Saturday, December 21, 2019

Rant #10-Impeachment

Donald J. Trump is now the 3rd President of the United States to be impeached by the House of Representatives. It is a sad occasion for the history of the country. It doesn't mean he is removed from office, only the Senate can make that decision.

Unfortunately, the Senate is controlled by the Republican party and their leader has already declared, even before the debate for or against removal, that he is innocent of all charges. The Senate is supposed to be an impartial bipartisan body but under the control of the Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, it is not. It's a battle between the Republicans and the Democrats. No Republican has the moral fiber to vote for impeachment, even though some of them may think it. Their decision is based on fear of losing their job if they vote in favor of it. The survival of democracy and the good of the country comes in second place.

Now the House has to decide whether or not to send the impeachment to the Senate, where they know it will lose. The second possibility is not to give it to the Senate and let the investigations continue of the President's actions. Several of the Trump administration's officials refused to comply with subpoenas in the House investigations. It is now up to the courts whether or not they must testify. However, that will take some time to resolve. By not sending the impeachment to the Senate, it will allow time for the court's decisions. In my opinion, the House should not send the impeachment to the Senate.

Donald J. Trump jest 3. prezydentem Stanów Zjednoczonych, który ma zostać poddany impeachmentowi prez Izbę Representatów. To smutna karta w historii kraju. To nie znaczy, że został usunięty ze stanowiska, tyylko Senat może podjąć taka decyzię.

Niestety, Senat jest kontolowany prez partie republikańska, a ich lider oświadczył już. jeszcze przed debatą za lub przeciw usunięciu, że zarzuty wobec Trumpa są bezpodstawne. Senat powinien być bezstrony, ale pod kontrola przywódcy wiekszości, Mitcha McConella, nie jest. To bitwa midzy Republikanami i Demokratami. Żaden republikanin nie ma moralnego imperatywu, by głosować za
impeachmentem, nawet jeśli niektórzy z nich mogą być za wprowadzenien tej procedury wobec Trumpa. Ich decyzja opiera się na obawie przed utratą pracy. Przetrawanie democraji i dobra kraju jest na drugiim miescu.

Teraz Izba musi zadecydować, czy wyslać impeachment do Senatu, gdzie wiedzą że pzedpanie. Druga możliwość to nie przekazywać go do Senatu i pozwolić na kontynuowanie dochodzenia w sprawie działań przedenta. Kilka urzęników administracji Trumpa odmówiło zastosowania się do Senatu wezwań do sadu w ramach dochodzeń Izby. Teraz od sądów zależy, czy będą musieli zeznawać, czy nie. Jednak rozwiązanie tego problemu zajmie trochę czasu. Jeśli impeachment nie zostanie wysłany do Senatu, da to czas na decyzję sądu.

Moim zdaniem, Izba nie powinna wysłać impeachment do Senatu.


  1. I agree with your rant along with many others. And I love it when most

    I agree with your rant. And I love it when TV reporters(not Fox news) use the following when broadcasting an impeachment story "Donald J. Trump is now the 3rd President of the United States to be impeached by the House of Representatives." They seem to stress the words and it make pumpkin head furious. Several on TV refer to the Senate Majority Leader as 'Moscow Mitch.'

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas - my grandfather's brother was the organist at the Wroclaw Cathedral for many years. His name was Wladyslaw BRUD (1885-1958).

  2. Anonymous3:43 PM

    AGREE 100%.The action by the House represents the will of the people. The Senate on the other hand, not so much. Witnesses who had direct knowledge of what transpired barred from testifying in the House. Senate leader says he doesn't need their testimony. His mind is made up. What has happened to the US? It's shameful that they live in fear of Trump's repercussions. But then again he fears whatever it is that Putin has on him!

  3. Shaz, something happened when you wrote leaving big spaces.

  4. Anonymous6:35 PM

    You are a disgraceful person, what lies and untruth you tell, you are a disgrace, the President cannot be impeached until it is passed to the senate, this has not taken place, because the whole processes is a fraud and hoax. the whole process will backfire on the democrats ensuring a absolute victory of trump in the 2020 elections.
    You are a disgraceful left a wing person, a disgrace to be called American, Go back to where you belong Russia...

  5. Anonymous 4:36 P.M. At least I have the nerve to use my name and not hide behind "Anonymous". Stop following my blog if you can't take the heat.
