
Friday, April 15, 2022


The alarms went off at 6:30 but I didn't hear them. Instead, I woke up at 8:30, quickly dressed, and went to Carrefour for food shopping. An hour later I was done and back home. The cost for next week's food was 162 PLN($38)

2 hours after breakfast, I put Joan in the wheelchair, then to the car and we went to the local post office to pick up the new battery I bought for Joan's phone. I don't want her to have any problems with her phone while she is in Dom Seniora. Ada also bought a 3-meter charging cord for the phone which I will tape to the phone so it is always charged. 

From there I took her to Sowas to sit outside while we had coffee. Across from our table was a young couple with 2 daughters about 8-10 years old. They were speaking Ukrainian. I wanted to try and talk to them but the opportunity didn't arise.

Back to the war. It was told today the Ukrainians attacked the Flagship, Moskva, of the Russian Navy on the Black Sea. It was heavily damaged and the crew of 500 had to evacuate the ship. They also said it was sinking but the Russian defense minister denied it.

Budziki włączyły się o 6:30, ale ich nie usłyszałem. Zamiast tego obudziłem się o 8:30, szybko ubrałem i pojechałem do Carrefoura na zakupy spożywcze. Załatwiłem wszystko w godzinę i wróciłem do domu. Koszt jedzenia na następny tydzień wyniósł 162 zł (38 $). 

2 godziny po śniadaniu wsadziłem Joan do wózka, potem do samochodu i pojechaliśmy na pocztę, aby odebrać nową baterię, którą kupiłem do telefonu Joan. Nie chcę, żeby miała jakiekolwiek problemy z telefonem podczas pobytu w Domu Seniora. Ada kupiła również 3-metrowy kabel do ładowania telefonu, który przykleję taśmą do telefonu, aby zawsze był naładowany. 

Stamtąd zabrałam ją do Sowy, gdzie usiedliśmy na zewnątrz przy kawie. Naprzeciwko naszego stolika siedziało młode małżeństwo z dwiema córkami w wieku około 8-10 lat. Mówili po ukraińsku. Chciałem spróbować z nimi porozmawiać, ale okazja nie nadarzyła się. 

Wracając do wojny. Dziś dowiedziałem się, że Ukraińcy zaatakowali na Morzu Czarnym okręt flagowy rosyjskiej marynarki wojennej - Moskwa. Został on poważnie uszkodzony, a załoga licząca 500 osób musiała się z niego ewakuować. Mówiono też, że okręt tonie, ale rosyjski minister obrony temu zaprzeczył.

Los despertadores sonaron a las 6:30, pero no los oí. En cambio, me levanté a las 8:30, me vestí rápidamente y fui a Carrefour a hacer la compra. Lo hice todo en una hora y volví a casa. El coste de la comida para la semana siguiente fue de 162 PLN (38 dólares). 

2 horas después del desayuno puse a Joan en el cochecito, luego en el coche y nos dirigimos a la oficina de correos para recoger la nueva batería que compré para el teléfono de Joan. No quiero que tenga problemas con su teléfono mientras esté en el Centro de Mayores. Ada también compró un cable de carga de 3 pies para el teléfono, que pegaré al teléfono para que siempre esté cargado. 

De ahí la llevé al Búho donde nos sentamos fuera a tomar un café. Frente a nuestra mesa se sentaba una joven pareja con dos hijas de entre 8 y 10 años. Hablaban en ucraniano. Quería intentar hablar con ellos, pero no se presentó la oportunidad. 

De vuelta a la guerra. Hoy me he enterado de que los ucranianos han atacado el buque insignia de la armada rusa, el Moskva, en el Mar Negro. Quedó muy dañado y la tripulación de 500 personas tuvo que ser evacuada. También se dijo que el barco se estaba hundiendo, pero el ministro de defensa ruso lo desmintió.


Anonymous said...

Gas was always high in those countries. It’s high in the US now because of Bare Shelves Biden.

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

Unknown, where do you live? Our daughter, son, and grandkids live in the U.S. THEY don't have Bare SHELVES. Nor is it Biden's fault for gas prices.

Anonymous said...

Whose fault is it? It’s not the war.

Anonymous said...

David--Happy Easter to you and Joan!
(Between you and me, for peace of mind especially with all that you're facing, think about ignoring the troll-like commenter who recently brought Obama's residences into a climate change discussion--wonder why Obama was singled to refute climate change issues? Probably latent jealousy but most likely a more heinous motivation--which, of course, will be denied. Now without evidence Biden gets sole blame for gas price increases. Commenter resorts to name calling (like Trump) and thinks that does it. Not even close. Bare shelves not! I'm in the U.S. and share your family's experience. I know you favor free expression but some comments shouldn't be dignified with a response.)

Anonymous said...

Yes, please continue to believe in fairies, yes Biden is a great leader, blame everything on Trump, what a disgrace, You terrible people who voted for Biden, have blood on your hands, inaction in Ukraine, and the terrible exit in Afghanistan. If the election result was not stolen by the democrats, none of this would have happened under Trump, shame on you..

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

Uknown. please stop polluting my blog with your garbage.

Anonymous said...

Oh, come on, David. You know the above poster is right. Look at it this way - what’s better, MAGAnomics of the state of the economy under Biden?

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

Unknown-Biden pushed a $1.9 trillion relief package through Congress, oversaw a Covid testing program that ramped up exponentially in his first months in office and encouraged or mandated masks where he could, including on planes and other public transport. On Tuesday, a White House official said, the Biden administration would make 400 million non-surgical N95 masks available to Americans for free and a government website went live allowing them to order free at-home tests. Biden delivered on two key economic promises: a $1.9 trillion COVID relief package and a $1.2 trillion infrastructure law that passed with bipartisan support.

He presided over the economy's resurgence last year, with a record 6.4 million jobs created, rising wages, and low unemployment -- dropping to just 3.9% in December.

The president traveled twice to Europe last year, declaring to allies that "America is back," reaffirming traditional relationships and returning the U.S. to international organizations and agreements like the World Health Organization and Paris climate accord.

Seeking to end America's involvement in Afghanistan, he withdrew troops from the country before the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Trump's lies about the election -- and politicization of the pandemic -- continue to guide Republicans, both in Washington and across the country.

And Biden this month used his strongest language yet to describe Republicans opposed to passing voting rights bills, comparing those opposed to his measures to notorious racial segregationists.

What did your man Humpty Dumpty do?

Anonymous said...

A relief package pales in comparison to a booming economy.

He “encouraged” mask, but tried to mandate the vaccine. That’s communism.

You have to admit that the Afghanistan withdrawal was a disaster. I feel desperately sad for the females there.

Those new voting laws are racist. I wish you would at least admit that much.

The Orange Man introduced a $500B 'Platinum Plan' to increase capital, businesses and jobs for Black communities, lowest unemployment rate since 1969, lowest Black unemployment rate ever, largest decline in drug prices in 46 years, signed two laws that authorize NASA and the National Science Foundation to encourage women and girls to get into STEM fields, brokered Historic Peace Deal between Israel and Sudan, awarded more than $100 million in grants to target human trafficking, brokered Historic Peace Deal between Israel and Kingdom of Bahrain, brokered Historic Peace Deal between Israel and United Arab Emirates, brokered Economic Normalization between Serbia and Kosovo

This all is not to do a tit for tat. This is to rescue you from the indoctrination that you’ve suffered. I know. I was one myself.

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

The new voting laws are from your Republican friends. Of course, they are rACist. You are still one yourself if you even live in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

How are they racist? What do they have to do with race?