Sunday, October 28, 2007

Cheesecake day

This is the cream cheese I used
the first slice


sifted the flour

the crust is ready

It's baked! I put cinnamon on top before I baked it.

This is the cheesecake from Ann's receipe she sent. My husband and I love it and want to thank you Ann for the receipe.

To upiekło! Kładę cynamon na szczycie zanim upiekłem to.
To jest sernik od Ann receipe ona posłała. Mój mąż i ja kocham to i chcę podziękować ci Ann dla receipe.


  1. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Droga Joan i Dawid

    Ciesze sie bardzo, ze udal sie Wam sernik z przepisu, ktory dla Was wyslalam. Zdjecia pokazuja jak udany byl ten sernik.
    Gratulacje i przesylam Wam zyczenia dalszych skucesow we wszystkich Waszych przedsiewzieciach.
    Moge do Was pisac po polsku jezeli to Wam bedzie pomagalo.
    Ja czytam Wasz blog codziennie, jest on bardzo interesujacy i wydaje mi sie, ze znam Was juz bardzo dlugo.
    Wszystkiego najlepszego,

    Dear Joan and David

    I am so glad that you like my cheesecake recipe. It just looks great and the pictures add comments without words.
    Congratulations and all the best in all your projects and plans.
    I can write to you in Polish if you think it will help you.
    Your blog is very interesting and I am looking froward to read everyday. It is like we have known each other fro long time.

    Best wishes

  2. Anna,
    Thanks for the cheesecake. It's almost half gone already :-) It was good after being done only a few hours but this morning I couldn't resist trying after it had been in the refridgerator all night and it was even better.

    Yes, please do write in both languages.
