Monday, October 08, 2018

12 years

When I was much younger I saw movies where scientist were saying the planet was in trouble but no one believed them The movie ended and everything was fine. Years ago I began hearing and reading reports the planet was, indeed, in trouble from emissions and was heating up. Again, no one was listening. Then there appeared the hole in the ozone layer and some people listened.  More reports from scientists appeared that stated the planet was heating up and something had to be done to stop it in order to avoid a catastrophe. Governments formed the Paris Climate Agreement in which they all agreed to reduce carbon emissions. However, even though they all signed the agreement, not all of them did. One of the biggest polluters, the United States, when it elected it's new president in 2016, Donald Trump, removed itself from the agreement.

Now the IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the world's leading climate scientists. have warned there are only 12 years left for the planet to be kept to a maximum of 1,5C and avoid catastrophic environmental breakdown. Urgent and unprecedented changes are needed to reach the target, which is affordable and feasible although it lies at the most ambitious end of the Paris Agreement pledge to keep temperatures between 1.5C and 2C. The question is are the money-seekers. the 1%, willing to accept the changes? Will all of the 99% finally realize what is really happening and work to stop it?

It's time to split my priorities between putting a stop to the overthrow of Democracy in America by the current administration and stopping Climate Change. I'm only one person but I will do what I can. 12 years from now I could be dead but Joan's grandchildren will have to suffer the consequences of no action. Their world will be much different then the one that I knew as a youth. It is already.

Kiedy byłem dużo młodszy, widziałem filmy, w których naukowcy twierdzili, że planeta miała kłopoty, ale nikt im nie uwierzył. Film się skończył i wszystko było w porządku. Wiele lat temu zacząłem słyszeć i czytać, że planeta miała problemy z emisją i nagrzewała się. Znowu nikt nie słuchał. Następnie pojawiła się dziura w warstwie ozonowej i niektórzy ludzie słuchali. Pojawiło się więcej raportów od naukowców, którzy stwierdzili, że planeta się nagrzewa i trzeba coś zrobić, aby ją powstrzymać, aby uniknąć katastrofy. Rządy zawarły porozumienie klimatyczne z Paryża, w którym wszyscy zgodzili się zmniejszyć emisję dwutlenku węgla. Jednak, mimo że wszystkie podpisały umowę, nie wszystkie z nich tak. Jeden z największych trucicieli, Stany Zjednoczone, kiedy wybrał nowego prezesa w 2016 roku, Donald Trump, usunął się z porozumienia.

Teraz IPCC (Międzyrządowy Zespół ds. Zmian Klimatu), czołowi światowi naukowcy zajmujący się klimatem. ostrzegłem, że pozostało tylko 12 lat, aby utrzymać planetę maksymalnie do 1,5C i uniknąć katastrofalnego załamania środowiska. Potrzebne są pilne i bezprecedensowe zmiany, aby osiągnąć cel, który jest przystępny cenowo i możliwy do zrealizowania, choć jest to najbardziej ambitny cel porozumienia z Paryża, który zobowiązuje się do utrzymywania temperatur między 1,5 ° C a 2 ° C. Pytanie dotyczy poszukiwaczy pieniędzy. 1%, chętny do zaakceptowania zmian? Czy wszystkie 99% w końcu zda sobie sprawę z tego, co naprawdę się dzieje i pracuje nad jego powstrzymaniem?

Czas podzielić moje priorytety między powstrzymaniem obalenia demokracji w Ameryce przez obecną administrację i powstrzymaniem zmian klimatycznych. Jestem tylko jedną osobą, ale zrobię, co będę mógł. Za 12 lat mogę być martwy, ale wnuki Joan będą musiały ponieść konsekwencje braku działania. Ich świat będzie znacznie inny niż ten, który znałem jako młody człowiek. Już jest.


  1. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Hi David and Joan, Thanks for your supporting comments re my last response, anon was a bit presumptuous, it nice to have a friendly discussion spiced with a sense of humour..unfortunately in today’s society if you don’t accept my point of view you are a idiot or on drugs.. let’s remember that is what communism was all about, if you don’t think a certain way it was a midnight knock on the door... now David not wanting to increase your blood pressure, man made climate change is a lot of hog wash, total nonsense, I agree that the climate is changing but it is NOT man made, I don’t know who has been in your ear, perhaps Z is the offender. Have you forgotten the ice age?.. David if you honestly believe that climate change is man made, you would not be driving your car, refuse to travel by plane, and boycott certain home goods.. I recall many years ago some global scientists were warning about the disappearance of coastlines, you know what these same people ended up doing building large homes near beaches... Some people have made a lot of money out of your expense. It’s time to put a end to this fraud..
    Take care love reading your blog

  2. Anon, you continue to amuse me with your comments total lack of understanding what is happening in regards to climate change. There have been 5 Ice Ages, Which one do you refer to? The current ice age began 2.6 million years ago and still exists today. However, this is not about the Ice Age, This is about the fact that we have had the 3 hottest years in the record keeping history. That the temperature of the planet is 1C above what it should be and we have had more tsunami's, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods and natural disasters than ever. Why has the planet heated up? Carbon,coal and gas emissions have played no part in this? How can you, with, I assume, no scientific background, disbelieve reports from scientists from all over the world who say differently? I have no science background either, but I can see the pictures of melting glaciers from where they once stood, the effects of the tsunami's, hurricanes, floods and I believe the scientists. To say it is not man-made is like a blind man saying he sees me.
    Z is not the offender, we haven't talked about this subject but will tomorrow. No one is in my ear, I read many different sources. The fraud will be when the money-seekers continue on with business as usual while the planet heads toward disaster. THEN you will know the truth.
    As always, thanks for your comments, Always a pleasure :-).

  3. Anonymous9:50 PM

    My, your 'friend' here does have a GIANT...
    chip on his shoulder...
    Well, glad you're BOTH enjoying the back and forth....

