtiers, and a buffoon on ketamine tasked with purging the civil service.

This is a tragedy for the free world, but above all, it is a tragedy for the United States. Trump’s message is that being his ally serves no purpose, as he will not defend you, he will impose higher tariffs on you than on his enemies, and he will threaten to seize your territories while supporting the dictators who invade you. The so-called ‘king of the deal’ is demonstrating what the submissive art of the deal is. He believes he will intimidate China by capitulating to Putin, but Xi Jinping, witnessing such a collapse, is undoubtedly accelerating preparations for the invasion of Taiwan.

Never before in history has a President of the United States surrendered to an enemy. Never before has one supported an aggressor against an ally. Never before has one trampled on the American Constitution, issued so many illegal decrees, dismissed judges who could oppose him, sacked the entire military leadership in one go, weakened all counterpowers, and taken control of social media.

Is this the end of the Atlantic Alliance? The risk is great. But in recent days the public humiliation of Zelenskyy and the series of reckless decisions taken over the past month have finally stirred Americans into action. Poll numbers are plummeting, Republican representatives are being met with hostile crowds in their districts, even Fox News is becoming critical. The Trumpists are no longer in their prime. They control the executive branch, Congress, the Supreme Court, and social networks. But in American history the defenders of freedom have always prevailed. They are beginning to rise again.

The fate of Ukraine is decided in the trenches, but it also depends on those in the United States who fight for democracy, and here, on our ability to unite Europeans, to find the means for our collective defense and to restore Europe as the great power it once was and hesitates to become again. Our parents defeated fascism and communism at the cost of great sacrifice. The task of our generation is to defeat the totalitarianisms of the 21st century.

Long live free Ukraine, long live democratic Europe.

Saturday, March 08, 2025

Plea for Ukraine.

This is a heartfelt and urgent PLEA to all Americans—whether you're an Independent, Conservative, Democrat, Non-Voter, or especially a Republican. Please, stop the senseless killing of the Ukrainian people.

Every single day that we fail to make our voices heard, hundreds of innocent Ukrainians lose their lives at the hands of Russian drones, missiles, bombs, and soldiers. This is not just a war,--it is a crime against humanity. Every delay in pressuring our elected officials to take action allows this violence to continue. It has to stop. It goes against everything that America stands for—freedom, democracy, human rights—and no American President, regardless of political affiliation, has the moral right to support or align with Russia in this unjust war. This is not what the American people stand for, and we cannot remain silent.

You or I alone may not be able to end this war, but we can make a difference by demanding that our Senators and House Representatives take a stand, put pressure on the President, and advocate for immediate action to stop this atrocity.

I implore you—please—use one of the scripts provided below, or speak from your heart, but make those phone calls and send those emails to your Representatives today. Every hour that we wait, more Ukrainians die.

I know many of you may have voted for Trump and agree with some of his policies, but I ask you—did you vote for him to turn his back on our allies in the war? Did you vote for him to impose tariffs that hurt hardworking Americans while weakening our global position? This is not just about politics—it’s about human lives.

I ask you to stand with me in this critical moment, to take action, and to help save Ukraine for the Ukrainian people. Our voices can make a difference, and every action counts.

Thank you for your time and your compassion.

David Piekarczyk

== SENATOR (Use your own) ==

Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D)

Office phone: 202-224-2152

Send an email: https://www.durbin.senate.gov/contact/ <https://



Hi, my name is [NAME], my zip code is [ZIP CODE].

I am disturbed by the direction and rhetoric of the administration regarding Ukraine. We are about to make the most disastrous mistake since the Iraq War. America and its allies are being targeted by a

ruthless alliance of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. They are attacking Ukraine, and working together to weaken the United States. This course is not good for America, not good for our people,

and not good for me. America needs to remain the leader of free nations. I ask that you speak out publicly against undermining our allies and that you stand with Ukraine and freedom loving constituents, like me.

Thank you.



== REPRESENTATIVE(Use your own)==

Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D) (IL-08)

Office phone: 202-225-3711

Send an email: https://krishnamoorthi.house.gov/contact/email <https://



Hi, my name is [NAME], my zip code is [ZIP CODE].

I am disturbed by the direction and rhetoric of the administration regarding Ukraine. We are about to make the most disastrous mistake since the Iraq War. America and its allies are being targeted by a

ruthless alliance of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. They are attacking Ukraine and Israel, and working together to weaken the United States. This course is not good for America, not good for our people, and not good for me. America needs to remain the leader of free nations. I ask that you speak out publicly against undermining our allies and that you stand with Ukraine and freedom loving constituents, like me.

Thank you.

== NOTES ==

- Phone line not working / voicemail full?

Don't worry! Each member of Congress has multiple offices. Call one of

the other phone numbers instead. If needed, call several until you find

one that works.

