Sunday, September 29, 2019


Joan, preparing the shrimp curried eggs, had the not so nice task of cleaning 1/2 kg of shrimp. It takes a long time. We discovered we didn't buy the necessary soup to add to this so I had to make a trip to Carrefour while she carried out her mundane task. Fortunately, it is the last Sunday of the month and the supermarket was open. When she is done we will take a break and watch the highlights of some of yesterday's college football games. For reasons unknown to me, YouTube no longer shows the complete game, only highlights. It is the same thing the National Football League does now. I am sure it all has to do with money, somehow.

Joan, przygotowując krewetki w curry, miała niezbyt przyjemne zadanie czyszczenia 1/2 kg krewetek. To zajmuje dużo czasu. Odkryliśmy, że nie kupiliśmy niezbędnej zupy, aby to dodać, więc musiałem udać się do Carrefour, podczas gdy ona wykonywała swoje przyziemne zadanie. Na szczęście jest ostatnia niedziela miesiąca i supermarket był otwarty. Kiedy skończy, zrobimy sobie przerwę i obejrzymy najważniejsze wydarzenia z wczorajszych meczów futbolu uniwersyteckiego. Z nieznanych mi powodów YouTube nie wyświetla już pełnej gry, a jedynie najważniejsze informacje. To samo robi teraz National Football League. Jestem pewien, że w jakiś sposób wszystko to ma związek z pieniędzmi.


  1. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Hi David and Joan, thanks firstly for posting my last comment, not all people want to publish comments that don't agree with climate change, thank you, I have always believed that is better to walk alone than going with a crowd in the wrong direction. One think that concerns me is the language and nastiness of the new left, name calling and personal abuse!!! David please let me know what you would do, you seem to have all the answers, what could they be? hmm ban clean coal, cars, airline travel, mobile phones , awaiting your response, I am all ears.

  2. Anonymous, you are not alone in your denial of climate change, therefore, you do not walk alone. I just happen to be in the other group who walk in the opposite direction.
    As far as the nasty language used by the new left, you will find that in all directions, new left, new right, middle right, middle left, far right, far left, etc.
    No, I don't have all the answers. Ban clean coal? what is the name of this clean coal that doesn't put CO2., smoke or pollute the air in Poland or any other country? Ban car? No, but change over to electric cars and eliminate fossil fuels. Mobil phones are powered by batteries, charged by electricity. Electricity comes from power plants using coal to produce it. Change their source of production to an alternative production source. Does that make you happy :-)
