Monday, July 09, 2018

Ho Hum Day.

Monday, Monday, another nice day at home with a nice Polish conversation with Zbyszek in the north country.

Tonight is Pasta salad for dinner and then a movie. Not much else to say today.

Poniedziałek, poniedziałek, kolejny miły dzień w domu z miłą polską rozmową ze Zbyszkiem na północy kraju.

Dziś jest sałatka z makaronem na kolację, a potem film. Niewiele więcej do powiedzenia dzisiaj.

1 comment:

  1. Dear David and Joan,
    > I sent several comments on your blog recently (as well as an email from my address here re: a visit by the Polish President
    > and First Lady to the U.S. recently). The comments were wishing Happy Birthday to Joan, and responding to the death of
    > your son, David; offering my condolences and prayers.
    > Usually, you post responses imbedded in your text or as a separate comment, but then I saw that you were not responding
    > to comments in general. I fully understand, given the sorrowful circumstances in your life. But, I wanted you to know--
    > that, as a fairly frequent commenter on your blog, I made some change in how I sign in to comment (so am NOT sure if any
    > of my recent comments even reach you). I am trying to wean myself from as many things Google as possible (given it's voracious monopoly status). So, I decided to choose another sign-in option (as per this copy)-- the mid 'Name/URL, and then, responding
    > to the id the Captcha pics. It SEEMs like it's going through, but not being techy, don't really know. So hard to tell if you're not responding because you're "taking a break" or IF something in this new way of responding isn't arriving your way.
    > Would you please let me know, when you receive this email. Don't want you to think that I am not responding or missing your important news. Thanks!

    From GG, OK David, did a retest comment posting at July 7th, on your blog.
    And per your request, will send any comment from now on to your
    gmail emai: GG..

    ...just sent to your blog from my phone.
    Will send one from computer also (later) and notify you.

    This one of course came back all gobbly-gook, but was yet another attempt to send an email to you re: the no comments on blog showing up....