- How to find the list of offices and phone numbers:

Open the link to their contact form (above). Click on their name at the

top of the page to go to their official home page.

The full list of phone numbers is usually at the bottom of the home

page. Otherwise, look for their "Contact" page - they should be listed


This resource was created by the American Coalition for Ukraine.

https://americancoalitionforukraine.org <https://


Last updated: Feb. 19, 2025

Thursday, March 06, 2025


In my ongoing desire to contribute to the country I was born in, I recently participated in a Zoom meeting with the group Indivisible. I found it particularly intriguing because they have developed a clear and actionable plan of resistance against the current Republican administration. The meeting lasted for an hour and was attended by hundreds of people, including myself. The discussion centered on the challenges ahead and the critical importance of confronting them. What stood out to me was that this group isn't merely about venting frustrations or sharing links to other sites that echo complaints—there's a well-organized strategy in place. I was impressed by their depth of knowledge on current events and the issues at hand. While there were opportunities to ask questions, time constraints meant not all could be addressed. Indivisible holds meetings every Thursday at 3 PM EST, and I believe I will focus my efforts on supporting this group moving forward.


Joan and I have recently discovered a new past-time: painting. However, not our own efforts, but rather those of Viktor Nikolaevich Yushkevich, a Russian-born artist whose work captivates us. His specialty is nature, and what truly sets him apart is his meticulous attention to detail. If you're familiar with Bob Ross, the American painter known for his soothing landscapes, Yushkevich shares some similarities in style but with a greater depth and refinement. What we enjoy most, though, are his YouTube series, where we can watch him craft an entire painting from the first stroke to the final touch. It's a mesmerizing process to witness, as he brings to life memories of the places he's visited, using them as the foundation for his work. If you ever find yourself with a moment of free time, I highly recommend watching one of his videos. You can find one here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWZHSP80TUs. Though he is not yet well-known in America, his paintings remain relatively affordable, priced between $600 and $1,500. If I weren't so mindful of my expenses these days, I’d likely have already bought a couple of his pieces.

In other news, our American caregiver for Joan has finally secured a full-time position, prompting us to find a replacement. I posted a search on the Facebook group, International Friends of Poznan, and was overwhelmed with responses—around 20 in total. After conducting several Skype interviews, I narrowed it down to four candidates, ensuring that they were all fluent in English. I then arranged face-to-face interviews at our flat, where Joan could make the final decision. In the end, Joan selected Gabriels Soinska, a female medical student, who now comes twice a week for three hours each visit. Her rate is $35 per day, which is the going rate. Joan has taken a liking to her, and that’s enough to make me happy with the choice.

Spring is inching closer, and today’s temperature reached 14°C (57°F). I’m looking forward to the days when I can once again take Joan for a leisurely stroll through the botanical gardens.

A few months ago, my backup laptop gave up on me, and the cost of repairs was too high to justify. I decided to replace it with a Chromebook, drawn to its affordability. While it seemed like a good fit at first, after two months of use, I've come to realize it doesn’t quite meet my needs. The keyboard is simply too small for my hands, which makes typing uncomfortable. For now, I’m relying on external drives to store my files, though it’s not the most convenient setup.

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Tuesday Afternoon.

Another food shopping day over. Cost 160 PLN($40). It was so low because I only had to buy for 5 days. I made Salmarejo Soup yesterday and that will be good for 2 days this week. I trying to be more economical thinking our Social Security checks may be coming to an end thanks to Musk and company. But...I'm not getting on that subject now.

The weather was quite good today with mostly sunny day and the temperature up to 8 C. Spring is anxious to arrive so we are patiently waiting for it. It will be nice to take Joan to a park fairly soon. 

I didn't have a lot of things to accomplish on my 3 hour break so I met with my friend, Michal, at the cafe across from Sowas in Stary Browar. We spent about an hour talking about the disaster in the White House and not much else. Tonight, orange head will be giving the State of the Union speech.

Today it Protest day in the U.S. at state capitols, government offices,and other places. What we need is a National March on the White House. 

Kolejny dzień zakupów spożywczych za nami. Koszt 160 zł (40 dolarów). To było tak mało, ponieważ musiałem kupić tylko na 5 dni. Wczoraj zrobiłem zupę Salmarejo, która będzie dobra na 2 dni w tym tygodniu. Staram się być bardziej oszczędny, myśląc, że nasze czeki Social Security mogą się skończyć dzięki Muskowi i spółce. Ale... nie wchodzę teraz w ten temat.

Pogoda była dziś całkiem niezła z przeważnie słonecznym dniem i temperaturą do 8 stopni C. Wiosna nie może się doczekać, więc cierpliwie na nią czekamy. Miło będzie wkrótce zabrać Joan do parku.

