Tuesday, May 12, 2020


It started out sunny this morning but then the big clouds rolled in and the sun had to fight to get through at times. It's nice when it does because it warms the place up.

While Joan was having therapy today, I sat in front of our building with my mask on and counted the number of people not wearing ANY kind of mask. The number was 73. I'm not shocked by this, it's the nature of the human being to resist. They were of all ages but mainly from 15-60 years old.  The strangest ones were the mothers who were wearing masks but their children were not. I don't understand that, at all. I've read it is the same in parks and recreational areas around Poznań also.If it's like that here, I have no doubt it is occurring in other cities and villages. The number of confirmed cases and deaths from Covid-19 just keeps going up. Where are the police to enforce this? Oh, that's right, it's only a recommendation. 16, 326 cases, 811 dead. ONLY a recommendation? The city council should make it mandatory for masks AND social distancing until the numbers go down for 2 weeks.

Since I tell you most of what's happening with Joan and me,  I might as well tell you today I took on a new profession, manicurist. Joan hasn't cut her toenails in 3 months and they were long. She couldn't bring her feet up high enough to do it herself so I took the clippers and did it for her. It was my first time ever doing it. I was a little concerned I might mess up and cut too much but didn't. She was able to use an Emory board to smooth over the cuts I made and now she is happy, me too.

For dinner tonight I made a nice fruit salad; bananas, pears, mango, plums, strawberries, blueberries, and assorted crushed nuts. We had that with a traditional Polish vegetable salad.

Dzisiejszy ranek zaczął się słonecznie, ale potem przetoczyły się wielkie chmury i słońce musiało czasem walczyć, aby się przebić. To miłe, kiedy wychodzi zza chmur, bo ogrzewa ziemię.

Dzisiaj, kiedy Joan miała terapię, ja siedziałem przed naszym budynkiem z założoną maską i liczyłem, ile osób nie ma na sobie żadnej maski. Liczba ta wynosiła 73. Nie jestem tym zszokowany, taka jest natura człowieka - sprzeciwiać się. To byli ludzie w różnym wieku, ale głównie pomiędzy 15-60 lat. Najdziwniejsze były te matki, które same nosiły maski, ale ich już nie. Zupełnie tego nie rozumiem. Czytałem, że tak samo jest w parkach i na terenach rekreacyjnych wokół Poznania. Jeśli tak jest tutaj, to nie mam wątpliwości, że dzieje się to w innych miastach i na wsiach. Liczba potwierdzonych przypadków i zgonów z Covid-19 po prostu ciągle rośnie. Gdzie jest policja, która ma to egzekwować? Oh, to prawda, to tylko rekomendacja. 16, 326 przypadków, 811 zmarłych. Tylko rekomendacja? Rada miejska powinna nałożyć obowiązek stosowania masek i zdystansowania społecznego, dopóki liczby nie spadną przez 2 tygodnie.

Skoro mówię ci najwięcej o tym, co dzieje się z Joan i ze mną, równie dobrze mogę ci powiedzieć, że podjąłem dzisiaj nowy zawód, manikiurzysta. Joan nie obcinała sobie paznokci u nóg od 3 miesięcy i były one długie. Nie mogła podnieść stóp na tyle wysoko, by zrobić to sama, więc wziąłem nożyce i zrobiłem to za nią. To był mój pierwszy raz. Martwiłem się trochę, że mogę coś zrobić nie tak i przyciąć za krótko, ale nie zrobiłem tego. Mogła użyć pilniczka, aby wygładzić cięcia, które wykonałem i teraz jest zadowolona, ja również.

Na dzisiejszy obiad zrobiłem smaczną sałatkę owocową z bananów, gruszek, mango, śliwek, truskawek, jagód i różnych kruszonych orzechów. Jedliśmy ją z tradycyjną polską sałatką warzywną.

Comenzó soleado esta mañana, pero luego las grandes nubes entraron y el sol tuvo que luchar para pasar a veces. Es agradable cuando lo hace porque calienta el lugar.

