Thursday, May 20, 2010

More paper!

Joan received a registered letter today from immigration about her application for renewal of her residency card. Even though we have given them the rental contract and a new change of address statement from the city, now they want a copy of the landlords title to this flat and a written permission that Joan can live here. I thought a rental contract was just that but evidently they don't think so. I think there are still a lot of rules and regulations left over from the "old day" that haven't been changed yet, 20 years later. Just another example of bureaucracy at work. So now I have to contact the landlord/owner and tell them what we need and it must be filed within 7 days.

Actually saw the sun out today for a while and the temperature rose. No rain!! How nice.

Congratulations to cousin Ben Dittenber on winning the Most Improved Player award in his high school jazz band.

Joan otrzymała list polecony z imigracji dziś o niej wniosek o przedłużenie jej karty pobytu. Mimo że daliśmy im umowy najmu i nowe zmiany oświadczenie adres z miasta, teraz chcą kopię właścicieli tytuł do tego mieszkania i Joan pisemnej zgody, że można żyć tutaj. Myślałem, że umowa najmu, ale tylko, że widocznie nie sądzę. Myślę, że nadal istnieje wiele przepisów i regulacji, z lewej strony na "dzień starego", które nie zostały jeszcze zmienione, 20 lat później. Kolejny przykład na biurokrację w pracy. Więc teraz mam się skontaktować z właścicielem / właściciela i powiedzieć im, czego nam potrzeba i musi być dokonane w terminie 7 dni.

Rzeczywiście zobaczył słońce dzisiaj na chwilę, a temperatura wzrosła. Bez deszczu! Jak miło


Marilyn said...

YEA, BEN!!!!

Proud Gramma here!!!!

Mark said...

bureaucracy at work, next they will want proof that the landlord owns the apartment, lol it just never stops. Has Poznan been effected by the recent floods?

Keep up the good work David.

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

Yes, Mark, that's what they want now. I talked to him today and he will bring a copy of his buyers agreement on Tuesday.
No, Poznań has not been affected by the floods.

Lori said...

My landlords in Hungary also had to provide a document to prove that they owned the flat they are renting to me. I also had to provide a rental contract in two languages, and a lot of documents from both Fulbright and the University of Pecs. One of my Fulbright colleagues said a resident visa is much easier in China! But I don't know what we make someone do if they want a resident visa in the United States! Does anyone?