Thursday, October 03, 2019

Downton Abbey.

We don't usually go to the movies so tomorrow will be the exception. We 've long been a fan of the T.V, series, Downton Abbey and now a movie is out picking up where the series ended last year. It will be a good break to escape back into that world for two hours so I bought 2 tickets online just now and we go tomorrow at 15:30 to be entertained and maybe also to learn a few new words in Polish. The movie is in English but it has Polish subtitles.

We did our food shopping today. The menu for the week had 3 of the new recipes in it from the Med. diet and it did affect our cost, 161 PLN ($40). Joan added 2 with beef and 1 with shrimp. We will have to change that and incorporate only one of them each week to keep the cost down.

Joan made this new, excellent dinner tonight from her new menu, Walnut-Rosemary Crusted Salmon
She added fresh yellow beans from the farmer's stand on the corner. It was a good tasting meal.

Zwykle nie chodzimy do kina, więc jutro będzie wyjątek. Od dawna jesteśmy fanem serialu TV Downton Abbey, a teraz, kiedy serial zakończył się w zeszłym roku, wypuszczają film . To będzie dobra odmiana, by wrócić do tego świata na dwie godziny, więc właśnie kupiłem 2 bilety online i jutro o 15:30 jedziemy, aby się zabawić, a może też nauczyć się kilku nowych słów po polsku. Film jest w języku angielskim, ale ma polskie napisy.

Dzisiaj zrobiliśmy zakupy. Menu na tydzień zawierało 3 nowe przepisy z diety śródziemnomorskiej, co wpłynęło na koszt zakupów, 161 PLN (40 USD). Joan dodała 2 przepisy z wołowiną i 1 z krewetkami. Będziemy musieli to zmienić i włączać tylko jeden z nich na tydzień, aby obniżyć koszty.

Dziś Joan zrobiła doskonałą kolację ze swojego nowego menu: Walnut-Rosemary Crusted Salmon
Dodała świeżą żółtą fasolę zakupioną u rolnika na stoisku na rogu. To był smaczny posiłek.


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Linda from Texas

    Saw Downton Abbey last week - great movie just like the series. I know you will enjoy it too since you are a fan.

  2. Hi Linda,
    We saw it today. Definitely liked it. It will be interesting to see if it continues as a TV series or just movies now. You do know the wife of the current dynasty of owners writes a blog about it?

  3. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Yes I do know about her blog and I have seen her interviewed. She is very articulate and did a good job talking about the daily life at the abbey. My husband and I also thought that the ending allowed for more either on TV or on the big screen. Although it was out for at least a week when we saw it, there were only 9 people at our showing in the afternoon. Can’t wait to see what happens.

  4. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Believe it or not, I never watched "Downtown Abbey" as a tv series;
    but, when I read your blog mention about you and Joan going to see the
    movie, it piqued my curiosity...and sequed into the discovery of an
    artsy theatre that was showing it that same evening-- so, I went and
    enjoyed it too.

    However-- as romantic as I am about "olden times" and the glamorization of it all, the actual existence of the "class structure" motif of this series is actually a bit disturbing-- echoes of the "1%-tage"???

    And Q to you: WHY do you think (what do you think about this series) has made it SO popular to people (ESCAPISM)???

    Maybe someday, when I crank up the old dvd-player (first have to get it out of storage!), I may start watching the series to learn the answers to my own queries...meantime, I would invite your opionion, and that of your other readers, David?

    ~ Stephanie

  5. Stephanie, For us, we liked it because of the characters(acting), the possibility to see inside some old mansions, see how they were actually run as households, how the servants interacted with the "masters, the scenery, and it was in English. It definitely was escapism.
