Saturday, January 08, 2022


Democracy, as it is in the United States, is in danger. Contrarily, it is not from war or foreign terrorists but from its own domestic terrorists and politicians. Even the Civil War did not present such a danger when it happened.

It became evident when the former President had control of the country. His ego was more important than the welfare of the American people. Because of him and his non-activity, thousands of Americans have died from Covid-19. What used to be the Republican party has all but vanished except for one senator. The worst thing is that he still has millions of followers who continue to believe in his misinformation propaganda and will vote for him again in 2024.

President Biden is doing what he can to get covid-19 under control but the number of people who will not accept the vaccinations are a huge problem as it is in other countries. Why President Biden doesn't mandate that wearing masks and getting vaccinated like they do in Spain is a mystery to me. 90% of the citizens there are vaccinated.

Covid-19 is not the only problem. Voting rights are also in danger with several states(Republican) instituting laws to make it harder for people to vote. It is the basic right of ALL Americans to vote. Changing the rules is the biggest threat to democracy. 

There are 254 new laws in 45 states passed that reveal the physical changes voters may notice and administrative changes happening behind the scenes. Americans overall will lose more than 160 days in absentee voting availability with the changes. In total, about 55 million eligible voters live in states with changes that will give them less access. Montana,  Wyoming, Iowa, Arizona, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas, Georgia, and Florida are the states, so far, that have implemented new voting laws.

The mid-term elections are this year and with these new laws in place, there is the danger the Democrats could lose control of the House of Representatives. If that happens and the Republicans also control the Senate, it would make it very difficult for President Biden to make any significant changes in the country.

Demokracja w Stanach Zjednoczonych jest w niebezpieczeństwie. Nie ze strony wojny czy zagranicznych terrorystów, ale ze strony własnych krajowych terrorystów i polityków. Nawet wojna secesyjna, gdy miała miejsce,  nie stanowiła takiego zagrożenia. 

Stało się to oczywiste, gdy były prezydent miał kontrolę nad krajem. Jego ego było ważniejsze niż dobro narodu amerykańskiego. Przez niego i jego niedziałanie tysiące Amerykanów zmarło z powodu Covid-19. To, co kiedyś było partią republikańską zniknęło z wyjątkiem jednego senatora. Najgorsze jest to, że Trump  wciąż  ma miliony zwolenników, którzy nadal wierzą w jego dezinformacyjną propagandę i zagłosują na niego ponownie w 2024 roku. 

Prezydent Biden robi, co może, aby trzymać Covid-19 pod kontrolą, ale liczba osób, które nie akceptują szczepień jest ogromnym problemem, podobnie jak w innych krajach. Dlaczego prezydent Biden nie nakazuje noszenia masek i szczepienia się, jak to ma miejsce w Hiszpanii, jest dla mnie zagadką. Tam 90% obywateli jest zaszczepionych. 

Covid-19 to nie jedyny problem. Prawa wyborcze są również w niebezpieczeństwie w kilku stanach (republikańskich), które ustanawiają prawo utrudniające ludziom głosowanie. A jest to podstawowe prawo WSZYSTKICH Amerykanów. Zmiana zasad jest największym zagrożeniem dla demokracji. 

W 45 stanach uchwalono 254 nowe zasady prawne zawierające zmiany , które wyborcy mogą zauważyć, oraz zmiany administracyjne, które dzieją się za kulisami. Amerykanie stracą ponad 160 dni na głosowanie w związku z wprowadzonymi zmianami. W sumie, około 55 milionów uprawnionych wyborców mieszka w stanach, w których zmiany spowodują, że będą oni mieli mniejszy dostęp do głosowania. Montana, Wyoming, Iowa, Arizona, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas, Georgia i Floryda to stany, które do tej pory wprowadziły nowe prawa wyborcze. 

W tym roku odbedą się wybory uzupełniające, a wraz z wprowadzeniem tych nowych reguł istnieje niebezpieczeństwo, że Demokraci stracą kontrolę nad Izbą Reprezentantów. Jeśli tak się stanie, a Republikanie będą kontrolować Senat, to prezydentowi Bidenowi będzie bardzo trudno wprowadzić jakiekolwiek istotne zmiany w kraju.

