Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Face masks.

OK. I've been following instructions from an actual therapist and Joan is making physical progress, slowly. My problem is with mental progress because of her aphasia. How do I work with that? Yes, there are videos on YouTube to watch but which ones are really good? That is my dilemma. I started with one using 4 playing cards. I show Joan the cards a 2 of clubs, 2 of spades, 4 of hearts, and a 4 of diamonds. I turn them over so she can't see the face of the cards and ask her to pick up the cards with the number 2 on them. She can't remember where they are. I repeat this several times but still, her brain can't remember. So far, after 7 tries, it still hasn't made the connection. It's frustrating for both of us. Also, when she wants to say something, she starts a sentence, pauses, then forgets what she just said.

The walker with wheels has been ordered and will be delivered tomorrow morning at 8:00.

Outside, it has been a little too cool for her to stand on the balcony. I don't want her catching a cold. Maybe the walker can be used indoors for that purpose.

There is a retail chain of stores in Poland called Żabka. It's like a 7/11 in the U.S. The owner of this company purchased 8 million face masks and is selling them in his stores for only 1.62 PLN($0.39). There is no added price for shipping costs or profit. He is simply a man trying to help in the fight against the virus.  His name is Tomasz Suchański. I think he deserves recognition for his effort.

OK. Wykonywałem polecenia terapeuty i powoli Joan robi postępy fizyczne. Problem stanowi postęp psychiczny z powodu afazji. Jak mam z tym pracować? Tak, na YouTube są filmy do obejrzenia, ale które z nich są naprawdę dobre? To jest mój dylemat. Zacząłem od używania 4 kart do gry. Pokazuję Joan karty z 2 treflami, z 2 pikami, z 4 sercami i z 4 karo. Odwracam je, żeby nie widziała rewersu kart i proszę ją, żeby podniosła karty z 2 . Nie pamięta, gdzie one są. Powtarzam to kilka razy, ale mimo to, jej mózg nie pamięta. Jak dotąd, po 7 próbach, wciąż nie udało jej się połączyć. To frustrujące dla nas obojga. Poza tym, kiedy chce coś powiedzieć, zaczyna zdanie, robi przerwę, a potem zapomina, co właśnie powiedziała.

Walker z kółkami został zamówiony i zostanie dostarczony jutro rano o 8:00.

Na zewnątrz było trochę za chłodno, żeby postała na balkonie. Nie chcę, żeby złapała przeziębienie. Może do tego celu można będzie użyć chodzika w domu.

W Polsce jest sieć sklepów o nazwie Żabka. Jest jak 7/11 w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Właściciel tej firmy kupił 8 milionów masek na twarz i sprzedaje je w swoich sklepach za jedyne 1,62 zł($0,39). Nie ma żadnej dodatkowej ceny za koszty wysyłki ani za zysk. Jest po prostu człowiekiem, który stara się pomóc w walce z wirusem. Nazywa się Tomasz Suchański. Myślę, że zasługuje na uznanie za swój wysiłek.


  1. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Here in the U.S. we are making our own. All medical masks are reserved for the medical staff.
    My daughter made some masks for us and delivered them with a beautiful Polish coffee cake. I was so very good. We talked to her and her two daughters thru the storm door.
    I'm with you on Trump. He held up the checks, because he wanted his name on them. What an ASS (dupa)! If something good happens he takes credit. If it's bad he blames someone else.
    My husband voted for him. He watches Fox news and drinks the Kool-Aid.

  2. Anonymous,
    Today we will see if the "Mandatory" rule to wear a mask outside exists in Poland. It takes effect today. From what you wrote, I gather there is no political discussion in your house. Fortunately, Joan and I are likeminded on Trump. Thanks for your comment.
