Tuesday, May 29, 2018


34c(93F) today with sunny skies but still not hot in our flat because of the cross-breeze from open windows.

We're trying everything to keep our minds off the tragedy we are suffering from now. We watched a few old movies, an old football game and did some studying. I even read a little news today.

It seems Poland wants a permanent U.S. military presence and is willing to pay up to $2 billion to get it. They want American soldiers on the ground for protection against Russia. It's called "A Proposal for a U.S. Permanent Presence in Poland”. It will be interesting to see how "Orange Head" reacts to it. It will also be interesting to see how other European allies view it, like Italy and Germany who want to improve relations with Russia.

Dzisiaj są 34C (93F),  słoneczne niebo, ale wciąż nie jest gorąco w naszym mieszkaniu ze względu na wiejący wiatr przez otwarte okna.

Próbujemy wszystkiego, aby oderwać nasze myśli od tragedii, której teraz doświadczamy. Obejrzeliśmy kilka starych filmów, stary mecz w piłkę nożną i trochę się uczyliśmy. Nawet dzisiaj czytałem trochę wiadomości.

Wygląda na to, że Polska chce stałej obecności wojskowej USA i gotowa jest zapłacić do 2 miliardów dolarów, aby ją uzyskać. Chce obecności  amerykańskich żołnierzy na ziemi w celu ochrony przed Rosją. Nazywa się to "Propozycją stałej obecności USA w Polsce". "Ciekawe, jak zareaguje na to" Pomarańczowa Głowa ", będzie również ciekawe zobaczyć, jak postrzegają to inni europejscy sojusznicy, jak Włochy i Niemcy, którzy chcą poprawić stosunki z Rosją.

34c (93F) hoy con cielos soleados pero aún no hace calor en nuestro apartamento debido a la brisa cruzada de las ventanas abiertas.

Estamos intentando todo para mantener nuestras mentes fuera de la tragedia que estamos sufriendo ahora. Vimos algunas películas antiguas, un viejo juego de fútbol e hicimos algunos estudios. Incluso leí algunas noticias hoy.

Parece que Polonia desea una presencia militar permanente de los EE. UU. Y está dispuesta a pagar hasta $ 2 mil millones para obtenerla. Quieren soldados estadounidenses en el terreno para la protección contra Rusia. Se llama "Una propuesta para una presencia permanente de EE. UU. En Polonia". Será interesante ver cómo reacciona "Orange Head". También será interesante ver cómo lo ven otros aliados europeos, como Italia y Alemania que quieren mejorar las relaciones con Rusia.

1 comment:

  1. (An abridged version of my opinions here-- as what I fully wanted to say was too long for this comments section); but, I sent you a longer email, David:

    In reply to your comments, a couple of weekends back, the President and First Lady of Poland made an-- I was told-- 'unofficial visit to the U.S.'. I ended
    up at the last minute, attending the public event held in Chicago, at Millenium Park. It was a GOOD event, lasting more that 4 hours (of which the Dudas remained for about 4, before exiting in the limo line to a crowd of flags and cheers.

    They'd travelled to NY, the U.N., paid a visit to the NYC towers memorial, visited
    I began to suspect this 'unofficial' visit had a major point and I was right, given I then heard the same news you shared in the blog (reprinted above).

    I believe the point he was making was: Look, U.S., you are vulnerable too; look U.S. how, in your hour of need (the Civil War), a Polish man-- and hero, came to support you-- and contributed very importantly to your cause; look, U.S. how many Polish-American soldiers assist your nation; look U.S., how many Poles live on your shores and have contributed and continue to contribute in cultural, educational, and many other civic ways beyond the military, to keep your nation great. And, so on.... I am convinced this unofficial visit of which it was said was to celebrate w. Poles and Polish-heritage citizens, the remembrance of Poland's 100th anniversary of fighting for it's freedom (once again). So, it was not surprising to
    hear such news coming out of Poland, once the President and his wife returned home.

    Poland has a point to feel less insecure by the help of an large ally such as the U.S. It also, in my opinion, has the right (in fact, long overdue) to demand such support, for over and over again, Poland has shown it's unwavering support for the U.S. (despite being humiliated with the U.S.'s ignoring of Poland's Visa issuance program, for starters)! That snub has been going on for TOO,TOO many years now (even as other immigrants pour into our shores-- even terrorists)! Shame on the U.S. for that....