La democracia, al igual que en Estados Unidos, está en peligro. Por el contrario, no lo está por la guerra o los terroristas extranjeros, sino por sus propios terroristas y políticos internos. Ni siquiera la Guerra Civil supuso tal peligro cuando se produjo.

Se hizo evidente cuando el anterior presidente tenía el control del país. Su ego era más importante que el bienestar del pueblo estadounidense. Por culpa de él y de su inactividad, miles de americanos han muerto por Covid-19. Lo que solía ser el partido republicano prácticamente ha desaparecido, excepto un senador. Lo peor es que todavía tiene millones de seguidores que siguen creyendo en su propaganda desinformadora y le volverán a votar en 2024.

El presidente Biden está haciendo lo que puede para controlar el covid-19, pero el número de personas que no aceptan las vacunas es un gran problema, al igual que en otros países. Por qué el presidente Biden no obliga a llevar mascarillas y a vacunarse como hacen en España es un misterio para mí. Allí el 90% de los ciudadanos están vacunados.

Covid-19 no es el único problema. El derecho al voto también está en peligro con varios estados (republicanos) que están promulgando leyes para dificultar el voto. Es el derecho básico de TODOS los estadounidenses a votar. Cambiar las reglas es la mayor amenaza para la democracia. 

Se han aprobado 254 nuevas leyes en 45 estados que revelan los cambios físicos que los votantes pueden notar y los cambios administrativos que se producen entre bastidores. En general, los estadounidenses perderán más de 160 días de disponibilidad de voto por correo con los cambios. En total, unos 55 millones de votantes con derecho a voto viven en estados con cambios que les darán menos acceso. Montana, Wyoming, Iowa, Arizona, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas, Georgia y Florida son los estados, hasta ahora, que han implementado nuevas leyes de voto.

Las elecciones de mitad de mandato son este año y con estas nuevas leyes en vigor, existe el peligro de que los demócratas pierdan el control de la Cámara de Representantes. Si eso ocurre y los republicanos también controlan el Senado, sería muy difícil para el presidente Biden hacer cambios significativos en el país.


  1. Anonymous10:02 PM

    I have to disagree with you there. It’s Biden’s handlers who are trying to destroy democracy as we know it. I have proof, but I don’t want to cause any agitation on your site.

    Regardless, I wanted to tell you about my blood work results. My vitamin D is good. That’s because I’m taking 5,000 iu daily. I can get you a link to an article that shows that people who died of COVID had low levels of vitamin D.

    My good cholesterol was up. Yay! My bad cholesterol was down, but it needs to go down further. My sugar number (I have type 2 and I don’t take any meds for it, just control it with diet) was better, but still needs a little more work.

    So, what did I do differently? I’ve been on the diatomaceous Earth since July. I’ve decided that I’m going to eat fatty fish as my protein (salmon, tuna, sardines) starting this month, and I have to eat less of grains. I hope that’ll take care of the bad cholesterol and sugar. I also have to exercise more.

    I know you mentioned that your granddaughter takes DE. I strongly recommend that you read up on it and consider it for Joan and yourself. Most people have parasites, and they don’t know it and don’t know the damage they do. DE isn’t just for parasites. It helps so much more. Please look into it.

    I think you mentioned that you take magnesium. It has to be magnesium citrate not the drugstore junk.

    Try to cut sugar out as much as possible. It I decided to go with the “only on holidays and birthdays” rule. It’s tough to go without dessert for weeks at a time, but you get used to it. You’ll see how much better you feel without it.


  2. Kwiat, thanks for your comments. Biden's handlers? Who might that be?

  3. Anonymous3:50 PM

    S o r o s for one. Sorry, I’m too afraid to post his name lest it can be traced. I don’t trust the internet.

    I read a story about a man that started with 3 Tablespoons of DE. He said that parasites were crawling all over the bed. They exited from the rectum. I started with a 1/2 teaspoon. Even that small amount caused, well, let’s say, “issues” - an itchy rash - in that area. I didn’t see any bugs, but something was going on there for a few days. So, start SLOWLY with DE. 1/2 t (not 3 T!) and increase gradually week by week.

