Sunday, May 31, 2020


I've tried in the past several months to confine my ranting to Saturdays so as not to turn this blog into a negative read.  "Ranting"is defined as, "speaking at length in an angry and impassioned way." If you've read one of my rants, that usually the tone of them. I've had 2 comments about them, so far. 1 was positive and 3 negative. I have lost 2 of the 3 as readers because of my political views and that is unfortunate. That is why I have confined the "rants" to Saturday and posted the "warning" about Saturdays. If you have read any of them, I would be interested to know how you feel about the Saturday "rant". Myself, I have stopped reading blogs that are all negative in nature. 

Facebook is a different story. Even though I am an ex-pat of America, I still care about what is happening to that country and find it hard not to reply daily to the negative actions there of the leadership on a daily basis. So, if you are on my "friends" list, you do see way too many negative reactions there. 

Here in Poland, they have relaxed the wearing of the mask. It is still mandatory in places where people are in close proximity to others like stores, trams, busses, taxi's, hospitals, and on the street. However, on the street, if you are more than 2m(7ft.)from people, you can walk, run or bicycle without it. I think it will be good for outside cafes provided tables are set 2m apart from others. It will mean less people in a cafe but maybe more cafes will be utilized this way also.

Today, being Sunday, there was no stair climbing for Joan. It was a rest day for her. She might have developed a little problem. I looked up the symptoms she has and they all(3) seem to point to hypothyroidism. I'm going downstairs to the doctor to see if she will make a house call to our flat.

W ciągu ostatnich kilku miesięcy próbowałem ograniczyć moje pomstowanie do sobót, aby nie zamienić tego bloga w negatywną lekturę. "Ranting" definiuje się jako, "mówienie długo w gniewny i żarliwy sposób." Jeśli przeczytałeś jedną z moich "ranting", to zazwyczaj odczułeś ich ton. Do tej pory miałem na ich temat dwa komentarze. Jeden był pozytywny, a trzy negatywne. Straciłem 2. z 3. czytelników z powodu moich poglądów politycznych i to jest niefortunne. Dlatego ograniczyłem "rant" do soboty i zamieściłem "ostrzeżenie" o sobotach. Jeśli przeczytałeś którtkolwiek z nich, chciałbym wiedzieć jak się czujesz w związku z sobotnim "pomstowaniem". Ja sam, przestałem czytać blogi, które mają negatywny wydźwięk.

Facebook to inna historia. Mimo,że jestem emigrantem z Ameryki, nadal zależy mi na tym, co dzieje się z tym krajem i trudno mi nie odpowiadać codziennie na negatywne działania liderów w tym kraju. Tak więc, jeśli jesteś na mojej liście "przyjaciół", widzisz tam zbyt wiele negatywnych reakcji.

W Polsce, rozluźnili noszenie masek. Nadal obowiązują w miejscach, gdzie ludzie są w pobliżu siebie, takich jak sklepy, tramwaje, autobusy, taksówki, szpitale i na ulicy. Jednak na ulicy, jeśli jesteś w większej odległości niż 2m od ludzi, możesz chodzić, biegać lub jeździć na rowerze bez niej. Myślę, że będzie to dobre dla kawiarni na zewnątrz, pod warunkiem, że stoliki są ustawione 2m od innych. Będzie to oznaczało mniej ludzi w kawiarni, ale może więcej kawiarni też zostanie wykorzystanych w ten sposób.

Dzisiaj, w niedzielę, nie było wspinaczki po schodach dla Joan. To był dla niej dzień odpoczynku. Mogła mieć mały problem. Sprawdziłem objawy, które ona ma i wszystkie(3) wydają się wskazywać na niedoczynność tarczycy. Idę na dół do lekarza, żeby zobaczyć, czy przyjdzie na wizytę domową.

He intentado en los últimos meses limitar mi despotricación a los sábados para no convertir este blog en una lectura negativa. "Despotricar" se define como "hablar largamente de una manera enojada y apasionada". Si has leído uno de mis comentarios, ese suele ser el tono de ellos. He tenido 2 comentarios sobre ellos, hasta ahora. 1 fue positivo y 3 negativo. He perdido 2 de los 3 como lectores debido a mis puntos de vista políticos y eso es lamentable. Es por eso que limité las "protestas" al sábado y publiqué la "advertencia" sobre los sábados. Si ha leído alguno de ellos, me interesaría saber cómo se siente con respecto a la "diatriba" del sábado. Yo mismo, he dejado de leer blogs que son de naturaleza negativa.

Facebook es una historia diferente. Aunque soy un expatriado de Estados Unidos, todavía me importa lo que le está sucediendo a ese país y me resulta difícil no responder a diario a las acciones negativas del liderazgo a diario. Entonces, si estás en mi lista de "amigos", ves demasiadas reacciones negativas allí.

Aquí en Polonia, han relajado el uso de la máscara. Todavía es obligatorio en lugares donde las personas están cerca de otros, como tiendas, tranvías, autobuses, taxis, hospitales y en la calle. Sin embargo, en la calle, si está a más de 2 metros (7 pies) de personas, puede caminar, correr o andar en bicicleta sin ella. Creo que será bueno para los cafés externos, siempre que las mesas estén separadas 2 m de las demás. Significará menos personas en un café, pero tal vez también se utilizarán más cafés de esta manera.

