Thursday, August 15, 2019


Yes, sorry but I have to write this, mainly for my American readers in the U.S.

For the last 2 1/2 years, you and I have written so many comments that have had NO effect at stopping the machine in Washington D.C. We've expressed our disgust with the President and certain politicians to no avail. The list of grievances is longer than it was against King George when the fight for Independence began. It is time for another fight for Independence from another tyrannical leader, this time, our own. It begins on Saturday, September 21, 2019. It is called "We The People" March in Washington D.C. The time to be there is 11:00. The starting point is Freedom Plaza, 13th and Pennysylvania AvenueNW. But it should not be only in Washington D.C. It should occur simultaneously in every town and city in the U.S. where people want to take back America. It won't happen without your efforts. Someone has to start to organize it now in your town. Have you FINALLY had enough and are willing to put into action, peacefully, by organizing a march in your town? Make no mistake, the opponent has his supporters who have not faltered through everything he has done. It will take thousands of people all across America to show that WE are the majority and this COULD BE the beginning. The Minute Men had their time in history. Will you have yours or will you remain in the silent majority? T.B.A.Take Back America.

It's a holiday today, a beautiful day of weather. We sat outside of Empik watching people and 3 men came and sat at a table next to us. They were waiting for a waiter. I overheard them speaking Spanish so I went to them and said, "Perdoname, pero es necesario ir a la mujer en el mostrador"(Excuse me but it is necessary to go to the woman at the counter). They understood me perfectly and thanked me for telling them. I was so happy I could communicate with them properly and they understood. I am making progress in Spanish.

Przepraszam, ale muszę to napisać, głównie dla moich amerykańskich czytelników.

W ciągu ostatniego 2 ½ roku wy i ja napisaliśmy tak dużo komentarzy, które nie przyniosły żadnego efektu w zatrzymaniu maszynerii w Washington D.C. Wyraziliśmy nasz niesmak wobec prezydenta i pewnych polityków bez pożytku. Lista skarg jest dłuższa niż ta przeciwko królowi Georg, kiedy zaczęła się wojna o niepodległość. Jest czas na kolejną walkę o niepodległość od kolejnego despotycznego lidera, tym razem naszego własnego. Zacznie się w sobotę 21 września 2019. Jest nazywany Marsz – My Ludzie. Trzeba tam być o 11:00. Punkt startowy jest na Freedom Plaza 13 oraz Pennysylvania Avenue NY. Ale nie powinno się to odbyć tylko W Washington D.C. Powinno się pojawić równolegle w każdym mieście i miasteczku w USA, w którym ludzie chcą odzyskać Amerykę. To się nie zdarzy bez Twojego starania. Ktoś musi teraz zacząć to organizować w twoim mieście. Czy w końcu masz dosyć i jesteś gotów do pokojowego działania poprzez organizację marszu w swoim mieście? Nie popełnij błędu, przeciwnik ma swoich zwolenników, którzy nie zawahają się ze względu na wszystko, co on zrobił. Tysiące ludzi w całej Ameryce potwierdzi, że jesteśmy większością, i to MÓGŁBY BYĆ początek. Minute Men mieli swój czas w historii. Czy będziesz mieć swoją minutę, czy pozostaniesz w cichej większości. T.B.A. Odzyskać Amerykę.

To dziś święto, piękny dzień pogody. Siedzieliśmy przed Empikiem, obserwując ludzi, a 3 mężczyzn przyszło i usiedliśmy przy stoliku obok nas. Czekali na kelnera. Słyszałem, jak mówią po hiszpańsku, więc podszedłem do nich i powiedziałem: „Perdoname, pero es necesario ir a la mujer en el mostrador” (przepraszam, ale trzeba iść do kobiety przy kasie). Rozumieli mnie doskonale i podziękowali, że im powiedziałem. Byłem tak szczęśliwy, że mogłem się z nimi prawidłowo komunikować, a oni rozumieli. Robię postępy w języku hiszpańskim.


  1. Excuse me. I tried to refrain my self from commenting on your blog many times but I can't do it anymore.
    Funny. You are a person who left the USA many years ago. You have no idea what's going on here. Only from media coverage, which does not have to be true. You haven't visited this country even once in this period. And you are the person who gives instructions to those who live here? You are a hypocrite. Excuse me. And you can't accept that more than 50 percent of the people voted for Trump, that is, you are a minority, but you still think that only you are right!
    I am not trying to tell my friends and family who to vote for in Poland, because I do not live there any more and I will not understand everything that is happening there. And by insulting our president on a daily basis (whether you like it or not, he is the President of the USA), you insult the majority of the citizens of this country (because most voted for him), you insult me ​​and my family. You have the right to express your views, but I think giving advice to us in the US, sitting comfortably in Poland is a bit funny and pathetic.

    Maybe you better leave these political arguments and enjoy your life in Poland and Spain? Those who live in the United States are doing well alone, without your help, no matter who will be our president.

  2. Jan Szumanski-Yes, I left the USA 12 years ago. I have been back 6 times If you don't like what I write, stop reading it! Your President was NOT elected by the majority of the people, he was elected by the Electoral College. Because I don't physically live there means nothing. It is still the country I was born in and I still have the right to my opinion. Perhaps if more of Polonia took more interest in the country it came from there wouldn't be so much division here. If you don't understand everything that is happening in Poland it is only that you have little interest, sitting comfortably in the U.S.

  3. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Guess that Pan Jan's spewing some fake news here or is on a wishful thinking trip.

    Vote tallies in 2016 were:

    Clinton 65,844,610 48.6%
    Trump 62,979,636 46.1%
    Other (the difference)

    Where's the "more than 50 percent of the people voted for Trump." Guess he drank the kool aid and deals in "alternative facts" like his hero does. Now who should be insulted here, Pan Jan?

  4. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Hi David Reluctantly I need to add my two pence worth, you have been made welcome and are able to live in Poland, and all you do is throw mud against the Polish PIS government who is a very popular majority government, results = low inflation, low unemployment and the vast majority of people are very happy, of course not the old PO thugs are happy , they want to rule Poland again and feather there own nest,(they are the ones who sold Poland to the lowest bidder) I was surprised that you would complain to a foreign government about your unhappiness in our administration.
    Jan is correct in many of his comments, you are no longer a resident of the US and want to change a democratically elected President, This is not how things are done in a democracy, may I suggest to you to first find a suitable person to challenge Trump at the next election and lets then be united and get behind the winner you have what the anarchist have in common, >>>Its my way or no way>>
    History has shown that people who throw mud against a popular leader never win in elections.
    Our Kool aid friend is at it again, perhaps he has a problem.

  5. Anonymous, as you can see there are more than one of you. Maybe you could end with..Anonymous 1. In my last blog, I was not throwing mud at PiS. I simply stated there division in the country. Jan is not right saying because I live here I have no right to my opinion that a President who causes such division in the U.S., changes laws that only help further destroy the environment and species, proclaims tariffs that in the end only hurt the farmers in the U.S., appoints Secretaries of departments who are totally opposed to what those departments stand for, continually lies, denigrates a Senatorial war hero after his death, uses Twitter as an attack platform and alienates allies should be voted out. That is my right, as an American citizen to say. And let's be clear about the "democratically elected President". There was more at play there than just common people voting. There was voter suppression in states. If history shows that people who trow mud never win in an election, how did Trump win? I have no idea who our Kool aid friend is.