    Also, there’s the Herxheimer Reaction to be aware of. With just a mere 1/2 t per day, I was worn out and in bed much of the time (for several days). “As the body detoxifies, it is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea, or other symptoms. This is a normal — and even healthy — reaction that indicates that parasites, fungus, viruses, bacteria, or other pathogens are being effectively killed off.” I recommend that you detox first, and then give it to Joan after a week or so. If you and Joan are feeling that down at the same time, it won’t be good. After that initial detox, you will feel better, your fingernails will grow and your hair will be lush. Your skin will be softer. You’ll see. You won’t see what it’s doing to the insides, but you’ll feel better. Make sure it’s FOOD GRADE if you do decide to use it.

    A few days ago, Biden told us that we have a lot to be hopeful about in 2020. Um, it’s 2022. Look, it’s not nice to make fun of an older person’s declining mental capacity. We all know someone who has been in that state. But, there were so many more capable people that the Democrats could have chosen to lead them, but they chose a person who says things like, “Poor kids are just as bright as white kids” or that Barack Obama was "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean” or "You can't go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent" or “Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things” or (in the 1970s) “My children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point,”

    So, things aren’t so black and white for me. I see the gray areas a LOT. I’m a liberal. I support gay marriage. I’m also totally against racism. I support women’s rights and immigration. My grandparents were immigrants, as you know.


  4. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Let’s Go Brandon!!!!

  5. Anonymous4:21 PM

    David, thanks for your sound comments, you should be standing for congress, We are so privileged to have a great President and Vice President Harris, she will be an outstanding President. We have a proud democracy and freedom is what is in our constitution,. I have heard a lot of whispers that Mr Biden should declare Marshall law and eliminate the view of the opposition, you would agree that these people should be dealt with to preserve democracy, the need to set up educational, work camps to ensure freedom of speech is maintained. Setting up special security (ss) agents will be necessary (your previous military service will help and you could advise on interrogation, education techniques).
    We have already the support of the media, Facebook, twitter, most conservatives including Trump have been banned from expressing any point of view.
    David understand that we must do all to preserve democracy and freedom os speech, our dear President has done everything right, all the blame must lie with Trump who destroyed our way of life. Please don't worry about the current debt, the US dollar is only worth the paper it is written on, a few forest of trees it take to print this money, The US dollar is the biggest Ponzi scheme known to mankind. President Nixon knew that when he devalued the dollar.
    You may advise Kwiat your latest correspondence to be careful with his words, as he may expect a midnight knock on the door..
    David.. God Bless America the land of the free

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      To: Anonymous and David
      From: Kwiat

      Part 1

      It’s not my intention to hijack David’s site. It’s just too difficult to say nothing when it’s the Democrats who are desperately trying to end democracy as we know it. “You may advise Kwiat your latest correspondence to be careful with his words, as he may expect a midnight knock on the door.” I’m a female, but I guess I never mentioned that. The knock on the door at midnight is a real fear, and it’s the reason I separated the letters in S O r O s’s name. This is the internet. It’s all traceable.

      I was like David. I “knew” that Republicans were evil, etc. I was disappointed when David complained recently about higher taxes and the high cost of gas, and then supported the corrupt Biden administration. But, was once a brainwashed person. I would have agreed with him. So, what changed? Why did I change? Well, I urge you to put each of these in your browser:

      So r 0 s funded District Attorneys in the US

      Facebook ADMITS To Censoring Conservatives

      Facebook is massively deleting posts from the victims of the ongoing slaughter of ethnic minority Muslims (known as Rohingya) by Myanmar's military. 

      Paul Watson banned from Facebook

      Vaccine mandate … EXCEPT that Congress is exempt. Why?

      Obama warns about climate change and sea level, but lives in a mansion on Martha’s Vineyard a few yards from the sea (and throws a birthday party for himself in said mansion during a “pandemic”)

      Blacks for Trump - huge numbers of African Americans are now conservatives. Why? Ask them.

      Hispanics for Trump - same as above

      On Oct. 14, 2021, climate activists breached the Interior Department, with demonstrators who were left outside struggling with law enforcement officers as they reportedly tried to force their way in, shouting “Go inside! Go inside!” Some activists vandalized a building, while others pinned police against a wall. The ordeal resulted in a number of injuries, according to multiple sources, with a police officer being transported to the hospital. Barely reported by mainstream media. Why?

