Saturday, July 13, 2019


I made a mistake yesterday, not following one of my basic rules of fact-checking an article before posting. I removed it from yesterday's blog. Thanks, Ann for alerting me about it.

I spent the night on the couch. The night before was a restless night for me and poor Joan suffered because of it. I decided to let her have a good night's sleep, alone in our bed without me. It's a strange feeling not to have her beside me at night but a good feeling to know she slept well last night. I spent too many nights in the forest without her and now each night is precious to me. It was back then also but we had many years ahead of us.

A cloudy, sometimes rainy day today, 22C, as it has been for the last week. It looks like it will stay this way until at least Wednesday.

Wczoraj popełniłem błąd, nie postępując zgodnie z jedną z moich podstawowych zasad sprawdzania artykułu przed wysłaniem. Usunąłem go z wczorajszego bloga. Dzięki Ann za powiadomienie mnie o tym.

Noc spędziłem na kanapie. Poprzedniej nocy była dla mnie niespokojna noc i biedna Joan cierpiała z tego powodu. Postanowiłem pozwolić jej spać spokojnie, sama w łóżku beze mnie. Dziwne uczucie nie mieć jej przy sobie w nocy, ale dobre uczucie wiedzieć, że spała dobrze ostatniej nocy. Bez niej spędziłem zbyt wiele nocy w lesie, a teraz każda noc jest dla mnie cenna. Wtedy też było, ale przed nami było wiele lat.

Pochmurny, czasem deszczowy dzień, 22C, tak jak w zeszłym tygodniu. Wygląda na to, że pozostanie w ten sposób przynajmniej do środy.


  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    hi David and Joan.. If the truth be known you are another victim of the fake media which our good President refers to, Everyone is entitled to speak his mind on political issues, please continue to do so, your comments are respected. David when did your Paul moment come about, all of a sudden your a believer of gay rights, equal pay, morality of US presidents, global warming etc and etc.. David I presume you now think every worker should be paid equally, just like under communism. David people decide the market, if a product is good it is priced accordingly. I would pay more to see a male game of soccer, that’s a fact of life.. Thanks✅ for keeping me in mind in your previous blog.
    take care

  2. Anonymous, dear friend, I have always been a supporter of gay rights, global warming, morality, and equal pay. But you base your debate solely on the fact that MEN should get paid more, not on the fact they have never won a national championship or even qualified to play in one. The women have won 4 in 10 years. We're not talking about women playing against men. Yes, you would pay more to see men play because you are a man and your ego cannot accept a woman may be just as good in sport.