Mientras Joan estaba recibiendo terapia hoy, me senté frente a nuestro edificio con mi máscara puesta y conté la cantidad de personas que no usaban NINGÚN tipo de máscara. El número era 73. Esto no me sorprende, es la naturaleza del ser humano resistir. Eran de todas las edades pero principalmente de 15 a 60 años. Las más extrañas fueron las madres que llevaban máscaras pero sus hijos no. No entiendo eso, en absoluto. He leído que es lo mismo en parques y áreas recreativas alrededor de Poznań también. Si es así aquí, no tengo dudas de que está ocurriendo en otras ciudades y pueblos. El número de casos confirmados y muertes por Covid-19 sigue aumentando. ¿Dónde está la policía para hacer cumplir esto? Oh, es cierto, es solo una recomendación. 16, 326 casos, 811 muertos. SOLO una recomendación? El ayuntamiento debería hacer obligatorio el uso de máscaras y distanciamiento social hasta que los números bajen durante 2 semanas.

Como te cuento la mayor parte de lo que está pasando con Joan y conmigo, podría decirte hoy que asumí una nueva profesión, manicurista. Joan no se ha cortado las uñas de los pies en 3 meses y eran largas. Ella no podía levantar los pies lo suficiente como para hacerlo ella misma, así que tomé las tijeras y lo hice por ella. Fue la primera vez que lo hice. Estaba un poco preocupado porque podría estropear y cortar demasiado, pero no lo hice. Pudo usar un tablero de Emory para suavizar los cortes que hice y ahora ella también está feliz.

Para la cena de esta noche hice una buena ensalada de frutas: plátanos, peras, mango, ciruelas, fresas, arándanos y una variedad de nueces trituradas. Teníamos eso con una ensalada de verduras tradicional polaca.


  1. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/04/scientists-disagree-over-face-masks-effect-on-covid-19

    The above May article is just a sampling of contradictory advice (a lot more out there on the Internet) re: the efficacy (or not) of wearing masks, coming from medical institutes, scientists, doctors, and other so-called specialists (googling the topic will list a plethora of divergent views (indicating "everyone and no one" is an expert.

    I am in the supposed high-risk senior category; I have listened to my own common sence, refuse to panic, use standard hygenic precaution as I have done all my life
    (wash hands well and often-- don't need the entire world to tell me!),cover coughs and sneezes in public, etc. Since the public was clued in on this-- in Feb/March, I have remained healthy-- AND I have not worn a mask while out and about (what to me is not an accidental crisis, to say the least.

    Beyond my common sense, my intuition also kicked in from the get go-- it tells me no about mask-wearing (I feel-- despite another controversial piece of "advice" saying this factor doesn't apply to this new disease (if they can't agree on mask-wearing, why should one believe them on this matter?)-- that what THEY call the "herd immunity" factor, is just as applicable now w. this "germ" (I refuse to acknowledge it as a "virus" because it was never tested as such), and, I also feel it was lab invented
    (and of course blamed on animals-- IF any animals were involved in concocting this,
    they were poor captive animals tortured in laboratories)!

    Sorry, David, while I respect your choice to wear one, I am not with you on this....

    ~ Stephanie

  2. It's OK, Stephanie, I don't expect people to agree with me.

  3. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Hi David,

    Glad we can "agree to disagree" and stay civil (more important than ever, as 'divide and conquer' formulas continue to be employed in this newest crisis in our world).

    A recent example (as this man is being attacked for his decision)-- when does
    cooperation turn into giving up our individual freedoms and let the state & the State take over every bit of our lives (seems the attempt is well on its way)!

    On my way today to check out your blog, this article was staring me in the face;
    another senior from MI, having divergent views from the state; it appears that more and more people are feeling this "push" to 'fall in line or else' (hopefully this too will not be used as a social-engineering device to divide the populace). While we "agree to disagree", many among the populace are not-- and attacking others for it-- when does the "reporting your neighbors" begin (already, this gentleman barber is being trolled for the decision he made:

    MI Barber defies State Ban...refuses to close

    "If we wait until we're absolutely perfectly safe, we'll never have the freedoms that we had," Karl Manke said, adding, "I had no income. There was nothing coming in."
    (Since re-opening his business has skyrocketed, by others who support him (one person even coming from CA just to get a haircut)!