Nie miałem zbyt wielu rzeczy do zrobienia podczas mojej 3-godzinnej przerwy, więc spotkałem się z moim przyjacielem, Michałem, w kawiarni naprzeciwko Sowas w Starym Browarze. Spędziliśmy około godziny rozmawiając o katastrofie w Białym Domu i niewiele więcej. Dziś wieczorem pomarańczowa głowa wygłosi orędzie o stanie państwa.

Dziś w USA jest Dzień Protestu w stolicach stanów, biurach rządowych i innych miejscach. Potrzebujemy narodowego marszu na Biały Dom.

Przetłumaczono z DeepL.com (wersja darmowa)

Sunday, March 02, 2025


Yes, tonight I’m tired. Not tired of taking care of Joan—never that. I am tired of life itself. Looking back over the years, it feels as though I’ve witnessed nothing but turmoil and suffering. Wars that seemed endless—Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan—each one claiming lives, tearing apart families, and leaving scars that never truly heal. And through it all, I've watched as crooked and corrupt political leaders have only been concerned with securing their own power, holding onto their positions, and caring little for the people they were meant to serve. Amidst all of this, there’s been the ever-present presence of hate, racism, and the constant fight just to survive. What kind of life is that? What kind of world is this, where peace and unity seem so far out of reach?

Still, I’ve had moments of joy in my life. There have been times of happiness and fulfillment—playing guitar, holding my son in my arms, meeting Joan, building my own house with my own hands, and marrying Joan. These memories have been the bright spots in what has often been a dark world. But now, each week, I feel like I lose a little more of her. Her light dims just a bit more each day, and it’s hard to bear. The woman I’ve loved for so long is slipping away, and all I can do is watch. It’s a pain that never quite goes away, and I only wish I could live as long as she does, to hold on just a little longer.

I’ve always considered myself an optimist. I’ve always tried to find the silver lining, the hope in any situation. But lately, when I look at the country of my birth, I see it unraveling before my eyes. It’s being torn apart by division, greed, and ignorance, and it feels like we’re all helpless in the face of it. I want to believe that there’s still light ahead, still hope to cling to. But tonight, it’s hard to see that light at all. Tonight, it feels like it’s gone, swallowed up by the darkness.

 Tak, dziś wieczorem jestem zmęczony. Nie zmęczony opieką nad Joan - nigdy. Jestem zmęczony samym życiem. Patrząc wstecz na te lata, mam wrażenie, że byłem świadkiem tylko zamieszania i cierpienia. Wojny, które wydawały się nie mieć końca - Korea, Wietnam, Irak, Afganistan - każda z nich pochłaniała życie, rozdzierała rodziny i pozostawiała blizny, które nigdy się nie zagoją. I przez to wszystko obserwowałem, jak nieuczciwi i skorumpowani przywódcy polityczni byli zainteresowani jedynie zapewnieniem sobie władzy, utrzymaniem swoich stanowisk i niewiele dbali o ludzi, którym mieli służyć. Pośród tego wszystkiego zawsze obecna była nienawiść, rasizm i ciągła walka o przetrwanie. Co to za życie? Co to za świat, w którym pokój i jedność wydają się tak daleko poza zasięgiem?

Mimo to miałem w życiu chwile radości. Były chwile szczęścia i spełnienia - gra na gitarze, trzymanie syna w ramionach, spotkanie z Joan, zbudowanie własnego domu własnymi rękami i poślubienie Joan. Te wspomnienia były jasnymi punktami w często mrocznym świecie. Ale teraz, każdego tygodnia, czuję, że tracę jej trochę więcej. Jej światło przygasa każdego dnia i trudno to znieść. Kobieta, którą kochałem od tak dawna, odchodzi, a ja mogę się tylko temu przyglądać. To ból, który nigdy nie ustępuje, a ja chciałbym żyć tak długo jak ona, by wytrzymać jeszcze trochę dłużej.

Zawsze uważałem się za optymistę. Zawsze starałem się znaleźć pozytywny aspekt, nadzieję w każdej sytuacji. Ale ostatnio, kiedy patrzę na kraj, w którym się urodziłem, widzę, jak rozpada się na moich oczach. Jest rozdzierany przez podziały, chciwość i ignorancję, i wydaje się, że wszyscy jesteśmy wobec tego bezradni. Chcę wierzyć, że przed nami wciąż jest światło, wciąż nadzieja, której możemy się trzymać. Ale dzisiejszej nocy trudno jest w ogóle dostrzec to światło. Dziś wydaje się, że zniknęło, pochłonięte przez ciemność.

