Saturday, September 19, 2020

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died.

 "As I pour the pumpkin into the pie pan, in preparation for the Seder meal, the news comes that Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died.

She has left us, in the last few hours of the outgoing year. The breadth of her strength gathered and used until the very end until it was just dust. She has left us dumbstruck and numb, hunched in grief for so very many things we used to take for granted. She has left us her legacy of hope, resilience, and a velvet-gloved ferocity.

Let us mourn her passing and celebrate her life. May we forgive and be forgiven for all the trespasses that have brought us to this present moment. Let us sweep up the dust of her strength and power and dignity and pour it into the sacred container that holds the future. Let us pray over it, meditate upon it, and carry it with us into the new year.

Let us tell the story of the Notorious RBG to our sons and daughters, our grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Let us cook her spirit into our meals to nourish our hearts. Let us honor her lifetime of fighting the good fight by fighting our own. By fighting for our democracy. By loving our neighbor. By caring for the tired and poor and huddled masses yearning to be free. By letting freedom ring, and providing, finally, across the land, justice for all.".   Amy Sassenberg  


  1. Anonymous6:45 AM

    no person is indispensable, Trump will find something better.

  2. Anonymous, soon the U.S. court system will be as bad as here.