    Link to full article:


    I realize you chose Saturday as your "political rant day", but this was pretty timely, in terms of our conversation (so, you can wait to reply or not-- or not reply at all-- the choice (still) being yours of course-- and for that, let's all be grateful!!


  4. Anonymous11:13 PM

    (Resending as the prior one might not have gone through?)

    Hi David,

    Glad we can agree to disagree on this recent exchange, as it appears that elsewhere, divisiveness is taking hold among the populace as a reaction to this crisis (is this the age-old divide and conquer formula being used by the 'authorities' on the populace, through the controlled majorly-controlled media outlets being used for social-engineering?).

    Here is a recent new story staring me in the face this morning when I walked the online gauntlet of information in going to log in at my email account. This gentleman made a rather studied decision about his life, as a supposedly free citizen and individual, and, as a result, he is being trolled for that (though, the story reveals many too, are-- thankfully-- agreeing with him).

    We need to ask ourselves, when does "community cooperation" devolve into "community control" of every aspect of ones life? When does "reporting the neighbors" begin???(esp.influencing the younger generations who seem to be getting very used to giving up their thinking to what they're being told to do by 'informed authorities'-- glamor seems to capture them-- not just Hollywood blockbusters or sports figures or rap artists, or high tech everything, et al, but corporate and governing figureheads as much; a dangerous propensity for the future, in my view)!

    Anyway, the news story about this barber raises the important Qs we seriously need to be asking ourselves as the so-called "pandemic" rolls along. And, hear that not everybody is on board with what we're being told...and told to do:

    77 y.o MI Barber Refuses to Comply w. State Ban
    and close his Livelihood Business:

    "If we wait until we're absolutely perfectly safe, we'll never have the freedoms that we had," Karl Manke said, adding, "I had no income. There was nothing coming in."
    (Since re-opening his business has skyrocketed, by others who support him (one person even coming from CA just to get a haircut)!

    Link to full article:

    David, I realize you've chosen Saturdays as your "political rant day", but this
    news story addressed a reaction to this current crisis in our world (that addresses our blog exchange (but, you can choose to reply or wait until Saturday...or not at all).

    This example news story (above)speaks to the problem with people's reactionism-- of growing dangerous levels of divisiveness that things can devolve into with some. As well it uncovers the thoughtful levels of independent thinking that others are still doing (thankfully so!). Not everyone in the world community (yet?-- and let's hope,never!) is reacting through blanket obedience, or is on board with what we are being told...and told to do, by so-called authorities, the already- conventional media news outlets and what seems to be devolving into 'The State" in our lives....

    Let's remember that health is and all-around matter--way more than physical health alone. Our minds, feelings, spiritual health and well-being are necessary too (fear, devisiveness, panic, social-engineered control i.e. removal of individual rights and independent thinking, reactionary destructiveness, etc. are just as damaging to overall health of a society).

    We definitely need to all "take care" in more ways than one these days!

    This is MY "rant"-- thannks for listening, David.


  5. Yes, Stephanies, I am also glad we can have a discourse without animosity.
    My opinion is this is not a "so-called" pandemic. It is a pandemic. It means a disease widespread, prevalent, pervasive, rife, rampant around the world. I think Covid-19 fits that description.

    The age-old concept of divide and conquer formula is not the only one using media to control the populace. Maybe I have an advantage here because I see the news from Japan, U.K. Germany, France, Spain, Poland, and Italy. They are not majority-controlled. However, they do report the same findings from their own health institutions concerning the virus.

    It's obvious not everybody is on board with what is being told about the virus. The numbers of confirmed cases continue to grow as well as the deaths from it.

    As for the barber, what would be interesting for me would be to know how many of the customers were tested before they went in and what would be their test result in a month later? The barber has the right to do as he sees, realizing the consequences to his business but he doesn't know the consequences to the customer or himself.

    Not everyone in the world community is reacting through blanket obedience, there are those who rely on science, facts, knowledgeable doctors before they made their decisions to observe precautions. It hs nothing to do with
    the removal of individual rights, independent thinking, or reactionary destructiveness.

    It's only my point of view. :-)
