Monday, February 17, 2020

Day 7 & 8

Actually, I just didn't have the energy last night for this.

Yesterday, Joan was about the same, maybe a little more restless than before. Today she was just persistent about leaving.S had a blood test and an MRI(Magnetic Resonance). Results tomorrow, I hope.

I feel like I'm on the other side of nowhere.

Zeszłej nocy nie miałem na to siły.

Wczoraj, Joan była mniej więcej taka sama, może trochę bardziej niespokojna niż poprzednio. Dzisiaj uporczywie obstawała, by opuścić szpital. Zrobiono jej badanie krwi i rezonans magnetyczny. Wyniki jutro, mam nadzieję.

Czuję, że jestem pośrodku drogi do nikąd.


Dave S. said...

Hang in there David. I got a bit confused by the hospital moving she at one nearby the apartment now? With longer visiting hours? If you have he

Getting an MRI is a good thing, that should shed some light on how she is progressing.

Your readers continue to send prayers and warm thoughts.

Take care of yourself too....(eat, rest, etc).

isa said...

Thanks for keeping us appraised,David, even though sometimes you do not feel up to it. Believe it or not, some of us are invested in your story and I, for one, worry when you skip a post.

Hope tomorrow brings improved tests results and Joan can come home, although you must wonder if the hospital provides for her needs better than you can.

Hang in there.

greenbandman said...

Always wishing for the best.

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

Isa, after Joan's first stroke, it took one year before she could walk again. The second one slowed her down a little and then a little more. Now, she hasn't walked for 8 days. I couldn't possibly have taken better care of her unless I owned my own medical staff and hospital.