Thursday, April 18, 2019


If the weatherman is correct, our last weekend here is not as hoped for. Rain is predicted for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, even thunderstorms on Saturday and Sunday. The prediction is 80%, 100% and 90% for those days. It will put a damper on all of the processions including the one in Lorca. Not a good way to end our stay here. However, this region is a very dry region and 3 days of rain are a welcomed event, just not at this particular time, Easter. IF, by some chance, the prediction of rain drops to 50% by Friday afternoon, we will go to Lorca. If not, I won't expose Joan to the bad weather and we will stay at home.

Today it is totally cloudy and I'm glad that I did the laundry yesterday so that it dried outside by night time and I could put it away. Tonight we will make the third chorizo dinner with basmati rice and that will end the experimentation with chorizo. Joan said she will add the first 2 recipes in her folder now when we get back home.

Home is where the heart is..or so the saying goes. Now I feel my heart is divided between Poland and Spain. Ever since I was 19 I wanted to come back to Spain. I didn't really know the land of my ancestors, Poland,  until much later in life. In Poland I have friends and relatives, in Spain, just friends/acquaintances. Certainly the weather is a factor now at my age. Winter is too long, cold and dreary in Poland and escaping to Spain for it has been good for Joan and myself. These last 3 months Joan has walked almost everyday even though she now has a wheelchair she could use. More importantly, she wants to walk rather than use the wheelchair.

Jeśli synoptyk ma rację, nasz ostatni weekend tutaj nie będzie taki, jakiego mieliliśmy nadzieję, żeby był. Deszcz jest przewidziany na piątek, sobotę i niedzielę, nawet burze w sobotę i niedzielę. Prawdopodobieństwo opadów w tych dniach wynosi 80%, 100% i 90%. Będzie to miało wpływ na wszystkie procesje, w tym na procesję w Lorca. Nie jest to dobry sposób na zakończenie naszego pobytu. Region ten jest jednak bardzo suchym regionem, a 3 dni deszczu to mile widziane wydarzenie, nie w tym konkretnym czasie, na Wielkanoc. JEŚLI z jakiegoś powodu prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia deszczu w piątek po południu spadnie do 50%, pojedziemy do Lorca. Jeśli nie, nie narażę Joan na złą pogodę i zostaniemy w domu.

Dziś jest całkowicie pochmurno i cieszę się, że wczoraj zrobiłem pranie, żeby w nocy wyschło na zewnątrz i mogłem je odłożyć. Dziś wieczorem przygotujemy trzecią kolację z chorizo i ryżem basmati, która zakończy eksperymentowanie z chorizo. Joan powiedział że, gdy wrócimy do domu, doda dwa pierwsze przepisy do swojego folderu.

Dom jest tam, gdzie jest serce ... tak powiedzenie mówi. Teraz czuję, że moje serce jest rozarte między Polskę i Hiszpanię. Od kiedy miałem 19 lat, chciałem wrócić do Hiszpanii. Tak naprawdę nie znałem Polski, ziemi moich przodków, aż do znacznie późnych lat mojego życia. W Polsce mam przyjaciół i krewnych, w Hiszpanii, tylko przyjaciół / znajomych. Z pewnością pogoda jest teraz czynnikiem w moim wieku. Zima w Polsce jest za długa, zimna i ponura, a ucieczka do Hiszpanii jest dobra dla Joan i mnie. Przez ostatnie 3 miesiące Joan chodziła prawie codziennie, chociaż teraz ma wózek inwalidzki, z którego mogłaby korzystać. Co ważniejsze, chce raczej chodzić niż korzystać z wózka inwalidzkiego.


  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Dear David and Joan, So glad you enjoyed your winter break and Joan is doing well, well all good things must come to a end and a return back to base, a lot has been happening, The commander in Chief has been exonerated from any wrong doings and deserves a humble apology from all those non believers, you will need to put on your thinking cap and find a decent opponent, it will be a hard call, your idol Hillary is a non starter, your Polish friend Bernie lacks lustre, suggest stick to what we have, Trump is certainly making a impact and making America great again. Thanks so much for sharing your life, it’s always good reading,

    take care xxx

  2. Anon: Yes, Frump certainly has made an impact: destroyed the EPA, reneged on Climate Change Agreement, alienated majority of U.S. allies, got in bed with Russia, brought out all the hate-mongers, anti-this and anti-that people, tore children away from parents, put fellow idiots in the cabinet and totally divided the country. Obviously you didn't live in America when it WAS great to know what the standard is but I forgive you. Glad you enjoyed our latest adventure.

  3. Kudos to all of us (yes, me included) who talked you into wintering in Spain, while you were hesitating. Joan not only survived, but thrived!
    And Karen and grandson might not have visited you in Poland in March, right?

    As for being torn between 2 countries - most of your readers probably can empathize. For me, it is 3 countries! But what you're doing is brilliant: summers in Poland, winters in Spain. For many of us, it's a dream...

  4. isa...Yes, you're right. We only had 2 minor needs for a doctor and each visit went smoothly with our EU health card. Plus we have the compact wheelchair now for the future which Joan does not use much yet. I don't know how long we will be able to keep this up, wintering here, but it is the best thing now.
