
Monday, September 03, 2007

First month!

OK, we've been here one month now and I think we are doing well. We've found a flat, learned how to get around Poznań on public transportation, established a bank account, got medical coverage, furnished our flat about 90%, made two new friends, signed up for Polish lessons, visited cousins outside of Poznań, so I think it is all good.

Thirty days of a new life, new language, new culture and a change from everything we have known and doing good. I look at the old pictures of my grandfather and grandmother and wonder what they would say to me now that I have made this change in my life to move to Poland. Or my own mother, knowing I have moved to the birthplace of her parents, what would she say? So many thoughts come into my mind each day about what we have done. Is it good? Is it bad? Why did we do this? How could we do this? All I can say to that is that it is something I felt I should do and so I did it. The support of my wife Joan has made it all so easy to do. She has not "polish connection" and yet it was an easy decision for her and I will be always grateful to her for that. She may have given up more than me to make this move, with grandchildren in America, but she seems as happy as I that we did this. We have always been adventurous spirits, her and I, and so our life continues in that way. No dishwasher, no clothes dryer and yet she continues to tell me we have made a good decision and our life will be good in Poland. How can I not agree with her?


Anonymous said...

Dear David and Joan-
I have really enjoyed your adventure. I can't wait each day to find out what new joy or obstacle that you've encountered and how you've solved the problem, or enjoyed the moment. You are brave trailblazers indeed. Bridget and I would like to send a small package your way. Would you please let us know your address in Poznan?
Let the Blog continue - Thanks.
Your Michigan cousin,
Rita Rajewski McAvoy

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

Thanks Rita,
I've missed hearing from you. Yes we've managed to overcome the obstacles and are progessing in our life in Poland. Our address is..
David Piekarczyk
ul. Międzychodzka 7B/4
60-371 Poznań

Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe that you have been in Poland a month already....
and things are going well. And most importantly.... you both are happy! I am so happy for you. And Joan is right... it was a good decision and your life will be good. I wait every day for your blog !!
Hugs, Marilyn

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

Thanks Marilyn,
Knowing that people are reading the Blog everyday gives me a good reason to continue it. I've found a way to save the blog so I don't lose everything I've written. It's a rather lengthy process so I'm going to print the directions and try to do that soon. If the Blog should disappear one day it's only because I did something wrong in the process and I will correct the mistake and return. I guess my point is that if you can't find it one day, it's only very temporary and it will be right back so don't stop looking for it :-)

Unknown said...

Hope I can keep up with your blogs. With trying to make a living here in AZ. going to see a doc huh? Pretty adventurous.

Unknown said...

No Clothes Dryer! you better come back right now.