Saturday, February 06, 2010

Ipods, Dinner and Vermeer.

Girl with Pearl Earring

Weekly meeting with Z. He told us about his problem with his 1 year, 1 week old Ipod that all of a sudden won't work anymore. The 1 year guarantee is up and when he took it to an Ipod dealer he was told that Ipods are not repairable and all he could do was buy a new one. That didn't sit too well with Zbyszek because the cost is 1,100 zl ($400) and he was never told Ipods are not repairable. He wrote a few letters to Apple about it but I doubt that will change the result.

In the evening we went to Restaurant/Club 65 to meet our friends from England for dinner. It was a little dissapointing because, first of all, the music played over the sound system was a little loud to allow easy conversation. The food itself was good but the waitress was not. The restaurant is located in Stary Rynek, close to Dom Vikingow, a restaurant that closed in December due to a water problem and a problem between the restaurant owner and the owner of the building it is in. The rynek at night has a different feel than the daytime and even though it was cold outside there were many people walking around. Crews of workmen were busy shoveling snow from the main sections and piling it up out of the way.

Back home at 10PM we watched a DVD I bought today on sale at Media Market for only 9.95zl. I check the Market every couple of weeks to see if they have added any movies at this cheap price for watching. The movie was "Girl with a Pearl Earring". It's about the 16th century painter, Vermeer, and the story about how the painting came about. Both an educational and entertaing movie, it made me more familiar with this painters work.

Earlier in the morning I put the snow shovel to use and cleared the deep snow from in front of our garage so that it is easy to get in and out now. There is still a layer of ice and snow left but it is not so deep now to give me a potential problem of getting stuck.

Cotygodniowe spotkanie z Z. Opowiedział nam o jego problem z jego 1 rok, 1 tydzień stary Ipod, że nagle nie będzie działać dłużej. 1 rok gwarancji jest i kiedy wziął go do Ipod sprzedawcy dowiedział się, że Ipods nie są naprawy i jedyne, co robił było kupić nową. To nie siedzieć zbyt dobrze Zbyszka, ponieważ koszt wynosi 1100 zł (400 dolarów) i nigdy nie mówiono Ipods nie są do naprawy. Napisał kilka listów do Apple o tym, ale mam wątpliwości, że zmieni się wynik.

Wieczorem pojechaliśmy do Restauracja / Klub 65 do spełnienia naszych przyjaciół z Anglii na kolację. Było trochę dissapointing, ponieważ, po pierwsze, muzyka grana przez nagłośnienie było trochę głośno, aby umożliwić łatwe rozmowy. Żywność, była dobra, ale kelnerka nie było. Restauracja znajduje się w Stary Rynek, w pobliżu Domu Vikingów, restauracji, które zostały zamknięte w grudniu z powodu problemów z wodą i problem między właścicielem restauracji i właścicielem budynku jest cala Rynek nocą ma specyficzny klimat niż dzień i chociaż było zimno na zewnątrz było wiele osób spacerujących. Załóg robotnicy byli zajęci shoveling śnieg z głównych sekcji i układając go z drogi.

W domu 10pm patrzyliśmy DVD kupiłem dzisiaj w sprzedaży na rynku mediów tylko 9.95zl. Sprawdzić rynek co kilka tygodni, czy mają one dodane filmy w tym tanie ceny do oglądania. Film był "Dziewczyna z perłą". It's about 16 wiecznego malarza, Vermeer i historia o tym, jak malarstwo doszło. Zarówno edukacyjnych i entertaing film, to mnie bardziej zaznajomieni z tych prac malarzy.

Wcześniej w nocy kładę łopatą śnieg do wykorzystania i sprawdzone głębokim śniegu z przed naszym garażu, tak aby łatwo było wejść i wyjść teraz. Jest jeszcze warstwa śniegu i lodu w lewo, ale nie jest tak głęboka, teraz daj mi potencjalnego problemu grzęźnie.


  1. Marek5:56 AM

    David that seems common after one year a lot of goods give up working, it is what the companies want to see, so people buy a new one, that is business. How is your health and when is your next medical appointment, regards and love

  2. Marek,
    Yes, I agree that it is common but normally you can take the item into a shop to be repaired. To pay 1,100zl for an item that just stops working after the 1st year is not good. My friend had 3000 pictures on his Ipod and now they are all lost.
    My next appt. isn't for two months. The surgery will not happen until June or July. Thanks for asking.

  3. Yesterday one of my fellow Fulbrighters said something about the snow being a El Nino effect. I then asked him more questions. I said in Minnesota we liked El Nino because that meant a warmer and easier winter. That's exactly the point. The El Nino pushes the snow further south. We can see that in the US this year, and that's why there is more snow than usual here in Hungary (Budapest had 10 inches), and more in Pecs, althought it is warmer here and it makes more of a big mess than anything.

    Maybe Poland snow for the same reason.

  4. Z did not loose his 3000 pictures. The iPod is just a portable hard drive, for the storage and viewing of pictures, music,etc. Z pictures and music are still on his computer, the one that he used to load the iPod.
    We have had iPods for years. They usually last 2-3+ years and stop becuase the battery dies, unless they are dropped or exposed to something that damages them. They can't be repaired.Z should buy an extended warranty on the next one.
    iPods are very expensive in Poland. They cost from $90 to $190 in the US. They must be considered a luxury item and taxed heavily.
