Sunday, August 18, 2024

A Heart Heavy with Love and Worry.

The weight of this journey is immense. Every day, I wake up to a world that's slowly fading for the woman I love. Dementia is a cruel thief, stealing the memories and the vibrant spirit that once defined her. It’s as if I'm watching a beloved painting slowly being erased.

I find myself in a constant state of mourning. Mourning the woman she was, and the life we once shared. Yet, amidst the sorrow, there's a profound love that keeps me going. A love that has deepened with every challenge we’ve faced. She’s my wife, my best friend, and now, my full-time care.

24/7, I'm her world. A world that’s shrinking by the day. I'm the constant in her life, the familiar face that brings a flicker of recognition. The thought of her future fills me with a mix of fear and determination. I’m terrified of the day when she won't remember me, when the light in her eyes dims completely. But I’m also fiercely determined to be her rock, her protector, until the very end.

This isn’t a role I ever imagined for myself. It’s demanding, exhausting, and often heartbreaking. But it's also a privilege. I'm honored to be the one who walks this path with her. To hold her hand, to listen to her stories, even when they're fragmented.

I’m reaching out, not for pity, but for connection. To let others know they’re not alone in this battle. To find strength in shared experiences. And perhaps, to offer a glimmer of hope to those who are just beginning this journey.


Anonymous said...

Beautifully expressed. Know that you're not alone. Stay strong and make the most of each day given.

Anonymous said...

David, what a beautiful declaration of your love for Joan.

Wronwron said...


Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

Thank you.

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

Thank you.