Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Can't believe it!-No, I can.

A dark, dreary, rainy day today perfect for the he way I feel after reading the news that "Orange Head" chose not to go to Arlington Cemetery yesterday to place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in honor of all the fallen heroes in wars. HOW UTTERLY DESPICABLE OF HIM, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. He is NOT the President of the United States! He IS the President of the DIVIDED STATES.  Not only that, but he has, in two years, isolated it from almost all of the world, EXCEPT for Russia. I'm sorry, I said before I wouldn't mention politics anymore but this infuriates me. I served the country I was born in for four years in the military as many of my cousins did, some for 20+ years, and this is a slap in the face. How any veteran can support him in beyond my comprehension.

So it was a quiet day after I calmed down and I met with Radek to hear his takes of the latest Tango festival. I invited him to join us for our version of Thanksgiving dinner in 2 weeks so he could taste the fantastic duck breast that Joan prepares.

Back at home Joan made out the shopping list for the next week, we cleaned the house a little, studied a little and that was about all for the day.

Ciemny, ponury, deszczowy dzień, idealny dzisiaj do tego, co czuję po przeczytaniu wiadomości, że "Pomarańczowa Głowa" nie wybrała się wczoraj na cmentarz Arlington, aby złożyć wieniec przy Grobie Nieznanego Żołnierza na cześć wszystkich poległych bohaterów w wojnach. JAKIE TO PODŁE Z JEGO STRONY, PREZYDENTA STANÓW ZJEDNOCZONYCH. On NIE jest prezydentem Stanów Zjednoczonych! On JEST Prezydentem STANÓW PODZIELONYCH. Nie tylko to, ale w ciągu dwóch lat odizolował JE z prawie całego świata, Z WYJĄTKIEM Rosji. Przepraszam, wcześniej powiedziałem, że nie będę już wspominał o polityce, ale to mnie irytuje. W kraju, w którym urodziłem się, przez 4 lata służyłem w wojsku tak, jak wielu moich kuzynów, niektórzy przez ponad 20 lat i to jest policzek. Jak którykolwiek z weteranów może go wspierać jest ponad moje rozumienie.

Więc, jak się uspokoiłem i spotkałem z Radkiem, aby usłyszeć o jego udziale w ostatnim festiwalu Tango, to był spokojny dzień. Zaprosiłem go, by dołączył do nas na naszą wersję Święta Dziękczynienia za dwa tygodnie, aby mógł posmakować fantastycznej piersi z kaczki, którą przygotowuje Joan.

Po powrocie do domu Joan zrobiła listę zakupów na następny tydzień, trochę sprzątaliśmy dom, trochę się uczyliśmy i to wszystko na dzisiaj.


  1. Anonymous8:00 PM

    I think Orange Head was in France …


  2. ANon-He didn't go to the cemetery because it was raining.

  3. Anonymous9:54 PM

    If you listen in on born-again Christian online talk (I learned about this through a British Astrologer who discussed this topic from an astrological standpoint, and from that angle-- as an Astrologer myself, it was very convincing). You mentioned in an earlier post that you were wondering if the Devil and his minions have been loosed.
    Well, that's funny, because, I wondered too over the last few years.... And, the "writing on the wall" of this talk says that, according to the fulfillment of a particular verse in the Bible's Revelations (the one about the "woman with a crown of 12 stars" over her head, etc.)-- this verse has been fulfilled (proven astrolocially, if you will), and also according to the Jewish tradition, it was fulfilled on Rosh Hashanah of last year (Sept.21).
    This fulfillment was just the warning; about what? The coming "7 years of Tribulation" according to the discussion. When the "Trump blasted" (isn't THIS an irony!) last Rosh Hoshana, it was the warning that the Tribulation was about to commence; and, two months later (which was exactly-- according to a certain count-- started on Monday,
    November 19th, 2018), there will be a 7-year period of intense hardship for the World. So, if you think the world has upticked in getting worse and worse (and so it seems!), this might give you pause for thought....???

    But, in 2024, according to Christians, Christ IS returning; according to Jews, the Messiah is coming; according to what is referred to as
    "new-age spirituality", Christ or Buddha Consciousness or the Age of Aquarius is dawning....

    In this respect, Trump may just be the chosen 'Judas'; the Man of the Hour of Fate (or return of our Collective Karma for the world we are ALL responsible for, merely for being here at this time). Best we do our best to get our acts together ;`}...


  4. Maybe I will hang around until then.