      Search: 8 Times Left-Wing Protesters Broke Into Government Buildings And Assaulted Democracy by
      Kylee Zempel reporting for The Federalist
      and the mainstream media doesn’t discuss it. Why?

      John Sullivan, a member of Antifa, was at the Capitol on January 6, wearing a MAGA hat and leading people in. Why?

      Ashli Babbitt was at the Capitol, illegally trespassing, and she was shot by a Capitol policeman. Okay, but the Capitol policeman was African American. That’s absolutely fine because she was trespassing. However, what would be the response if she were black and the shooter were white? Would it still be absolutely fine because she was trespassing, or would there be reactions, especially from the media?

      Hillary called Trump an illegitimate President for years yet pretends that anyone who challenges election results doesn't believe in democracy. Somehow, anyone challenging Biden's win is treated as a criminal.  Not reported by mainstream media. Why?

      MAGAnomics - I finally understood that I just couldn’t argue with success

    2. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Part 2

      A “transgender” boy (he wasn’t transgender as it turned out, but he said that he was) in a skirt entered the girls’ room at a school in Virginia (fine if you actually are transgender) and raped a 13 year old girl - now traumatized for life. The school hid it and transferred him to another school - WHERE HE RAPED ANOTHER GIRL IN THAT SCHOOL’S GIRLS’S ROOM. The when the cops were called, the media hid it until the father went ballistic at a school board meeting, and HE was arrested! Why??

      Voting rights - Democrats: “Black people are too stupid to know how to get ID and to know how to register to vote”. Oh. My. God. If THAT isn’t racism, I don’t know what is. Please go to you t u be and Ami Horowitz’s video that shows racist liberals saying this, and then shows Black Americans disgusted at the white liberals who say that about them.

      The Vaccine causes a high number of patients with sudden cardiac disease after getting the shot. Not reported in mainstream media. Why?

      BLM founder Patrisse Cullors steps down as leader because she bought 4 houses in “white” neighborhoods, each worth million$, and put a $27,000 fence around at least one of them (because “walls are bad”). Not reported by mainstream media. Why?

      When there was rioting at the Capitol, it was reported as rioting (of course). When there was rioting across the country, the media said things like “Fiery but Mostly Peaceful Protests” (as whole cities were on fire) and from Chris Cuomo “Show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful”. When stupid republicans do it, it’s wrong. When liberals do it, it’s wrong, but the mainstream media doesn’t say it’s wrong. Why?

      Alec Baldwin screams (see it on you t u be) that we should stone Henry Hyde and kill his wife and children, and liberals cheer him, and the mainstream media doesn’t care. If a conservative would say the same, the media would report it. Why?

      The media (they all got the same memo) kept repeating, “There’s no evidence of Widespread voter fraud.” ‘Widespread’. They admit that there was voter fraud, but the chanted over and over that it wasn’t ‘widespread’. If there’d been evidence of Republican voter fraud, the mainstream media would be all over it. Why?

      The mainstream media doesn’t cover the Gain of Function of coronavirus connection to Fauci. Why?

      There’s a flu shot available every year. It’s optional. Every single year, thousands of people die from the flu. This flu - COVID - is more contagious because it’s airborne. Still, the recovery rate is 99.98%. Why the mandate? Why the COVID passports? If a Republican initiated COVID passports, the Nazi comparisons would be immediate. Please see the video on the perfectly healthy Canadian girl (Nova Scotia) who had to get the shot in order to play school sports. See what happened to her. It’s heartbreaking. Not reported by mainstream media. Why?

      Project Veritas - you t u be video - liberal wants to send all Republicans to gulag type re-education camps. Not reported by mainstream media. Why?

      Project Veritas founder Kevin O’Keefe’s house searched by the FBI - for exposing the truth! Why? Please watch all videos on his site.

      Candace Owens, an African American woman, is conservative. Why?!?!? Why would any African American vote for Trump?!?!? Go to her site, and she’ll explain how she was gaslighted into following Democrats, and how she finally broke free from the Democratic plantation. Not reported by mainstream media. Why?

