Thursday, February 24, 2022


On Tuesday, in the Monitor Polski appeared the decision of the President of the Republic of Poland "to grant permission for the stay of a component of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, a component of the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and a component of the Armed Forces of Canada on the territory of the Republic of Poland". This is a standard procedure - such consent is required for the stay of foreign soldiers on the territory of our country. It is no secret that the soldiers came to Poland to secure NATO's eastern flank due to the tense situation between Russia and Ukraine. Soldiers have permission to use weapons and physical force. The decision, in this case, was issued by President Andrzej

The question I have is will that stop Putin at the border of Nato countries? The war in Ukraine was started today with all all-out attack, land, sea, and air. How long will it take for him to steal all of Ukraine without Ukraine being supported by armies of other countries? One week, two weeks? I understand they are not in NATO and that is the excuse for letting Putin advance his agenda to reunite member states of the old Soviet Union that he spoke about years ago. I don't believe this is just about seizing Ukraine. Ukraine is not the only country in danger,

We wtorek, w Monitorze Polskim ukazało się postanowienie Prezydenta RP "o udzieleniu zgody na pobyt komponentu Sił Zbrojnych Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki, komponentu Sił Zbrojnych Zjednoczonego Królestwa Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej oraz komponentu Sił Zbrojnych Kanady na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej". Jest to standardowa procedura - taka zgoda jest wymagana na pobyt żołnierzy obcych państw na terytorium naszego kraju. Nie jest tajemnicą, że żołnierze przyjechali do Polski, aby zabezpieczyć wschodnią flankę NATO w związku z napiętą sytuacją między Rosją a Ukrainą. Żołnierze mają pozwolenie na użycie broni i siły fizycznej. Decyzję, w tym przypadku, wydał prezydent Andrzej 

Mam pytanie, czy to powstrzyma Putina na granicy państw NATO? Wojna na Ukrainie została rozpoczęta dziś, atakiem sił lądowych, morskich i powietrznych. Ile czasu zajmie mu zagarnięcie całej Ukrainy bez wsparcia armii innych państw? Tydzień, dwa tygodnie? Rozumiem, że Ukraina nie jest w NATO i to jest wymówka, aby pozwolić Putinowi na realizację jego planu zjednoczenia państw członkowskich starego Związku Radzieckiego, o którym mówił wiele lat temu. Nie wierzę, że chodzi tu tylko o zajęcie Ukrainy. Ukraina nie jest jedynym krajem w niebezpieczeństwie,

El martes, en el Monitor Polski apareció la decisión del Presidente de la República de Polonia de "conceder permiso para la estancia de un componente de las Fuerzas Armadas de los Estados Unidos de América, un componente de las Fuerzas Armadas del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte y un componente de las Fuerzas Armadas de Canadá en el territorio de la República de Polonia". Se trata de un procedimiento estándar: se requiere dicho consentimiento para la estancia de soldados extranjeros en el territorio de nuestro país. No es ningún secreto que los soldados llegaron a Polonia para asegurar el flanco oriental de la OTAN debido a la tensa situación entre Rusia y Ucrania. Los soldados tienen permiso para usar armas y fuerza física. La decisión, en este caso, fue emitida por el presidente Andrzej

La pregunta que me hago es si eso detendrá a Putin en la frontera de los países de la OTAN. La guerra en Ucrania se ha iniciado hoy con un ataque total, por tierra, mar y aire. ¿Cuánto tiempo tardará en robar toda Ucrania sin que ésta sea apoyada por ejércitos de otros países? ¿Una semana, dos semanas? Entiendo que no están en la OTAN y esa es la excusa para dejar que Putin avance en su agenda de reunificación de los estados miembros de la antigua Unión Soviética de la que hablaba hace años. No creo que se trate sólo de apoderarse de Ucrania. Ucrania no es el único país en peligro,


  1. Poland at one time had a Russian partition. My question is: Will Putin be using that as an excuse to enter Poland with his lame reasoning of regaining that land for Russia???
    I believe there is a special place in Hell for him.

  2. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Putin is just a the major members of +NWO NATO-- wars conducted regularly for world control,for profit, for mad-hatters who happen to be our leaders, most unfortunately...& the U.S. is not squeaky clean either... Yes, Putin is the current Boogeyman (Russia's forever in that role); but don't discount the treachery of other ('democratic & capitalist') nations in this. Yes, in this horrendous 'gain-for-dominance-game' (also don't forget the profit margin), Ukraine is, in such eyes, the current sacrificial lamb (to warmongers, the masses are expendible). And, mo, Poland is NOT safe either-- esp. since it is taking upon itself to be the heroic guardian of NATO (more like, another expendible buffer; to World Power Players, that is )....


    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Ess, here’s a partial explanation from Michael Reagan:

      The late Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., once said, "Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country." Which is true. It’s also a gas station with an army. An army financed by energy prices.

      High energy prices fuel Putin's ambitions. Low energy prices limit his adventurism.

