Saturday, December 01, 2018

A lesson.

ESS..Got your comment on the "Fixed" blog of Not Received but also DID get comments on "Cechy" and Can't Believe it" Blog. I think it works now.

Now for a lesson in how a stronger country influences another country that is not as strong...........The Polish government now wants to hush down the emotional reactions evoked among the ruling camp(PiS) and its supporters by the recent chastising letter of US ambassador in Poland, Georgette Mosbacher, to PM Mateusz Morawiecki, a source in the ruling party Law and Justice (PiS) told the daily Rzeczpospolita.

The conflict with Mosbacher might turn against the ruling camp, as Poland should not estrange Washington, touted by the current government as its most important ally, the daily Rzeczpospolita wrote.

However, has Poland forgotten the U.S. was also an ally of Poland in WWII and then signed a secret pact giving Poland to Russia at the end of the war? Would the U.S really come to the aid of Poland in a conflict with Russia?

I have also heard today that, contrary to reports, the current incident Russia/Ukraine is a little different. Russia has been stopping Ukrainian ships for inspection of documents before entering the sea to Mariupol for sometime without incident. In order to make it a newsworthy event, Poroshenko, the President of Ukraine, ordered the Ukrainian ships NOT to allow inspection, resulting in the taking of the three ships by Russia. He did it to bring it to the attention of the media, what was happening in Crimea but not being reported. It is ONLY hearsay, though.

On a different subject, PZU agents. They are private agents working for the largest insurance company in Poland. We have had one for many years and now a new one. What I don't understand is that they make their living from commission of our policies, car and flat. This years policies expire on Dec. 12th. The past9 years we have had to make the contact to remind the agent our policy expires. He never called, sent a message or made contact to notify us to sign a new contract. Is that any way to keep old customers?

ESS..Zapytaj swój komentarz na temat "Naprawionego" bloga "Nie otrzymano", ale również DID dostał komentarze na temat "Cechy" i "Nie mogę tego uwierzyć". Blog: Myślę, że teraz działa.

Teraz lekcja, w jaki sposób silniejszy kraj wpływa na inny kraj, który nie jest tak silny ........... Polski rząd chce teraz uciszyć emocjonalne reakcje wywołane przez obóz rządzący (PiS) i jego zwolenników w najnowszym piśmie karnym ambasadora Stanów Zjednoczonych w Polsce, Georgette Mosbachera, do premiera Mateusza Morawieckiego, źródła w rządzącej partii PiS - powiedział dziennikarz "Rzeczpospolitej".

Konflikt z Mosbacherem może obrócić się przeciw obózowi rządzącemu, ponieważ Polska nie powinna zdystansować Waszyngtonu, reklamowanego przez obecny rząd jako jego najważniejszego sprzymierzeńca, pisze dziennik "Rzeczpospolita".

Czy jednak Polska zapomniała, że ​​Stany Zjednoczone były również sojusznikiem Polski w czasie II wojny światowej, a następnie podpisały tajny pakt pod koniec wojny z Polską dla Rosji? Czy USA naprawdę przyjdą Polsce z pomocą w konflikcie z Rosją?

Słyszałem też dzisiaj, że w przeciwieństwie do doniesień obecny incydent Rosja / Ukraina jest nieco inny. Rosja zatrzymywała ukraińskie okręty do kontroli dokumentów przed wejściem do morza do Mariupola na jakiś czas bez incydentów. Aby uczynić to wydarzeniem wartym odnotowania, Poroshenko, prezydent Ukrainy, nakazał ukraińskim statkom, aby NIE pozwalały na inspekcję, co skutkowało przejęciem trzech statków przez Rosję. Zrobił to, aby zwrócić uwagę mediów, na to, co dzieje się na Krymie, ale nikt o tym nie informuje. Ale to tylko wiadomości.

Na inny temat agenci PZU. Są to prywatni agenci pracujący dla największej firmy ubezpieczeniowej w Polsce. Mamy jeden od wielu lat, a teraz nowy. Czego nie rozumiem, to, że zarabiają na życie dzięki naszym polisom, samochodom i mieszkaniu. Tegoroczna polityka wygasa 12 grudnia. W ciągu ostatnich 9 lat musieliśmy nawiązać kontakt, aby przypomnieć agentowi, który wygaśnie. Nigdy nie dzwonił, nie wysłał wiadomości ani nie skontaktował się z nami, aby powiadomić nas o podpisaniu nowej umowy. Czy w ten sposób można zatrzymać starych klientów

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Can't say much about your PZU agents (except...Phooey!), but have to add to the other comments:

    "However, has Poland forgotten
    Me-- Really!
    Then, there is the current humiliation of U.S.government ignoring Poland's
    Green Card status issues (while having been what I term "catering" to the
    more vociferous immigrant groups-- mainly the Latinos-- it seems the louder they shout and demand the help, they've been getting it. Poland needs to consider this as a lesson also, in my opinion). But, meanwhile, I brought this up to a Polish man recently at an event (ironically, a recent commemoration event of Poland's hard-won freedoms!).
    I couldn't believe my ears when he almost-- it seems-- wanted to hush me-- censor me. By telling me I didn't know "everything" and that this will never happen because there are obstructionists blocking this very thing from happening-- i.e. Polish Green card given attention and admission fairly and long overdue). Duhhhh! Of course, someone is obstructing this
    in the U.S.government. But, my rhetorical question back at him was, WHY?
    That gave him a bit more heat under his pot of hopelessness, but, only enough to lament "Why? why? why? So, I took pity on him and ended our conversation going nowhere on a friendly note. In my continued strong opinion on this matter, Poland as a Collective should 1) Stop worshipping the ground the U.S. walks on and muster some criticism 2) Stop wearing the hairshirt of lamentation and instead put on the coat of outrage 3) Stop asking Why, why, why in frustration and start demanding action to reverse this. It may mean a movement of the People of Poland beyond its leadership that wants to "hush" matters as you have stated., but, otherwise...what is the alternative? Should indeed war ramp up in that part of the world, will Poland have to learn the hard way about its U.S. 'ally' once again? I hope not. But the time is ripe for considering putting some fire into their furnace!

    "I have also heard today that,

    Another possibility is that the U.S. is 'influencing' the Ukraine-- i.e. to put it bluntly, "using it" for leverage into Russia. Again, conjecture, combined with reflection on history and recent past events-- like the whole Georgia fiasco. While Putin is no saint, I do not share the huge criticisms of this guy. Yes, he is a rascal, but what politico isn't these days-- he may be much worse, but I've also heard much worse of our own U.S. so-called leadership (and feel free to TRUMP me on that one...LOL!-- though he had many predecessors that operated criminally, in my opinion). Beyond anything else, I think Putin determined to protect his country, and perhaps has ambitions for furthering his power-- or his countries (can't the same be said of the U.S.???). I mean, we have been trying to undermine Russia
    because of the vast surrounding oil wealth sitting around there, right. So, heck, let's get in there and 'democratize' the hell out of 'em, our way, right? Which usually leads to wars and we know who gains and who loses.

    And here, Poland by rights ought to be alarmed. But, more than this, as you stated, they need to keep the actual history in mind, where the U.S.
    is concerned. Yes, it's hard to be so vulnerable in the face of greater powers. But, true power arises always, from within-- an individual...and
    a dedicated and determined collective (that is also a part of Poland's history it needs to remember well).