      Brandon Straka - a liberal democrat Gay man- created the #walkaway movement. Why would a Gay man ever become conservative?!? Go to his site, where he explains the reasons. Not reported by mainstream media. Why?

      Jack Posobiec - a Polish American conservative. Please read his social media

      January 10, 2022 - In a “Good Morning America” appearance, Walensky admitted that “the overwhelming number of deaths, over 75 percent, occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities.” Finally, they admit this.

      Who is kl a us S ch wa b, and what are his goals?

      Lesco Brandon 2024

  6. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Part 3

    I almost forgot.

    Please go to you t u be and enter “project Veritas katie Couric guns” to see how the media lies (and you don’t know it).

  7. Anonymous--Hardly a reliable source.Project Veritas is an American far-right[16] activist group founded by James O'Keefe in 2010.[20] The group produces deceptively edited videos[15] of its undercover operations,[7] which use secret recordings[7] in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups.[21][22] Project Veritas also uses entrapment[14] to generate bad publicity for its targets,[4] and has propagated disinformation[3] and conspiracy theories[30] in its videos and operations.
    As a non-governmental organization, Project Veritas is financed by conservative fund Donors Trust[4] (which provided over $6.6 million from 2011 to 2019)[21][34][35] and other supporters including the Donald J. Trump Foundation.[36] In 2020, The New York Times published an exposé detailing Project Veritas' use of spies recruited by Erik Prince, to infiltrate "Democratic congressional campaigns, labor organizations and other groups considered hostile to the Trump agenda". The Times piece notes O'Keefe's and Prince's close links to the Trump administration, and details contributions such as a $1 million transfer of funds from an undisclosed source to support their work. The findings were based in part on discovery documents in a case brought by the American Federation of Teachers, Michigan, which had been infiltrated by Project Veritas.[37]

  8. Anonymous12:41 AM

    The New York Times is “far left”, so of course they’ll discredit Project Veritas. Please watch the videos. You have nothing to lose.

    What about Cullors?

  9. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Anonymous, you are waisting your time telling David what is going on in the US. He lives in lala land and will never let you get last word. He will always try to prove you wrong. He is a woke, liberal and nothing will ever change his mind.

    1. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Do you read Jack Posobiec’s Twitter?

  10. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I agree with Anonymous about David not having the slightest idea what is going on in the USA. He seems like a smart man but doesn’t have a clue what the Biden/Harris regime is doing to us. Biden’s popularity is below 40% so that should tell you something. Prices for gas and food go up every week. Supermarket shelves have limited supply of food and other goods. The border is another disaster and the VP, who David thinks is so wonderful and would make a great President, has done nothing while border states are having to deal with all these illegals. Biden is a puppet for those that Anonymous Part 1 & 2 was referring to. Unfortunately, David is a die-hard liberal Democrat whose mind will never be changed. His Democratic Party of yesteryear is not the same party we have now. I have family members who think just like him and it is frustrating.

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      By the way, there are concrete barriers being put around the White House today. How racist.

  11. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I’m Anonymous 1&2 - Kwiat

    Well, that’s the problem. David is being duped. The liberal media doesn’t tell the truth, and he may not get much US news there anyway. He doesn’t know.

    Biden’s approval rating is at 33% now. Bare shelves Biden is certainly a puppet of his evil masters. The latest news is - White House Journalists Begin Asking Biden Administration to take Federal Control over Food Supply and Pricing. Great. The government is going to take over. Does this sound (hauntingly) familiar???

    Maybe David will never change his mind, but I hope he will. He’s not a bad person. He’s just misled. I was a liberal democrat, too. Then, I realized that they’re racist liars. I don’t understand how David can accept that racism.

    I’m still waiting for David’s opinion on Patrice Cullors and her 4 multi million dollar houses (with fences around them … because “walls are racist”).

