Sunday, August 04, 2019


A good conversation with my friend, Carmelo, from Spain this morning after I successfully passed 2 more driver's tests. He is on vacation until September so I will have more opportunities to speak with him this month via Skype. He asked me what was my method in learning Spanish and I said listening to podcasts from Juan and repetition.  Listening 1 time wasn't enough to absorb new words or phrases and I usually listened to the same one 3 or 4 times. I also said it was helpful to have the text in Spanish and English. The English for when I didn't understand what was meant. He said he should apply that as his own method for learning English. He said listening is his problem because they speak too fast in English. I told him about the VLC Media player where you can open a file and slow down the speech. I know that would help him because I have used it for Spanish. I only wish there were as many programs available for Polish as English or Spanish. Tomorrow we will speak again at 16:00. Now it is hot in Spain, 40C. I am happy that we are in Poland, 26C.

It is an overcast day with the sun breaking through the clouds occasionally. A good day to be outside so we went. First to Sołacki Park for a walk and then to the center and Empik for coffee.  Of course, on our mind were the 2 tragic events yesterday in the U.S. 2 sic individuals shooting a total of 29 innocent people.Why the U.S. government does not enact stricter gun laws is beyond belief. It is worried about foreign terrorists but it's own domestic terrorists kill more people every month. I believe this is especially true since it's own President does not speak out against it forcefully enough and pass laws for gun control.

We changed to something more positive like where to take a small vacation inside Poland next month after school is started. We have been to the major cities but would like to visit someplace interesting with about a 3-4 hour drive from Poznań. Any suggestions?

Dobra rozmowa z moim przyjacielem Carmelo z Hiszpanii dziś rano po pomyślnym zdaniu jeszcze dwóch testów kierowców. Jest na wakacjach do września, więc w tym miesiącu będę miał więcej okazji porozmawiać z nim przez Skype. Zapytał mnie, jaka jest moja metoda uczenia się hiszpańskiego, a ja powiedziałem, słuchając podcastów od Juana i powtarzania. Słuchanie 1 raz nie wystarczało, by wchłonąć nowe słowa lub frazy i zwykle słuchałem tego samego 3 lub 4 razy. Powiedziałem również, że pomocne jest posiadanie tekstu w języku hiszpańskim i angielskim. Angielski, kiedy nie rozumiałem, o co chodzi. Powiedział, że powinien zastosować to jako własną metodę nauki angielskiego. Powiedział, że słuchanie jest jego problemem, ponieważ mówią zbyt szybko po angielsku. Powiedziałem mu o odtwarzaczu VLC Media Player, w którym możesz otworzyć plik i spowolnić mowę. Wiem, że to mu pomogło, ponieważ użyłem go do hiszpańskiego. Chciałbym tylko, żeby było tyle programów dostępnych dla języka polskiego, co angielski lub hiszpański. Jutro znów porozmawiamy o 16:00. Teraz jest gorąco w Hiszpanii, 40 ° C. Cieszę się, że jesteśmy w Polsce, 26C.

Jest pochmurny dzień, a słońce czasami przedziera się przez chmury. Dobry dzień na zewnątrz, więc poszliśmy. Najpierw na spacer do parku Sołackiego, potem do centrum i Empik na kawę. Oczywiście myśleliśmy o dwóch tragicznych wydarzeniach wczorajszych w Stanach Zjednoczonych. 2 osoby zabijające łącznie 29 niewinnych ludzi. Dlaczego rząd USA nie wprowadza bardziej rygorystycznych przepisów dotyczących broni, jest nie do uwierzenia. Martwi się o zagranicznych terrorystów, ale to terroryści krajowi zabijają co miesiąc więcej ludzi. Uważam, że jest to szczególnie prawdziwe, ponieważ jego własny prezydent nie wypowiada się wystarczająco mocno i nie uchwala przepisów dotyczących kontroli broni.

Zmieniliśmy się na coś bardziej pozytywnego, na przykład na małe wakacje w Polsce w przyszłym miesiącu po rozpoczęciu szkoły. Byliśmy w głównych miastach, ale chcielibyśmy odwiedzić interesujące miejsce w odległości około 3-4 godzin jazdy samochodem od Poznania. Jakieś sugestie?


  1. Have you visited Torun? or Znin where my ancestors were born?

  2. Shaz, Been to Torun twice, not Znin.

  3. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Hi David and Joan,

    guess who said these words

    In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in America. Hatred warps the mind, ravages the heart and devours the soul.

    No it wasn't Obama, nor Clinton, nor David Piekarczyk????

    What did Clinton or Obama do to control gun laws in the US. Nil
    Were there mass shooting in the US during their Term.. Yes Yes..
    = select reporting = fake media.

  4. Anonymous,
    After 2 1/2 years of "stirring the pot" of racism, bigotry and white nationalism, it's way past the time Trump said something against them after 31 more people were killed.

    What did President Obama TRY do about guns:
    President Obama's executive actions involved:

    Background checks for all gun sellers, overturning current exemptions to some online and gun show sellers
    States providing information on people disqualified from buying guns due to mental illness or domestic violence
    Increased workforce for the FBI to process background checks, hiring more than 230 new examiners
    Congress being asked to invest $500m (£339m) to improve access to mental healthcare in the US
    The departments of defense, justice and homeland security exploring "smart gun technology" to improve gun safety
    He previously told the BBC that the failure to tackle gun control had been the greatest frustration of his presidency.
    Republican President Donald Trump reversed the measures

    Soon after taking office, President Bill Clinton passed the Brady Bill. The bill was named after Ronald Reagan's press secretary James Brady, who was wounded during the attempt on Reagan's life by John Hinckley. The bill had been introduced several times in Congress during the 1980s and early 1990s. President Bush had vetoed an earlier version of the bill after intense pressure from the National Rifle Association

    One year after signing the Brady Law, White House lobbying also played a role in the passage of the 1994 Crime Bill, which included the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, commonly known as the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. The law banned certain semi-automatic firearms with two or more specific design features, and also prohibited the manufacture of ammunition magazines that held over ten rounds

    In his second term, the Republican House of Representatives voted to overturn the assault weapons ban in 1996, but the Senate failed to take up the issue.

    Do your homework before you ask questions about things you don't know.
