Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Thinking about this blog last night, it has wandered from its original purpose quite a bit. Now it's not so much much an account of our daily activities but rather a  political/environmental rant about climate change. Maybe you are bombarded enough through media and social media and that is not why you have been a reader.  So, I should apologize for veering off course but in these times it's difficult to keep my thoughts on the subject out of the blog. I would like to read your comments on it.

Today I picked up our prescription refills from the Apteka, cost, 488 PLN($127). Now,  you may think that is a lot but take into consideration it is for 10, daily medications for the next 4 months. That means ($32) a month for 10 medications. I could buy them monthly but I prefer the 4-month plan. This way I don't have to turn in a request for medications every month since they are continually used.

I had my usual meeting with Radek and he told me all about his Tango camp down near the Czech border. He said it was in a small village surrounded by hills and forest and even though the temperature reached 33C it wasn't bad thanks to all the tree coverage and breeze through the hills. After that, we discussed politics then turned to Spanish to learn and practice for the next hour.

All of a sudden today we have an invasion of ants in our flat. I don't know where there are coming from but I went to Castorama to buy something to kill them.  I bought a powder from AROX and spread it throughout the areas where the ants are now. We will see if it stops them. This is our first encounter with ants in our flat. We had a few cockroaches in Spain but they were easily disposed of.

Myśląc o tym blogu zeszłej nocy, to on trochę odszedł od pierwotnego celu. Teraz to nie tyle opis naszych codziennych czynności, co raczej polityczny / środowiskowy tyrada na temat zmian klimatu. Może jesteś wystarczająco bombardowany przez media i media społecznościowe i nie dlatego jesteś jego czytelnikiem. Powinienem więc przeprosić za zbaczanie z kursu, ale w tych czasach trudno jest utrzymać moje zdanie na ten temat wyłączając blog. Chciałbym przeczytać twoje komentarze na ten temat.

Dziś odebrałem z apteki nasze leki na recepty na łączny koszt 488 PLN (127 $). Teraz możesz pomyśleć, że to dużo, ale weź pod uwagę, że to za 10 codziennie przyjmowanych leków przez następne 4 miesiące. Oznacza to (32 USD) miesięcznie na 10 leków. Mogę je kupować co miesiąc, ale wolę plan 4-miesięczny. W ten sposób nie muszę co miesiąc zwracać z prośbą o leki, które są stale używane.

Miałem zwyczajne spotkanie z Radkiem, który opowiedział mi wszystko o swoim obozie Tango w pobliżu granicy z Czechami. Powiedział, że było w małej wiosce otoczonej wzgórzami i lasem i mimo, że temperatura osiągnęła 33 ° C, nie było źle, dzięki zalesieniu terenu i wiatrowi ze wzgórz. Potem rozmawialiśmy o polityce, a następnie po hiszpańsku, aby przez następną godzinę uczyć się i ćwiczyć.

Dziś w naszym mieszkaniu mamy nagłą inwazję mrówek. Nie wiem, skąd się pojawiły, ale pojechałem do Castoramy, żeby kupić coś, co je zlikwiduje. Kupiłem proszek z AROX i rozprowadziłem go w miejscach, w których teraz są mrówki. Zobaczymy, czy to je powstrzyma. To nasze pierwsze spotkanie z mrówkami w naszym mieszkaniu. Mieliśmy kilka karaluchów w Hiszpanii, ale łatwo je było usunąć.


  1. Anonymous7:19 PM

    For the ant problem, sprinkle cinnamon across entry points. Worked for us. Google cinnamon and ants to see.

    For limiting your discussion problem, when something occurs that evokes strong emotion about the climate change cause, express your views periodically. Don't let the deniers (who march in lock step with their leader and will never be convinced of climate change causes) silence you completely. Otherwise keep on keeping on. I enjoy following your life in Poland.

  2. Anna from Florida1:42 AM

    Good remedy for little ants called pharoe's ants is boric acid in powder form. Just sprinkle on window sills, around baseboards and in the kitchen under stove, fridge and anywhere that you see any holes. They will come and go.
    I hope you will be able to get rid of them. Do not leave anything that has sugar in it on the counter tops.

    Your blog is very interesting and offers objective point of view that is good to read since you had experiences that most of your readers never will. You know first hand what human interference into nature can bring.

    keep up good work.

    Best wishes, Anna

  3. Thank you Anonymous and Anna from Florida.

  4. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Weighing in here, re: your invite to (as per environmental commentary).
    Your blog is set up to describe your daily experience residing in PL,
    So, it seems to me that a portion of your daily experience is what you think on (besides the groceries, immigration matters, language-learning, driver's testing, weather, cultural events, political events, etc.). Expressing your viewpoints ought to be par for the course; therefore, sharing your thoughts re: climate change effects on our world-at-large.

    But, since you're one person writing on so many things daily, it might behoove you to follow the Buddha-way (as in: everything in moderation)-- so you can still get out and enjoy those coffeebreaks,
    garden visits to stop and smell the roses (which I hope will rebloom
    in that forlorn park-- and never thought I'd agree w. "Anonymous", but
    he did have a good idea there about contacting the parks administration there and letting them know your views on and the need
    to up the watering-- you know, the squeaky wheel gets the oil (or
    still should)!

