Friday, September 27, 2019

Agree or disagree.

Another one of those dreary days. I thought it was Saturday but it's only Friday. I should check the calendar to see what day it is.

I spent the morning watching a rerun of the questioning of the Acting Director of National Intelligence about the Ukraine issue. Joan says it's a waste of time because there is nothing that we, personally, can do about it so it doesn't matter. I disagree with her that it doesn't matter to watch it because, although we can't do anything about it, we should know what is going on with it. We don't always agree on everything, except loving each other, :-)

In the afternoon we studied together and then I pounded 4 pork chops to make them thinner. Joan will use them tonight to make roladas for dinner.

The picture above shows the beginning of Autumn from where we used to live in Michigan. You can see the quarter-moon reflected in the water.

Kolejny z tych ponurych dni. Myślałem, że to sobota, ale to tylko piątek. Powinienem sprawdzić kalendarz, aby zobaczyć, który jest dzień.

Spędziłem poranek oglądając powtórne przesłuchanie po dyrektora wywiadu krajowego w sprawie Ukrainy. Joan mówi, że to strata czasu, ponieważ nie możemy nic z tym zrobić, więc to nie ma znaczenia. Nie zgadzam się z nią, że oglądanie go nie ma znaczenia, ponieważ chociaż nie możemy nic z tym zrobić, powinniśmy wiedzieć, co się z tym dzieje. Nie zawsze zgadzamy się na wszystko, z wyjątkiem siebie nawzajem :-)

Po południu razem studiowaliśmy, a następnie wbiłem 4 kotlety wieprzowe, aby były cieńsze. Joan wykorzysta je dziś wieczorem, aby zrobić role na obiad.

Zdjęcie powyżej pokazuje początek jesieni, skąd mieszkaliśmy w Michigan. Możesz zobaczyć ćwierć księżyc odbity w wodzie.


  1. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Hi David and Joan, I am with Joan, Trump is a maverick, Biden is gone and Warren is a lamb to the slaughter,
    Trump has now been given another four years. Your friend Greta Thunberg is watching you, promising mass extinction, best take the exit pill earlier, ban child birth, and await doomsday. David please snap out of this madness, you are living a deception and fraud.

  2. Anonymous,
    Trump is a moron, Biden is not gone but leaving and Warren is gaing in power. Trump has NOT been given another four years yet, unless maybe in jail. Greta Thurnberg is watching you and awaiting doomsday, I am not. Anonymous, please snap out of this madness, you are living THE GREAT DECEPTION AND FRAUD.

  3. Anonymous12:25 AM

    David, as you say, "on a brighter note", when I came onto the site
    to catch up and saw that gorgeous photo, I wondered WHERE it came from.
    Well, Michigan OR Poland, it came from our GREAT EARTH, right?!

    Can you imagine such scenes, such environments, such beauty, gone
    from our planet due to the absolutely direct effects right now in
    snow-balling motion, of global warming. God, help us!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. btw, had never heard that American Indian bit of wisdom, about
    the wood, the ashes, and the fire... very wise indeed
    (unlike, the un-wisdom your other anonymous "friend") ;~}


  4. Stephanie,
    The Porcupine Mountains are in the Ottawa National Forest in the west of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. However, ALL of the Upper Peninsula is as beautiful in the Autumn. I had, and later both Joan and I had to good fortune to spend more than a few Autumns living there as we adventured through our life together. The scenery was spectacular no mater what part you were in. There is no other place like it in the Midwest.
    Living in the teepee, that Indian saying had a lot of meaning for me, as it does for my life now.
