Friday, January 04, 2019


2 weeks ago Joan fell when she was turning around in the bedroom. She hit the back of her head on the dresser but not hard. Even so, I knew that was not good. I watched her closely for the next days to see if there were any changes in movement, speech, understanding, etc. There were none. As the weeks went on I forgot about it. 3 days ago she woke up and had more trouble walking, some speaking and understanding and it worried me enough to call the neurologist. I explained everything to him and he advised me to take her immediately to hospital. He said sometimes even a little bump may cause a bleed by one of the clips in her brain and it may take weeks before signs start showing. She is at MSW hospital now and has had a CT scan. It showed NO change from last year. However, a CT does not show the blood vessels in the brain so they did an MRI last night to be sure there is no bleeding. If there is none, then they have to figure out why this change happened.

It is now 17:00, Friday and we have the results of the MRI. I am ecstatic to tell you there is no change from the one taken last year. There is NO bleeding, NO tumor, NO hematoma or swelling. In short, her brain is in tact. Tomorrow they will do an EKG o see if there is a problem there or it could be the medications. However, the biggest wory, her brain, is safe. HALLELUJAH.

Dwa tygodnie temu Joan upadła, gdy odwróciła się w sypialni. Uderzyła w tył głowy w komodę, ale nie twarda. Mimo to wiedziałem, że nie było dobrze. Obserwowałem ją uważnie przez następne dni, aby zobaczyć, czy nastąpiły jakiekolwiek zmiany w ruchu, mowie, zrozumieniu itp. Nie było żadnych. Z upływem tygodni zapomniałem o tym. 3 dni temu obudziła się i miała więcej kłopotów z chodzeniem, trochę mówienia i zrozumienia i martwiło mnie to wystarczająco, aby zadzwonić do neurologa. Wyjaśniłem mu wszystko i doradził, bym zabrał ją natychmiast do szpitala. Powiedział, że czasami nawet mały guzek może spowodować krwawienie z jednego z klipów w mózgu i może minąć kilka tygodni, zanim pojawią się znaki. Ona jest teraz w szpitalu MSW i miała tomografię komputerową. Nie wykazało żadnych zmian w porównaniu z zeszłym rokiem. Jednak tomografia komputerowa nie pokazuje naczyń krwionośnych w mózgu, więc wykonali badanie MRI zeszłej nocy, aby upewnić się, że nie ma krwawienia. Jeśli ich nie ma, muszą dowiedzieć się, dlaczego ta zmiana się dokonała.

Jest teraz 17:00, piątek i mamy wyniki MRI. Jestem zachwycony, że mogę powiedzieć, że nie ma żadnej zmiany od tej, którą zrobiono w zeszłym roku. Nie ma krwawienia, NO.tumor, krwiaka ani obrzęku NO. Krótko mówiąc, jej mózg jest w takt. Jutro zrobią EKG o sprawdzić, czy jest tam jakiś problem, czy mogą to być leki. Jednak wielki mózg, jej mózg, jest bezpieczny. ALLELUJA


  1. Rejoicing with you, David. All the best to Joan - hope they find the cause of her symptoms. Hang in there!

  2. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Hi David and Joan, so sorry and so glad that Joan is ok, look after her, it may pay to send her to a specialist. I was going to express my views on President Trump, but will leave it for later.. (concerned about your blood pressure) But David, you carn’t complain about Joan’s medical treatment in poland 7 concerned medical staff all wanting to help,, something you wouldn’t get in the may have to retract your previous negative about polish hospital system, I suppose your mate Z will still be in denial.
    Take care and look after Joan..

  3. Anon, those were 5 medical staff taking notes on what the Professor and Resident were discussing about the case of Joan. The Case was the important item, not specifically Joan. You get the same thing in the U.S. It is a teaching experience. My past negative comments about the system came from Polish people who have used the system. My own experience, if you recall my own observation of the system, has always reflected positivity. You know I will take care of her. Sending her to a specialist will nor help. My first fear was the brain. My second fear was confirmed today by Professor Zeglar, Head of the department. All of Joan's symptoms indicate that she has dementia.

  4. Isa, Hello,

    Professor Zeglar, Head of the Neuro Dept. at the hospital spoke with me and confirmed my second fear. All of Joan's symptoms indicate that she has dementia.

    It's a progressive disease similar to Alzheimer's.

  5. So sorry about the diagnosis. Cannot imagine how hard it must be for both of you (although it is always harder for the care giver). Will this alter your future plans (Spain trip, living in Poland)?

    Sorry for those personal questions, but I was so upset when I read your news, I could not sleep last night. Hopefully Joan's daughter and her family can provide love and support you both need at this moment.

    Praying for you.

  6. Isa, after considering the pros and cons of the Spain adventure, I'm waiting to the last minute to decide. The Professor said to see how Joan is between the time she returns home and our departure date. I already have someone making enquiries for doctors and hospital where we will be, just in case.

    The second part of your question is now totally dependent on Joan's condition. I know the doctors and hospitals here in Poznan that could care for her and the quality, in Spain it would be a new beginning. I don't think I'm willing to risk putting Joan in that or subject her to a totally new environment now but I'm still not saying the idea is over.
