Tuesday, February 07, 2012

No luck!

I spent much of yesterday and today trying to connect a wireless router to my system so that both Joan and I can use laptops at the same time.  As of right now, it isn't working. I've followed all the instructions over and over again but still to no avail.  I guess I'm going to have to find someone who knows how to do this and convince him to come over and set it up.

Spędziłem wiele z wczoraj i dziś próbuje połączyć router bezprzewodowy do mojego systemu, tak aby zarówno Joan i mogą korzystać z laptopów w tym samym czasie. W tej chwili, to nie działa. I już po wszystkie instrukcje w kółko, ale nadal bez powodzenia. Chyba będę musiał znaleźć kogoś, kto wie jak to zrobić i przekonać go do przyjść i skonfigurować go.

1 comment:

Anna from Florida said...


It depends on the operating system of your computer and which type of wireless router you have. I have Belkin and had to call them up to help me use the proper OS, since my desktop has Windows 7 Professional and router was set up with older system. If you find thet there is Vista listed on your router info, you may try to use thta one. The best thing is to call or send e mail to maker of your router. Once you have that set up you should be able to use both laptops without any problems.
I hope that will help you. You can also look for help on PC magazine website.

Good luck