Thursday, July 22, 2010

Oliwia's Graduation.

I first met her in 2004 on my second trip to Poland, she was only 17. She talked about wanting to go to America to see what the country was like and meet relatives unknown to her. She came and stayed with us for a few weeks in Chicago, went to California and Michigan and then returned to us. She had her whole life in front of her, was bright, intelligent and mature for her age. She talked about wanting to go to University but didn't know what she wanted from it. We took walks and talked about it and I knew she would make good decisions for her future.

This last weekend cousin Oliwia Kupińska graduated from Luton University in England. Congratulations Oliwia! I know how proud your parents are of you and I am happy that we have a good relationship.

There is a second blog from today below this one.

Poznałem ją w 2004 r. w sprawie mój drugi wyjazd do Polska, miała tylko 17. Mówiła o chęć pójścia do Ameryki, aby zobaczyć, co kraj, jak i spełniać jej nieznanych krewnych. Podeszła i pozostał z nami przez kilka tygodni w Chicago, udał się do Kalifornii, Michigan, a następnie wrócił do nas. Miała całe życie przed nią, było jasne, inteligentne i gotowe do jej wieku. Mówiła o pragnących podjąć studia, ale nie wiedział, co chce od niego. Wzięliśmy spacery i rozmawialiśmy o tym i wiedziałem, że ona podejmować dobre decyzje dla jej przyszłości.

Ten ostatni weekend kuzyna Oliwia Kupińska ukończył Uniwersytet Luton w Anglii. Oliwia Gratulacje! Wiem, jak twoi rodzice są dumni z Ciebie i cieszę się, że mamy dobre stosunki.

Jest drugi blog od dzisiaj poniżej tego.


  1. Marilyn12:44 AM

    CONGRATULATIONS TO OLIWIA!!!! She is a very special girl and has a great future. I met her in Michigan and again in Poland...she was so helpful when I was in Poland
    (translating)!!! Best of luck, Oliwia!!!!!

  2. hi David :)

    Thank you for so many nice words. I'm happy we got this chance to get to know each other. Who knows, maybe if I hadn't come to visit you in Chicago, I wouldn't have decided to study what I did.

    Best wishes,

    Ps. Thank you Marilyn :)

  3. Congratulations Oliwia!

    I am so glad that I met you, and I enjoyed your visit to us in Michigan. I glad that I was able to show you the beauty of Michigan.

    I'm glad that you graduated from the University, and best luck to you in the future.

    Mary Ann Bergevin
