Sunday, July 28, 2019

Climate change-NO effect?

For 12 years  we have made a visit to the Botanical Gardens in Poznań to take pictures of the beautiful flowers. This year is was very different. Many of the flowers were either dead or not even in bloom because of the heat or lack of water. The rose beds in the center of the garden were sparsely populated with many plants devoid of flowers. I am tired of these deniers of the problems climate change is causing. I took as many pictures of flowers that were in bloom and have to be satisfied with that but I am NOT satisfied with people and governments who deny we have a serious problem now. Don't write to me about fraudsters when you cannot see "the forest  for the trees". It is disgusting that the common people allow their governments to destroy this world for our children and grand children just so they can profit from it. These are not governments for the people, they are governments for the elite.

Od 12 lat odwiedzamy Ogrody Botaniczne w Poznaniu, aby robić zdjęcia pięknych kwiatów. W tym roku było zupełnie inaczej. Wiele kwiatów było martwych lub nawet nie kwitło z powodu upału lub braku wody. Różane łóżka w centrum ogrodu były słabo zaludnione, a wiele roślin pozbawionych kwiatów. Jestem zmęczony tymi zaprzeczeniami dotyczącymi problemów spowodowanych zmianami klimatu. Zrobiłam tyle zdjęć kwiatów, które kwitły i muszę być z tego zadowolona, ale NIE jestem zadowolona z ludzi i rządów, które zaprzeczają, że mamy teraz poważny problem. Nie pisz do mnie o oszustach, kiedy nie możesz zobaczyć „lasu dla drzew”. To obrzydliwe, że zwykli ludzie pozwalają swoim rządom zniszczyć ten świat dla naszych dzieci i wnuków, aby mogli z niego czerpać zyski. To nie są rządy dla ludzi, to rządy elit.


  1. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Hi David and Joan, well its praise the lord and pass the water, the good lord has provided us with what the scientist call h2o, we lay people call this water (not many people offer thanks) it is with this we need to water the lovely gardens in Poznan, most gardens in the world need watering, Poznan should be no exception. Please ring/sms/email the relevant authority a request to start watering in the dry periods.
    Now David, I feel sorry for Joan who must constantly hear your rants and hysterical outbursts about climate change, everyone agrees that the climate is changing, and you know what it has been changing for the last billion years, the issue is whether carbon has anything to do with it, this is where the argument begins.
    The Gay people will now start causing trouble in Poland and test our nerves, I personally don't care what people do in private, they can marry their pet dog, have multiply wives, but I don't like being told what I should believe, and if I don't agree be called homo phobic, racist, anti this anti that. Freedom of speech is fast disappearing in the world, enter the new left.

  2. Anon. Joan is in total agreement with me and glad I write about it. Freedom of speech is disappearing but not because of the far left. Journalists are murdered for opposing governments, far-right groups(KKK, neo-nazis) kill people. I've never read of gay people killing someone.

    There is no issue with whether or not carbon has anything to do with our climate change. The ONLY issue is the people who keep denying it in order to make money and those who support them.

  3. I disagree with your statement "I've never read of gay people killing someone."
    I think you were living in Hammond, IN when John Gacy killed a score of little boys and you remember Jeffery Dahmer in Milwaukee who killed and ate their body parts, both men were gay.

  4. Hi Ann, Gacy was bi-sexual. He had 2 wives and children also.
