Monday, November 07, 2022

It's important!

 "It is important to face facts. That too many of our fellow Americans refuse to do just that is a big part of what got us into this mess. And the facts are what they are. There is a sizable movement in this country that seeks to literally vote out democracy. This movement is fueled by a coordinated campaign on right-wing media. It exploits the frailties of our institutions. It weaponizes lies. And it leverages our fractured technologies to turn the very notion of “the truth” into a partisan attack line.

To write all of this to you who undoubtedly know it and feel it is to hopefully provide context for a broader perspective. In detailing the danger, we should not minimize the courage, resilience, determination, and grit of all those who are battling not only to save our nation but to improve it. The reason the would-be autocrats seek to lock in minority rule through partisan gerrymandering, court packing, and manipulating antiquated procedures like the filibuster is that they know that in a true vote of the majority of Americans they would almost assuredly lose.
They know that Republican presidential candidates have won the popular vote only once since 1988. They know that when policy issues like raising the minimum wage, expanding Medicaid, or extending voting rights to former felons are on the ballot, even in red states, they tend to win. They can see that labor unions are showing some signs of a comeback. They understand that major corporations recoil from being associated with hate speech. They know that their brand is unpopular with young voters.
In short, the flexing of power by the forces who would tear down American democracy is actually an admission of weakness. They are afraid that an America that prioritizes privilege over justice, that seeks to bask in a mythic past rather than embrace the future, that wants to stoke division instead of build unity is not an America in which most Americans want to live. For them, power is everything, and they fear they could lose it.
And they are right.
This is not to say that we aren’t in trouble. This is not to say that we can take the continuity of democracy as a given. This is not to say that the forces of anger and hate can’t wreak havoc and pain.
All that can be, and is, the case. But we should not count out the tens of millions who reject this dark future. We should not overlook the leaders, especially from younger generations, who are determined to push back. We should not diminish the larger arc our nation has taken, often by defeating, time and again, the entrenched forces that wanted to derail progress". ---Dan Rather"

I was born 78 years ago and NEVER, in all of my life did I think I would see in my lifetime the destruction of democracy in the United States. Today, a day before the mid-term elections, it is my biggest fear. It began years before trump became President but needed a person like him to bring us to this day. I think it began with Rupert Murdoch when he created Fox News as the biggest propaganda machine in America. Trump was chosen to carry out the dismantiling of America. One man, alone, could not do but he could lie so much to his followers who would takes the country to January 6th insurrection. When he lost the 2020 election, he created the lie that the election was rigged and sold it to his followers. Those 2 men, together, have brought us to this day before the mid-term elections.

I have no doubt that any Republican who loses tomorrow will regurgitate the previous lie that the election was a fraud.

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