Saturday, September 08, 2018

2 conversations.

I had 2 interesting conversations today. The first was with an opthamologist about driver vision tests in Poland. I was somewhat shocked to find out that the ONLY vision test for drivers is given the very first time a person applies for a drivers license. There is NO other mandatory test given after that, even when renewing your license or reaching a certain age. So even with poor vision  you can still drive a car when you are old. To me this is absurd. In comparison, in the U.S., every time you renew your license you MUST pass a vision test as part of the renewal procedure. Certainly this must be a contributing factor to the high accident rate in Poland.

The other conversation was with her 16 year old son in his second year of high school. Already he has a future plan for his life. At first he thought he would follow in the footsteps of his mother and become an opthamologist also. However, now he is headed in the direction of 2 specializations as a doctor.

The first is pediatrics and the second as an oncological surgeon. What is amazing is that at 16 years old he has any plan at all for his life. When I was his age I thought only when was the next school football game or what would I do on the weekend. To know what I wanted to be doing 10-12 years in the future never entered my mind. However, I have encountered this with other young people here. More of them seem to be more mature than my generation was at that age. Maybe it's a sign of the times, that they are forced to think about the future more now in these perilous years. We had our Cuban Missile crisis and Vietnam but this generation has terrorism........... and it strikes everywhere, at anytime.

Miałem dziś 2 ciekawe rozmowy. Pierwszy był z opthamologist o testach wzroku kierowcy w Polsce. Byłem nieco zszokowany, gdy dowiedziałem się, że TYLKO test wzrokowy dla kierowców jest przyznawany po raz pierwszy, gdy osoba stara się o prawo jazdy. Nie ma żadnego innego obowiązkowego testu podanego po tym, nawet przy odnawianiu licencji lub osiągnięciu określonego wieku. Więc nawet przy słabym wzroku nadal możesz prowadzić samochód, gdy jesteś stary. Dla mnie jest to absurd. Dla porównania, w USA za każdym razem, gdy odnawiasz licencję, MUSISZ przejść pozytywnie test wzrokowy w ramach procedury odnowienia. Z pewnością musi to być czynnikiem przyczyniającym się do wysokiej liczby wypadków w Polsce.

Druga rozmowa odbyła się z jej 16-letnim synem w drugim roku liceum. Już ma plan na przyszłość. Początkowo myślał, że pójdzie w ślady swojej matki i zostanie także opthamologist. Teraz jednak zmierza w kierunku 2 specjalizacji jako lekarz.

Pierwszy to pediatria, a drugi chirurg onkologiczny. Niesamowite jest to, że mając 16 lat ma w życiu jakikolwiek plan. Kiedy byłam w jego wieku, myślałam tylko wtedy, gdy był następny szkolny mecz piłkarski lub co robiłbym w weekend. Wiedzieć, co chciałem robić 10-12 lat w przyszłości, nigdy nie weszło mi do głowy. Jednak spotkałem się z tym z innymi młodymi ludźmi tutaj. Więcej wydaje się być bardziej dojrzałych niż moje pokolenie było w tym wieku. Być może to znak czasów, że zmuszeni są myśleć o przyszłości bardziej teraz w tych niebezpiecznych czasach. Mieliśmy kryzys kubański i Wietnam, ale to pokolenie ma terroryzm ........... i uderza wszędzie, w każdej chwili.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Firstly, David, thanks for the bit of a 'nudge'-- I have to go renew my driver's license and have balked at doing so due to this vision test (and not having driven for years in between renewals). But, it IS a good thing, after all, so....

    Secondly, I too, have always been "in awe" of youngsters who knew what they would be from a very early age (even among our Boomer Gen,
    I came across such, but do agree, it is more evident in these newer
    generations. I think though, us as Boomers were far more idealistic (including creative), even despite our own collective traumas (like Nam). These newer kids are I don't think are necessarily more "mature", but certainly more practical (and w. that, more cynical by being forced in a way, w. all the world's problems, to "have to face realities" even in their youthful thinking processes.
    The best of them will-- like your Optometrist's son-- grab the bull by the horns and not get bloodied. He is very lucky to not give in
    to darkness and to go the other way and know his path ahead. As we Boomers often said: "More power to 'im")!

