Wednesday, December 13, 2017

He won!

For the first time in many months I woke up today to see the news of who won the Senatorial election in the state of Alabama. I thought for sure it would be the accused pedophile, Roy Moore. I was more than happy to see the good people of Alabama elected his opponent, Doug Jones. It wasn't about who belonged to which political party for me but rather what each man stood for. Moore stood for everything that is wrong with America.

Po raz pierwszy w Alabamie. Myślałem na pewno, że to oskarżony pedofil, Roy Moore. Byłem bardziej niż szczęśliwy, że Alabama wybrała swojego przeciwnika, Douga Jonesa. To nie była partia polityczna dla mnie. Moore stoi za wszystkim, co jest nie tak z Ameryką.

1 comment:

  1. It was actually the good black people, men and women, who went out and voted for Jones. White Alabamans voted 80% for Moore. That is the tragedy.