Przetłumaczono z DeepL.com (wersja darmowa)

Saturday, March 01, 2025


Today, I wrote letters to Ukrainian newspapers to tell them there are millions of people in the United States who still support Ukraine other than trump and his disciples. I thought it was important for them to know that.If you want to do that here is any easy way. https://actionnetwork.org/letters/send-a-letter-of-support-to-president-volodymyr-zelenskyy-ukrainian-leaders-and-soldiers-and-the-resilient-people-of-ukraine

Here, it was just another gray, rainy day but i took Joan outside anyway. It has been 4 days since she was last out.

It wasn't to anyplace special. Auchan is where we went to buy frozen strawberries, face napkins, sunflower seeds, and dates. There was a usual gathering of people there but it didn't take long to do the shopping, maybe 20 minutes.

At home, my laptop had a problem and it took me about an hour to fix it. I don't have that IT specialist living close so I'm on my own again when there is a problem.

 Dzisiaj napisałem listy do ukraińskich gazet, aby powiedzieć im, że w Stanach Zjednoczonych są miliony ludzi, którzy nadal wspierają Ukrainę, poza Trumpem i jego uczniami. Pomyślałem, że to ważne, aby o tym wiedzieli. Jeśli chcesz to zrobić, oto prosty sposób. https://actionnetwork.org/letters/send-a-letter-of-support-to-president-volodymyr-zelenskyy-ukrainian-leaders-and-soldiers-and-the-resilient-people-of-ukraine

To był kolejny szary, deszczowy dzień, ale i tak zabrałem Joan na zewnątrz. Minęły 4 dni od jej ostatniego wyjścia.

Nie było to żadne specjalne miejsce. W Auchan kupiliśmy mrożone truskawki, chusteczki do twarzy, nasiona słonecznika i daktyle. Zwykle było tam sporo ludzi, ale zakupy nie zajęły dużo czasu, może 20 minut.

W domu mój laptop miał problem i naprawa zajęła mi około godziny. Nie mam w pobliżu informatyka, więc znów jestem zdany na siebie, gdy pojawia się problem.

Przetłumaczono z DeepL.com (wersja darmowa)

After Trump's disgraceful behavior at the White House today with President Zelensky major world players just came out to defend Ukraine and Zelensky:
- Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk: “Dear Zelensky, dear Ukrainian friends, you are not alone.”
- President of Lithuania Gitanas Nausea: “Ukraine, you’ll never walk alone.”
- Denmark Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen: “Dear Zelensky, Denmark proudly stands with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.”
- French President Emmanual Macron: “There is an aggressor: Russia. There is a people being aggressed: Ukraine. We were all right to help Ukraine and sanction Russia three years ago and to continue doing so. We, that’s the Americans, the Europeans, Canadians, Japanese, and many others. Thank you to all those who have helped and continue to do so. And respect to those who, from the beginning, have been fighting. Because they are fighting for their dignity, their independence, for their children, and for the security of Europe.”
- President of Moldova Maia Sandu: “The truth is simple. Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia is the aggressor. Ukraine defends its freedom—and ours. We stand with Ukraine.”
- Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson: “Sweden stands with Ukraine. You are not only fighting for your freedom but also for all of Europe’s. Slava Ukraini! ”
- Incoming German Chancellor Friedrich Mer: “Dear Volodymyr @zelenskyyua, we stand with #Ukraine in good and in testing times. We must never confuse aggressor and victim in this terrible war. (FM)”
- Croatia’s Prime Minister Andrej Plenković: “Croatia knows from its own experience that only a just peace can last. The Croatian Government stands firm in its belief that Ukraine needs such a peace - a peace that means sovereignty, territorial integrity, and a secure Europe.”
- Finland’s Prime Minister @PetteriOrpo: “Finland and the Finnish people stand firmly with Ukraine. We will continue our unwavering support and work towards a just and lasting peace.”
- Estonian Prime Minister Kristen Michal: “We stand united with @ZelenskyyUa and Ukraine in our fight for freedom. Always. Because it is right, not easy.”
- Ireland’s Deputy Prime Minister Simon Harris: “Ukraine is not to blame for this war brought about by Russia’s illegal invasion. We stand with Ukraine.“
- Latvia’s President Edgars Rinkevics: “Ukraine is a victim of the Russian aggression. It fights the war with the help from many friends and partners. We need to spare no effort for just and lasting peace. Diplomacy sometimes is the art of the impossible in difficult circumstances. Latvia stands with Ukraine”
- Prime Minister of the Netherlands Dick Schoof: ”The Netherlands supports Ukraine as firmly as ever. Now more than ever. We want a lasting peace and an end to the war of aggression started by Russia. For Ukraine and its people, and for Europe.”
- Prime Minister of Luxembourg Luc Friedsen: “Luxembourg stands with Ukraine. You are fighting for your freedom and a rules based international order. ”
The West stands with the heroic Zelensky. Trump sides with Putin. What has our nation become?