Hoy, siendo domingo, no había escaleras para Joan. Fue un día de descanso para ella. Ella podría haber desarrollado un pequeño problema. Busqué los síntomas que tiene y todos (3) parecen apuntar al hipotiroidismo. Bajaré al médico para ver si ella va a visitar nuestra casa.


  1. I like your rants. But of course we are on the same side politically. Years ago I had to quit reading a genealogy blog by Randy (somebody) because he was very politically opinionated (this was even before T) The current situation here in the US is frightening. We have enough problems with the pandemic and unemployment and surely don't need riots in so many cities. I think there are lots of outside agitators involved, but my husband isn't so sure. Stay safe.

  2. Thanks for your reply, Shaz. I think when there is a riot, it draws the crazies out of the woodwork, especially now.

  3. Anonymous4:29 PM

    It's your blog. Write what you feel.

  4. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Hi David and Joan, I was expecting the calm before the storm and it certainly came with your last blog, firstly I respect your point of view and please continue expressing your point of view, its understandable that this rant must have offended many of your US readers. Just a few points, Tensions in the black community has been brewing for a long time, the police who risk their lives and operate in combat like situations everyday, must be at breaking point, law abiding citizens never have contact with the police, does who break the law have to expect the consequences, they know the state of play and what they might expect if they confront the police, the effects of drugs which bring out the worse of people making them behave like animals. This is what the police have to deal with.
    David its easy sitting back in your armchair enjoying a glass of wine and passing judgement.
    I was surprised that you haven't blamed Trump for all this, because he has been the blame of everything else.
    Rant in response..

    Take care look after Joan..

  5. Anon, well, you knew I would have to reply. :-)There is no way you can say my last rant offended so many of my U.S. readers. YOU don't know that and neither do I. Yes, tension has been growing since the country started slavery, and only in the last 50 years has it finally become active. Law-abiding citizens never have contact with the police is a VERY false statement and if you grew up in America you would know that. Obviously, you didn't. Breaking most laws doesn't mean you end up being murdered by a policeman. It's very clear on the video George Floyd was murdered. Drugs had nothing to do with this incident so why add that in your comment? It's easy for you sitting back in your armchair enjoying a glass of beer and passing judgment on racism in America when you have no experience of it. No, I don't blame Trump for all of this but I do blame him for statements like, "When the looting starts, the shooting starts". I suggest you, at least, read some books about racism in America before you make comments about something you have only heard about.

    Thanks for your comment. :-)

  6. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Hi David-I agree with your opinions wholeheartedly. Express them freely and often. Note I refer to them as opinions not necessarily rants. Being born and raised in America, I never feared for our democracy's future until Trump "won." Won't get into all he's done and failed to do. It's patently obvious. No doubt that history will reveal his tenure (one-term If there is a God) as a DISASTER to our democratic way. As to the other anons, just like their leader and the rest of that ilk: They like to dish it out but can't take it. Like children when called to task they take their ball and run home.

  7. Thank you(wholehearted)Anonymous.

  8. If you are stopped by the cops, it seems you are guilty until proven innocent. Years back, probably twenty-five, my son and his friend, both white, were confronted by the cops when they stopped to use a pay phone. Apparently, there was a store broken into near by. (Like they would break into a store and then stop near-by to use a pay phone.) Anyway, they were slammed down on the hood of their car and roughly searched. When the cops found no tools in their car they released them. My son and his friend were not very happy and complained to me about it. Like there was something I could do about it.
    I know that black people take it personal and try to fight back and I think that is when the trouble starts. What that cop did was in my opinion was murder and totally unnecessary. There were four cops, the poor man was hand cuffed what did they think he was going to do? It's four against one. He should have been let up as soon as he was cuffed.
    My husband said the cop should be convicted, just for being stupid. According to the report this cop has been in trouble in the past, for his behavior. The cops need more training and discipline.
    I don't know that this was Trump's fault, but I think he incites people. Now he wants the governors to be more forceful and control the situation while he hides in his bunker. Everyday, it's something else with him and his mouth. I just want him voted out. Hopefully, people will wake up and see him for what he is. Incompetent. Most people defending him were against him when he was in the running, including Fox news, my husband and Mitch McConnell. My husband even promised me that Trump wouldn't win the nomination. I don't understand it, why do they stand up for him. Maybe they are just so loyal to the Republican party. I thought he would get up killed in a war but he is doing it by ignoring the virus and inciting people to ignore the guidelines he himself set down. Sorry, I have to use you as a sounding board, but you know my situation.
    I think Joe looked very sexy in his mask and sunglasses.

  9. So busy with my rant I forgot to say: I'm proud of Joan, I know she took a risk but good for her. She made it!

  10. Thank you, Helen. I'll pass that on to Joan.

  11. Thanks for your rant, Helen. I don't know about the "sexy"look about Joe. :-)
