Wednesday, June 05, 2019


A high in Northern India of 50c(123F). Those poor people. Here it is 85F and too hot for us. Good, however, for drying the clothes. They dried in two hours in the sunshine.

Joan prepared the menu for next week; Cheeseburger w/salad, cobb salad, chicken w/basmati rice, 2 days of cold zucchini soup, pizza and avocado/tomato and walnut pasta salad. After that she writes down what to buy for each dinner. It's a good system we have established.

Zbyszek came over at 15:00 for ciasto and cold water to drink while we talked about different topics. We always solve the worlds problems but no one listens to us :-)

Wysoka w północnych Indiach 50c (123F). Ci biedni ludzie. Tutaj jest 85F i za gorąco dla nas. Dobre jednak do suszenia ubrań. Suszono w ciągu dwóch godzin w promieniach słońca.

Joan przygotowała menu na następny tydzień; Cheeseburger w / sałatka, sałatka cobb, kurczak w / ryż basmati, 2 dni zimnej zupy z cukinii, pizza i sałatka z makaronu z awokado / pomidora i orzecha włoskiego. Potem zapisuje, co kupić za każdą kolację. To dobry system, który ustaliliśmy.

Zbyszek przyszedł o 15:00 na ciasto i zimną wodę do picia, podczas gdy rozmawialiśmy o różnych tematach. Zawsze rozwiązujemy problemy świata, ale nikt nas nie słucha :-)


  1. hi,

    june 2 and june 1 pic are the same. Must be an error...

  2. Hi, Tori. You are right. I corrected it.

  3. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Back in the '70s, I stayed at an ashram in India for
    4 months; just before Monsoons hit, at least twice it
    registered 126* F in the shade!! I know what that felt
    like...the monsoons, as drenching as they were, were a


  4. Anonymous1:27 AM

    David, I totally agree w. your assessment that Poland
    needs to advertise more; and Poles in general need to
    speak out more-- about social, political injustices.
    They don't, in general; that has always perplexed me
    and I have had discussions with my Polish friends (my
    heritage is Polish too, though I am American).
    I don't know if it is their historic "nobles oblige" or
    if decades of Communism that beat them into submission
    or what, but they need to get much more outspoken and
    proactive (and in U.S.circles too-- in govt., in society).

    ~off my soapbox now!