  12. Anonymous4:32 AM

    David HAS swallowed the Koolaide alarmingly. But, so have the others who remain trapped in politics.
    Dontcha know its their ancient trap of divide & conquer-- this election cycle the Dems are the ggod guys, the Reps the bad guys (& anyone else who survives the billion dollar campaigning is reduced to nothing-- some aren't even allowed on stage in a debate-- too poor, too ethical perhaps). Back to this or that one-- the dual party traps ALL their believers. Wake up, everyone! There is the onslaught of One World Order playing you. David's stuck in rigid as-it-used-to-be-American poliical expectation. That is long gone. Not just in the USA either. All over the world, one with eyes open can see the writing on the wall.
    Agree w. some of the views Kwiat states, but everyone on this site spoils things, due to being as rigidly stuck in viewing it all in the old framework of political parties, voting (a complete corruption comedy at this stage) as David (more like political partying when you take into account all the pedophiles in politics-- both parties)!

    Forget the drama & mayhem of Dems, Reps, Libs, Cons...they all dance on puppet strings bought by the only party-- the so-called Lobbyists (puppets themselves) of Corporate Behemoths (e.g. Big Pharma, Big Banks, et al).

    There is SO much going on in the underbelly of the world that defies reality and sanity. Just take off ANY political blinders and follow the money-makers whose only allegiance is to wealth & power-- they laugh at your naive "belief"in political good & bad. It's all F-in bad (for you & you & me) and they consider that good! World systems are in freefall, and these dark forces are filling the void. And, the people like you folks chatter on about political this party, that party.

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM

      There are lots of signs of n w o . Have you ever heard of Cloward-Piven? Search it.

  13. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Thanks -K for your input and Also any anon comment time 4.32. excellent... Do you think we will ever know how many people have died as a result of taking the covid vaccination... put down to covid we have been take for fools.

  14. Anonymous7:24 PM

    I don’t know, but COVID has a 98.9% survival rate. Those who do die from it are elderly or have comorbidities. On the other hand, even the mainstream media admits this: Experts: mRNA COVID-19 vaccines likely tied to heart inflammation

  15. Anonymouses, since some of you think you know me, you feel free to make comments about me. I have any email address above the blog. Stop using your "Anonymous" status and write to me directly. My blog isn't a platform for your political views.

  16. Anonymous3:36 PM

    you sound like Biden more everyday, WHY have a comment box?????????????????????????????

  17. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I think some of us are trying to help David. I used to be like him. I was duped by the liberals.

    By the way, here’s one example of what’s going on.
    “She says that what are called “breakthrough cases” and Delta variant cases are affecting mainly the vaccinated and are in fact adverse reactions to the vaccinations. She says hospitals and hospital doctors will not acknowledge the fact of adverse reactions and report adverse reactions to the vaccine as new Covid cases. The more Covid cases and Covid deaths, the more money the hospital makes, so reporting adverse vaccine reactions as new Covid cases is the way hospitals are maximizing their profits. Obviously, a hospital doctor who disagrees is out of a job. In other words, the truth about Covid and the vaccine is too costly to the hospital to be acknowledged.“


    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Here’s another one.

      “You could go stand at the downtown intersection of my tiny Louisiana hometown, dressed in drag, flying the Pride flag, and screaming, “Black Trans Lives Matter!”, and the most people would do is laugh, and wonder who your poor mama and daddy are, having a kid who acts like that. Go to the center of any Ivy League campus and fly the MAGA flag, and see how tolerated you are. For that matter, go to Times Square and try it. Yet those who run the culture in America keep telling themselves that they are the ones in danger.“

  18. Good, at least I am not hiding behind "Anonymous".

  19. Anonymous9:10 AM

    David… with all due respects, there is an option (one of three) to post annon…you are of the left, it you don’t agree with me you are How banned. Democracy David style.

    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      I agree, that’s “democracy” lib style. That’s how they hold captive the minds of their followers.

      Anyway, here’s another liberal hypocrisy.

      “A federal grand jury indicted Baltimore state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby on Thursday after she lied about her financial status to purchase two properties in Florida.

      The progressive official, whose reported annual salary is near $240,000, was charged with perjury and making false statements about her financial situation during COVID-19 to obtain premature access to her city retirement savings. Mosby was awarded at least $90,000 from that savings under a CARES Act provision that allowed government employees to dip into their retirement accounts if they were struggling to make ends meet. Despite claiming she was facing dire financial straits in Baltimore, Mosby used the money she withdrew to purchase vacation homes in Kissimmee near Disney World and Long Boat Key.“

