Monday, October 24, 2011

Not Again.............

The day started out OK until I tried to renew my subscription to Kaspersky Internet  Security and every time I downloaded the new version I got an error message.  I emailed them and I'm doing what they told me to do now. As I write I'm downloading it again and I hope it finally works because this is getting tiring.  Don't you just hate it when something goes wrong with these machines and you have to wait, search for answers, wait, keep searching and finally it gets corrected?  There should be some kind of rebate based on the amount of aggravation one gets from using computers!!

Dzień rozpoczął się OK, dopóki nie próbował odnowić subskrypcję do Kaspersky Internet Security i za każdym razem pobrać nową wersję dostałem komunikat o błędzie. Wysłałem e-mail je i robię, co mi powiedzieli teraz zrobić. Gdy piszę jestem pobieranie go ponownie i mam nadzieję, że w końcu działa, ponieważ jest to coraz męczące. Po prostu nie cierpię, kiedy coś idzie nie tak z tych maszyn i trzeba czekać, szukają odpowiedzi na pytania, czekaj, będziesz szukał i wreszcie dostaje poprawione? Nie powinno być jakiś rabat na podstawie ilości nasilenie dostaje z komputerów!

1 comment:

  1. I hate it even more when I do something stupid. I got a bad piece of malware while living in Hungary. Finally figured out the doing a reset on the computer would get rid of it. I did a factory reset and that's when I discovered my Microsoft Office package was gone as was Photoshop. I had no choice but to buy them over. Perhaps if I could have remembered where I put the disks in my apartment in Minnesota my daughter could have sent me the serial numbers. But I had moved so recently and then left for Hungary, and I truly didn't know where some things were.
