Friday, November 30, 2018

Cold day.

Joan got up early thinking it was shopping day, got dressed and was ready to go by 9:30. When I told her we went yesterday she was disappointed so I told her I wouldn't want her to waste her makeup so I would take her to Drukarnia for breakfast.

She had her usual breakfast sandwich and I, scrambled eggs with ham. It was good to be out but a little cold for walking, 0c. In Plac Wolnosći they have set up all the booths for Christmas already along with a big ferris wheel.

We got back home just in time for me to Skype with my friend from Bydgoszcz. She told me Al Di Meola would be playing in their town soon also.

Joan wstała wcześnie, myśląc, że to dzień zakupów, ubierała się i była gotowa do wyjścia o 9:30. Kiedy powiedziałem jej, że wczoraj poszliśmy, była rozczarowana, więc powiedziałem jej, że nie chcę, żeby zmarnowała makijaż, więc zabrałbym ją do Drukarni na śniadanie.

Miała swoją zwykłą kanapkę śniadaniową, ja jajecznicę z szynką. Dobrze było być na zewnątrz, ale trochę za zimno na chodzenie, 0c. Na Placu Wolności ustawili już wszystkie stoiska na Boże Narodzenie wraz z wielkim diabelskim kołem.

Wróciliśmy do domu w samą porę dla mnie na Skype'a z moim przyjacielem z Bydgoszczy. Powiedziała mi, że wkrótce zagra Al Di Meola w ich mieście.


  1. That was thoughtful to take Joan out! Props to you. My boyfriend and I will be visiting Pozńan for New Years’ Eve this year and I found you blog while looking for a place for both of us to get haircuts. I’m not sure if my email address shows up for you but do you or Joan have suggestions for inexpensive haircuts for a guy and a girl? I tried to find the restaurant you mentioned online, are there other restaurants or cafes you would recommend? We are on a bit of a backpacker budget but hope to treat ourselves a little while in Poland and for the holiday.

  2. Unknown, As far as cheap haircuts, not where I go, LeGrande Salon. I was spoiled in Spain with a fantastic haircut and now I have a cutter here who does the same. Cost is $35. Try Drukarnia or Bar Mleczny on the corner of Podgorna and Marcinkowskiego street for cheaper eating. It is just up the street from Plac Wolnosci near the ryenk(old market square).

  3. Unknown----Drukarnia.................
