Thursday, September 19, 2019

Shopping Day

Shopping day, 167 PLN($43) spent because we needed olive oil, toilet paper, tissue paper and water. These are things we normally buy every 2 weeks.  So, although it was a little high, it was because of the extra's we bought.

Tomorrow is the Climate Strike and I will be going. Joan will stay home because standing up for a couple of hours would be tiring for her and I will be moving around a lot taking pictures.

Dzień zakupów wydano 167 PLN (43 USD), ponieważ potrzebowaliśmy oliwy z oliwek, papieru toaletowego, bibuły i wody. Są to rzeczy, które zwykle kupujemy co 2 tygodnie. Tak więc, chociaż był trochę wysoki, to z powodu dodatkowych, które kupiliśmy.

Jutro jest strajk klimatyczny i zamierzam jechać. Joan zostanie w domu, ponieważ wstawanie przez kilka godzin byłoby dla niej męczące, a ja dużo się poruszam, robiąc zdjęcia.


  1. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Hi David and Joan, yes, well many people are saying that the march was a march of the ignorant, a march funded by adults similar to the hitler youth marches in the late 30's, omg what the world is coming to, David your young friend should be a school learning and not talking nonsense, many say she is a manipulative and a divisive person who has serious mental issues, the climate change fraudsters will probably nominate her for the next noble peace prize.
    David and Joan, you can prepare for the world to end in 10 years, suggest you lead by example no cars, air travel, no heating, even taking a 80th birthday exit pill might help.

  2. Ah Anonymous, again you verify my opinion of your thoughts. "Many people are saying"? Who are these "Many people"? Who funds the marches against LGBT rights, civil justice rights, women's rights, and immigration rights? "Many say she is manipulative". Again I ask, who are these "many people"? Maybe you should say your circle of friends says these things. There is no mention of the world to end in 10 years but yet another fabrication of your speech. This topic is one we will never agree on so let us just agree to disagree. :-)

  3. Thanks David for your response, hey its nothing personal by the way!!! on a more serious note why are you paying 100zl for a licence examination, where you should be paying only 30zl, I assume its the non resident rate as apposed to somebody with a pesel ???

  4. Anon. Yes, I don't take it personally. I think the 100 PLN must be for non-citizen since I am a resident and do have a pesel.