      The Biden (or Brandon) administration’s anti-fossil fuel energy policies ended energy independence in the United States.

      The end of energy independence drove gas prices up here and contributed to the global increase in oil and gas prices; this made Joe Biden one of the financiers of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

      And it's what happens when your nation is run by the kool kids from middle school.

      Fads and fancies determine national policy.

      Historian and classicist Victor Davis Hanson explained how this works in an interview on Fox News. "If the United States is [energy independent] . . . then we don't beg people in the Middle East or Russia to help us. If the oil price [is] moderate, the economies in the West thrive, and Vladimir Putin doesn't have financial reserves that can subsidize as an invasion."

      In other words, if Gen. Inflation wasn’t in charge of logistics for Russia, Putin’s invasion might have been prevented. And if it wasn’t prevented then an energy independent U.S. could have taken up the slack if Russian energy exports were subject to sanctions.

      That option is closed now. America is an importer of oil and gas these days.

      "Green Energy" policies here and in Europe gave Putin the green light for invasion.

      Russia is keeping Germany warm, which also allows Putin to heat things up in Ukraine.

    2. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Here’s another interesting statement. Liberals are against guns. Guns are bad (and probably racist). However, they support Ukrainian citizens having guns to support themselves.

    3. Anonymous5:58 PM

      That link doesn’t work. You can search: Occupy Democrats and look at their T wee t that says “ Occupy Democrats
      BREAKING: Ukraine's Interior Minister announces that 10,000 automatic rifles have been handed out to the civilians of Kyiv as they prepare to fight tooth and nail to defend their homes against Putin's invasion. RT IF YOU STAND WITH THE BRAVE UKRAINIAN PEOPLE!”

  3. Anonymous7:50 PM


    Occupy Democrats
    BREAKING: A pizza shop owner in Kyiv is giving out free pizzas to any Ukrainian who shows that they have a gun to fight the Russian invaders with. RT IF YOU STAND WITH UKRAINE!
    9:20 PM · Feb 24, 2022

  4. Anonymous2:54 AM

    Been intensley researching
    WEF/'Santa KLAUS, situation w. Ukraine-- was intuiting strongly a LOT more going on w. underbelly of this crisis.
    Wanted to grog Putin's motives/actions esp.
    Read the recent speech he gave-- addressing
    "aggressors" (i.e. Nato, esp. led by nose by U.S.), UKraine people, Russian people, Russian Military, the Ukrainian mobsters running Ukraine-- inc. Zelensky-- ex-comedian/actoe/dancer mobster puppet & linked indirectly but assuredly, to WEF (he's got a bio on their site, like Trudeau, Macron, etc.)!

    Yes, Putin's a player on this world stag like the rest, a BIG ego like them all, BUT...
    he is right about a lot of what's has been causing this outcome (for at least past 8 yrs.-- the increasing encroachment upon Russia- of which he is EXTREMELY impassioned about (as we see, and Ukraine sees).
    I read about regular Ukrainians " getting all this"
    What a 2nd advance of the so-called Great Reset this ALL is looking like, by so-called world powers hiding behind democracy!!.


  5. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Just one article recently read among many revealing the underbelly!

    ~ Ess

  6. Anonymous4:35 AM

    To the unnamed Anon who addressed their comment to me:

    I understand all this politial schpeil
    of McCain, et al. It's just that I am not interested in the talking heads and the back & forth of it all.

    Let's get right to the roots~ simplify it~ a heritage of greed for gain (e.g black hold~ oil~ being a big prize, after the world's yellow gold was all stolen & cached). Modern Empires vying for it all along...Britain, U.S. currently somewhere at the head of NATO, and China waiting in the wings,laughing.

    Politics--except as it refers to the real people on the ground of all nations of the world, NOT the career politicos mouthing off, no longer concern me, as they are answering to a Bigger Fish-- a real Barracuda.

    Russia has been finnagling like all the rest, all along-- but lately, others want what Russia has-- its resources beneath and atop its landmass if they can steal it. That's the agenda to the oil-thirsty. And, it found a way to plug into Ukraine, while giving a hand at corrupting its leadership.

    NOT defending Putin by any means, but,
    he's made the first move in defense, not offense. The offense comes from those oily others....

    Speaking of history, I just finished reading what I consider the most important history book anyone (ESP. Americans) can read, about America~ from the time, Europeans fled the British onto American shores, through their capitalist ventures arising out of so-called, Manifest Destiny- (apparently still operating!)--which including of necessity in their eyes, the mass slaughter of the Native Americans, the greedy land grabbing, then gold grabbing, then atrocity of slavedom, Civil war & others). The book is entitled:

    "A Peoples' History of the United States", by Howard Zinn (c.1980/1990/1995/1998/2000/Intro-2015)

    I highly recommend it as reading for all people who wish to understand an empire in the making and its brand of capitalism-- what the western politicos have all yapped about until today (& how it's been played out in the world-- even in this current world crisis w. Russia and Ukraine.

