Thursday, November 29, 2018


Well it seems Trump's appointed Ambassador to Poland has caused a problem between the 2 countries.

Poland's negotiations over the second stage of the deal to buy US missile defense system Patriot may be hampered by the fresh diplomatic strife between the country's ruling camp and the US ambassador to Warsaw, Georgette Mosbacher, the daily Dziennik Gazeta Prawna wrote.
In an emotional letter, Mosbacher took PM Mateusz Morawiecki and the ruling party Law and Justice (PiS) to task for taking a hard line against Discovery-owned broadcaster TVN, known for its critical attitude towards the government.

On the bright side, Stash visited us and we spent an hour talking and coffee. He told us something interesting about Czechy(The Czech Republic).40-50% of the population is atheist. When a death occurs there are 2 options. A private funeral can be held or the state will collect the body and keep it until 100 are collected.  At that time they are buried in one, single, large grave. The family does not attend the funeral. It is not called a "mass grave" because of the connotation the word brings to mind remembering the Russians and the Germans of World War II.

Food shopping was done today also, cost 155PLN($41).

 Wygląda na to, że wyznaczony przez Trumpa ambasador w Polsce spowodował problem między dwoma krajami.

Negocjacje Polski na drugim etapie transakcji zakupu amerykańskiego systemu obrony przeciwrakietowej Patriot, mogą być utrudnione przez świeży dyplomatyczny spór między obozem rządzącym w kraju a amerykańskim ambasadorem w Warszawie, Georgette Mosbacher, pisze Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.
W emocjonalnym liście Mosbacher zbeształa premiera Mateusza Morawieckiego i partię Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (PiS) do zajęcie twardego stanowiska wobec nadawcy telewizyjnemu Discovery TVN, znanemu z krytycznego podejścia do rządu.

Z lepszych wieści, odwiedził nas Stash i spędziliśmy godzinę na rozmowie przy kawie. Powiedział nam coś ciekawego o Czechach (Czechy) . 40-50% populacji to ateiści. W przypadku śmierci istnieją 2 opcje. Może się odbyć prywatny pogrzeb, albo państwo zbierze ciało i przechowa je do czasu zebrania 100 osób. Wtedy wszyscy są pochowani w jednym, wielkim grobie. Rodzina nie bierze udziału w pogrzebie. Nie nazywa się go "masowym grobem", ponieważ konotacja ta przywodzi na myśl pamięć o Rosjanach i Niemcach z II wojny światowej.

Dzisiaj również zrobiliśmy zakup żywności, który kosztował 155PLN (41 USD).


  1. Hi please see this interesting video about the Czech funeral. It's only 8 min and you will understand everything

  2. I thought it's very interesting. It's a pity that how they treat the dead but then I thought we are only a part of the Earth so we are the ash indeed therefore we should protect our Earth as we are the Earth ourselfs

  3. Anonymous11:59 PM

    While I am not a fan of the funereal industry (i.e. the costs, the waste and toxcifying of space atop and below ground, etc.), to set up this option of
    "mass grave" (and then try to get away from its shameful historical implication in 'Czechy'), is
    just a further de-humanization of humanity-- undignified,disturbing, and will NEVER get away from the history of what went on there in the collective subconscious (really, i.e., "if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...").

    Seems as if there are already ways to lend dignit AND restore bodies to the
    Earth (or ash as 'earth') more "greenly"..AND economically too: cremation
    (not as green as natural decomposition, but still greener than metal caskets and chemical stews), burial like the Moslems due-- right away and simply enschrouded in linen or white cotton wrappings, right into the ground--now I think referred to as "green burials" by the Millenial culture.

    In this way, a human 'loved one' can still be shown respect, and buried with dignity and individual attention, without this piling on of bodies as if they were nothing more than garbage (while true, the body is just that "dust", there is still, the dignity of humanity-- and IF we lose our human dignity, God help our world.

    Czech's ties to its Germanic historical roots influences may need contemplating in such a dehumanizing option; that, plus its heavy "atheism"
    doesn't help here, coming to a humane consensus (that said, I am sure a large number of atheists treat their pet animals well enough, as the world trend suggests-- why would human burial deserve less caring attention)???

    Anyway, to me, this another reflection of a 'chilling' trend (as warfare teaches-- or should have-- in order to torture/murder/and abuse others. one has to first, deny their human-ness; seems like similar conclusions-- too close for comfort-- being drawn here, in this burial option).

    ~ Stephanie
