Wednesday, December 05, 2018


There is always a lot of talk of dissatisfaction with Poland being in the EU. That seems a little strange when you consider that Polish beneficiaries signed 44,200 deals for PLN 220.8 billion in EU funds from the 2014-2020 budget pool as of December 2 2018, with the value of deals signed up by PLN 4.7 billion, month on month, the Investments and Development Ministry said in a statement.
A total of 97,600 motions for PLN 367.7 billion in EU financing were submitted by that date, for projects worth PLN 595.6 billion. How will they ever pay it back when it is time?

On the bright side, a beautiful sunny day today and 9c outside, almost like Spring. We studied in the morning and then in the afternoon went to the flat of Zbyszek for our meeting. We've decided to alternate our meetings between his flat and ours. It's much quieter and conducive to conversation. He had a nice selection of ciasto from one of the three cukernias near his house to serve with coffee. A lot of the conversation was about the two governments we are observing and the disasters they are causing.

For dinner tonight Joan made broiled salmon with rice and beans. Delicious.

Zawsze jest dużo rozmów o niezadowoleniu z faktu, że Polska jest w UE. Wydaje się to trochę dziwne, gdy weźmie się pod uwagę fakt, że polscy beneficjenci podpisali 42,4 tys. ofert na 220,8 mld zł z funduszy UE z puli budżetowej na lata 2014-2020 z 2 grudnia 2018 roku, z wartością umów podpisanych na 4,7 mld zł miesięcznie - jak Ministerstwo Inwestycji i Rozwoju powiedziało w oświadczeniu.
Do tego czasu wpłynęło 97.600 wniosków o dofinansowanie z UE w wysokości 367,7 mld zł, dla projektów o wartości 595,6 mld zł. Czy kiedy nadejdzie czas, kiedykolwiek je spłacą,?

Z drugiej strony, dzisiaj jest piękny słoneczny dzień i 9C na zewnątrz, prawie jak wiosną. Rano uczyliśmy się, a po południu poszliśmy do mieszkania Zbyszka na nasze spotkanie. Postanowiliśmy nasze spotkania zmieniać między jego mieszkaniem i naszym. Jest znacznie ciszej i sprzyja rozmowie. Miał dobry wybór ciasta z jednej z trzech cukierni w pobliżu jego domu, aby podać je do kawy. Większość rozmów dotyczyło dwóch obserwowanych przez nas rządów i katastrof, które one powodują.

Na kolację Joan zrobiła pieczonego łososia z ryz i fasoly. Pyszne.


  1. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Hi David and Joan, Love reading your comments, its all food for thought, that is what democracy is all about, but it beggars belief that you would want to have Polish citizenship when you have a such negative attitude to Poland, remember you are not living in Hillary country, you are living on sacred ground, generations of Poles have made it to what it is today, the current government is at good as it gets, look around you and see what it is today and what it was under previous governments. Previous generations must be turning in there graves when they hear your comments. You have been brainwashed about global warming, you may want to tell me how Poles will warm their homes in Winter over than the use of coal, use of gas etc is still too expensive. You must have been proud of your ex president having a one man protest at the funeral event of a great president. how sad.
    Life is good if you remain positive

    take care

  2. Anon: Small correction.."but it make me wonder why you want to have Polish citizenship". Posting facts of money borrowed from the EU and wondering how Poland will pay it back with the forecast of the economy on a downturn doesn't make me negative on Poland, only in your perception of how you read it. Every country is sacred ground to their countrymen. You choose to ignore the signs of global warming, the drastic changes in weather, air pollution so bad that warnings in Warsaw tell people to stay indoors. The current government is going in the direction of the old system with it's authoritarian rule. On the one hand they say they will work to stop climate change while at the same time they push coal as the most important energy source...and they buy black coal from Russia. Russia, the enemy of Poland. Is that patriotic? My previous generations would be happy that I raise the questions that I do. It is my right as a free person. I appreciate your comments but you have NO idea how I feel about Poland.
