Monday, June 10, 2019


Joan's long-term EU residency car expires in August so it's time to get another application together to submit for a new card. I must say, for a long-term card, 5 years doesn't seem like a long term. My Polish card is for 10 years, expiring next year.

Długoterminowy samochód rezydentury Joan w UE wygasa w sierpniu, więc nadszedł czas, aby razem złożyć kolejną aplikację, aby złożyć nową kartę. Muszę powiedzieć, że dla karty długoterminowej, 5 lat nie wydaje się długoterminową. Moja polska karta jest na 10 lat, wygasa w przyszłym roku.


  1. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Hi David and Joan, So sorry to hear your concerns and regrets, but let me give you some good news, the world will not end in 10 years, at least not as a result of carbon, those climate change fraudster need to be named and shamed, let’s be clear the world is ever changing, please reassure Joan, take her out for a meal with a glass of wine and celebrate. David it’s nice to know you have a sense of humour and enjoy my the end of the day it doesn’t really matter, if we both have respect.. Donald Trump is Donald Trump, he is no better or worse than other presidents, He reflects what the vast majority of people are thinking, please don’t submit to the false thinking of the new left in American , please stand up to what is right.

  2. Anonymous, No the world probably will not end in 10 years but at the rate we are destroying it , it won't last long. The only fraudsters are those who deny climate change is happening in order to increase their wealth. Not being from the U.S. you really don't know what a good President is like. Certainly "Orange Head" is NOT one of them and most likely the worst ever, certainly in my lifetime. He doesn't reflect what the vast majority think, only a minority but the minority vote while the vast majority are to busy arguing with each other over which candidate to vote for to oppose him. There is no New Left or New Right, only Democrats and Republicans, that is the problem.

  3. I see a lot of problem also with the plastic; its everywhere. In every water bottle we drink we drink also plastic particles. Plastic in rivers, see, oceans. Some of the skin scrubs use plastic particles - see label on the containers. We segregate plastic but only some % is being recycled; the rest is being burned, landed on garbage dump, than the wind push it in rivers and sees etc. And even when we recycle more, particles of plastic will still be in the air- coming form the plastic thing we are using (shoes, floors, container etc.......we are breathing it in. I think every, EVERY liquid for drinking should only be sold in glass. We should try to buy wood, glass porcelain, steal - especially for the kitchen.
    I remember communist period; we were very, very eco-friendly - not because we were aware of the pollution in the environment but because of the simplicity of packaging we were using. The system did not care how easy, colourful the backpacking should be. In the west of Europe they were using plastic bottles we were using only glass; it was heavy to carry but nobody has complained. Milk, soda, coca-cola, beer and even oil was in glass. Everyone was using their own bag when going shopping - fabric bag only - plastic was not available. I remember we had in the kitchen a waste bin container (there was no recycling) and I had to empty it only on Saturday - we were producing so little trash. Organic waste was used in garden. WE lost so much.....

  4. Tori, but how to stop large corporations from packaging in plastic? Water, soft drinks, vending machines, oils, yogurt, milk, etc?
