Thursday, August 08, 2019

The Newsroom.

Today is a shopping day, at the check-out counter the lady complimented me on the Eco-bags we used for the fruits we purchased instead of plastic bags. She asked where we got them so I told her about the internet address. It's the first time someone complimented us on using the bags. It felt good.
The cost of shopping today was 151 PLN($39). Joan was already up, dressed and had breakfast so we went shopping at 11:00.

We've been watching a TV series, The Newsroom". It's a series about a news company and the director that decides it's time to stop being an entertainment source and actually tell the news like it was done years ago by people like Edward R. Murrow, Walter Cronkite, and Dan Rather. What is interesting is to see how the money people try to sabotage the idea in fear of losing advertisers but they persist. It's from 2012 and lasted only 3 years on HBO. If you have HBO and can find it, it is worth watching, I think. It is very relevant today.

I actually slept until 9:30 this morning, a miracle. Lately, I have been staying up until 2AM and then waking up, automatically, about 6:30am. Joan goes to bed about 11:30 and I stay up taking practice driving exams, doing a  Spanish lesson or 2 and listening to a Polish podcast. Last night I passed 2 more exams.

Dzisiaj jest dzień zakupów, a w kasie pani komplementowała mnie za eko-torebki, jakie użyliśmy zamiast plastikowych  do owoców, które kupiliśmy. Zapytała, skąd je mamy, więc powiedziałem jej o adresie internetowym. Po raz pierwszy ktoś nas pochwalił za używanie toreb. To było miłe uczucie.Koszt dzisiejszych zakupów wyniósł 151 PLN (39 USD). Joan była już na nogach, ubrana i zjadła śniadanie, więc poszliśmy na zakupy o 11:00.

Oglądamy serial telewizyjny „The Newsroom”. To serial o firmie prasowej i reżyserze, który decyduje, że nadszedł czas, aby przestać być źródłem rozrywki i opowiedzieć wiadomości tak, jak to zrobiliby lata temu ludzie tacy jak Edward R. Murrow, Walter Cronkite i Dan Rather. Ciekawe jest to, jak ludzie próbują sabotować ten pomysł w obawie przed utratą reklamodawców, ale kontynuują pracę. Film jest grany od 2012 r. i był emitowany tylko przez 3 lata na HBO. Jeśli masz HBO i możesz go znaleźć znajdź , to myślę, że warto  obejrzeć.

Dzisiaj też jest bardzo aktualny.Właściwie spałem dziś rano do 9:30, to cud. Ostatnio byłem na nogach do 2 w nocy, a potem budziłem się automatycznie około 6:30 rano. Joan idzie spać około 11:30, a ja nie kładę się tylko pracuję nad testami do egzaminów na prawo jazdy, odrabiam lekcję hiszpańskiego lub 2 i słucham polskiego podcastu. Ostatniej nocy zaliczyłem jeszcze 2 testy. 


Anonymous said...

Hi David and Joan, Thanks for your comments and opinions, they are respected, please continue.
Just a bit of book keeping, David re your comment about Obama, what I am hearing is that you are still in denial and cannot accept that Hillary got done in the presidential elections, get over it as Trump has another 4 years to go.
You seem to be becoming a prophet of doom and gloom of recent time, no need elevating peoples blood pressure, understand that global change has been with us from day one, when I ask global warming activist to explain what they are on about, its only a dig against capitalism, not a word about carbon dioxide.
Just a few comments David,
Is the world too overpopulated for the resources it has to offer, ie rain does not increase with population growth, I have heard comments from the new left, who are suggesting a 80th birthday exit pill, less if you have a disability, sounds extreme, well not really when you consider the millions of aborted children .
David, funerals may one day be conduction for the living and the dead, and the famous song by Doris Day, Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye, may once again be revived, We live in strange times indeed.

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

Anonymous, first I don't agree with your, "another 4 years". Maybe in Poland there is NO possibility to change governments but in the U.S. the possibility still remains with 14 months to the election. Of course, with Russia on his side, he has a better chance.

It IS time to elevate people's blood pressure, If it activates only one person who activates another, who activates another, etc to get them off their a## to become active and stop the madness in America then it will be worth my writing.

You talk to the wrong people if that is the only answer you are getting. Try talking with someone who has more knowledge of climate change and what effect it will have.

I have not heard anything about your exit pill. Again, you talk to the wrong people.

I don't know where in Poland you live but I suggest you go to a city and talk to more people.

Take care.