Sunday, February 20, 2022


Last night I made minestrone soup following a recipe from an Italian cookbook. It was very good except it was enough soup for 4 days for Joan and me. After we were done eating, I froze more than half that was left for next week. It's enough for at least 2 days. The soup was very good, containing red beans, white beans, celery, carrots, onions, oregano, rosemary, spinach, green beans, tomatoes, tomato paste, salt, and pepper. 

Tonight we are having orange marmalade chicken, parsnips, and a salad. It's a crockpot recipe. I'm using that device at least twice a week now because it is more convenient, and gives me a little free time.

I had to go to the store to buy potatoes but now they are closed this Sunday. They have been open for the last few months on Sunday but now, no. I wish they would make up their minds.

Wczoraj wieczorem zrobiłam zupę minestrone według przepisu z włoskiej książki kucharskiej. Była bardzo dobra, tyle że wystarczyło zupy na 4 dni dla mnie i Joanny. Po tym jak skończyliśmy jeść, zamroziłem więcej niż połowę, która została na przyszły tydzień. To wystarczy na co najmniej 2 dni. Zupa była bardzo dobra, zawierała czerwoną fasolę, białą fasolę, seler, marchew, cebulę, oregano, rozmaryn, szpinak, zieloną fasolę, pomidory, koncentrat pomidorowy, sól i pieprz. 

Dziś wieczorem mamy kurczaka z pomarańczową marmoladą, pasternak i sałatkę. To jest przepis z crockpota. Używam tego urządzenia co najmniej dwa razy w tygodniu, bo jest wygodniejsze i daje mi trochę wolnego czasu.

Musiałam pójść do sklepu, żeby kupić ziemniaki, ale teraz są zamknięte w tę niedzielę. Byli otwarci przez ostatnie kilka miesięcy w niedzielę, ale teraz, nie. Chciałabym, żeby się zdecydowali.

Anoche hice sopa minestrone siguiendo una receta de un libro de cocina italiana. Estaba muy buena, salvo que era sopa suficiente para 4 días para Joan y para mí. Cuando terminamos de comer, congelé más de la mitad que quedaba para la próxima semana. Es suficiente para al menos 2 días. La sopa estaba muy buena, llevaba alubias rojas, alubias blancas, apio, zanahorias, cebollas, orégano, romero, espinacas, judías verdes, tomates, pasta de tomate, sal y pimienta. 

Esta noche vamos a comer pollo a la mermelada de naranja, chirivías y una ensalada. Es una receta de crockpot. Ahora utilizo ese aparato al menos dos veces por semana porque es más cómodo y me deja un poco de tiempo libre.

Tuve que ir a la tienda a comprar patatas, pero ahora están cerrados este domingo. En los últimos meses han abierto los domingos pero ahora, no. Me gustaría que se decidieran.


  1. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Do you have a recipe for Spanish (Spaniard not Latin American) meatballs? I’ve done searches, but I was wondering if one of your friends in Spain had a good recipe.

    I cook a lot of Polish food and American food at home, and I’ve been cooking some Latin American, too. I love the sazon spice mixture - cumin, oregano, ground coriander (not cilantro leaves), ground annatto (also called achiote), ground chipotle. Season any meat with salt and pepper and add this mixture with some garlic and onion. It’s delicious.

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      I forgot to mention that I think there are some recipes that use Sherry. I know that sherry is the fortified wine from Spain, so I think it would be more authentic to use it. I love cooking with it. Maybe your friends have a recipe that includes it.

  2. Anonymous5:38 PM

    We are in the brink of total war and you talk about meatballs, get a hold of yourself dude, we are about to face extinction and our president is unable to tell us the time of day, god help us. K.

  3. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Relax. Our president is a puppet. I still want that meatball recipe.

  4. Anonymous.....
    CP Spaghetti & Meatballs
    1 lb ground beef
    1/4 c bread crumbs
    1/4 c freshly grated parmesan
    1/4 c freshly chopped parsley
    1' large egg, beaten
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    1 tsp kosher salt
    1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
    2(28-oz.) cans crushed tomatoes
    2 tbsp tomato paste
    ½ yellow onion, finely chopped
    2 tsp dried oregano
    1 clove garlic, minced
    Kosher salt
    Freshly ground black pepper
    Red pepper flakes
    1 1/2 c low-sodium chicken broth
    3/4 lb spaghetti
    Grated Parmesan, for garnish
    Freshly chopped parsley, for garnish

    1. Make meatballs: In a large bowl, mix together ground beef, bread crumbs, Parmesan, parsley, egg, salt, and crushed red pepper flakes. Form into 16 meatballs and place in the bottom of a Crock-Pot.
    2. In another large bowl, mix together crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, onion, oregano, and garlic. Season with salt, pepper, and a pinch of red pepper flakes. Pour sauce over meatballs. Cover Crock-Pot with lid and cook on high for 3 hours or on low for 5 hours.
    3. Add broth/spaghetti to Crock-Pot, breaking noodles in half to fit and stirring to coat noodles. Replace lid and continue cooking on low for 1 1/2 hour more hours, stirring about every 30 minutes and breaking up any clumps of noodles, and adding more broth as needed
    4. Garnish with Parmesan and parsley before serving.

  5. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Thank you, but that looks more Italian. Is this an authentic Spanish meatballs recipe? Is there one that uses sherry?

  6. Anonymous++Spanish Meatballs(Albondigas)
    For The Meatballs
    1 ½ Tbsp olive oil, divided
    ½ onion, minced
    2 cloves garlic, crushed
    1 c fresh white bread, torn into small pieces
    ¼ c beef stock, (we prefer low sodium)
    ½ lb ground pork
    ½ lb ground beef
    1 egg
    2 Tbsp grated Manchego cheese (or Parmesan)
    1 Tbsp parsley
    ½ tsp salt
    ¼ tsp ground black pepper
    For The Sauce
    1 tsp olive oil (if needed)
    1 onion, minced
    2 c crushed tomatoes
    ½ c red wine (pinot noir, cabernet sauvignon, or merlot)
    ¼ c beef stock (we prefer low sodium)
    1 tsp paprika
    ½ tsp salt

  7. Anonymous--Meatball directions
    For The Meatballs
    In a small sauté pan, heat ½ Tbsp oil over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic. Sauté until softened, 3-5 minutes. Set aside to cool.
    Place the torn bread in a small bowl and pour the stock over it. Let the bread soak up the stock for 2-3 minutes.
    In a medium bowl, combine the ground pork, ground beef, egg, grated cheese, parsley, salt, and pepper. Add the cooled onion mixture and soaked bread. Using a large fork or your hands, mix the ingredients until evenly combined.
    Heat the remaining oil in a large sauté pan over medium-high heat.
    Roll the meat mixture into 1 inch balls and add them to the hot pan, being careful not to overcrowd them. Brown the meatballs on all sides, 5-7 minutes. Then, transfer them to a paper-towel-lined plate. (Don’t worry if the meatballs aren’t cooked through, they will continue cooking in the sauce.)
    Continue cooking the meatballs in batches until all your meat mixture has been used.
    For The Sauce
    Once all your meatballs have been browned, add a little oil to the sauté pan, if needed. Heat the oil over medium-high heat and add the minced onion for the sauce. Sauté the onion until softened, 3-5 minutes.
    Add the crushed tomatoes, beef stock, wine, paprika, and salt. Mix well and bring the sauce to a simmer.

  8. Anonymous**3.Add the meatballs and reduce the heat to medium low. Simmer the meatballs and sauce for 20 minutes, until the meatballs are cooked and the sauce is thick.
    Serve the meatballs with crusty bread and a glass of red wine.
