Another nice day for a walk so we went south down one of our favorite streets, saw a few buldings under renovation and few flowers we didn't know or hadn't seen before. The new colors that they use are really impressive to me. When we took a trip out to the Badlands of South Dakota we saw colors similar to these, colors we had never seen before and they were beautiful. These new colors have the same effect on me. I really like them.
We also recieved our schedule of classes today. We'll be in school on Tuesdays from 6:45PM to 8:15PM and Friday's from 3PM to 6:15PM. I thought it was going to be 3 days a week but I guess not.
Later that day, cousin Cecylia Wisniewska and her husband Leszek came to visit. We had a nice two hour visit, then Joan prepared dinner.
Later that day, cousin Cecylia Wisniewska and her husband Leszek came to visit. We had a nice two hour visit, then Joan prepared dinner.
Inny miły dzień dla spaceru tak poszliśmy na południe na dół jedną z naszych ulubionych ulic, zobaczyliśmy kilka buldings pod odnowieniem i kilkoma kwiatów, których nie znaliśmy albo nie zobaczyliśmy przedtem. My też recieved nasz plan klas dzisiaj. Będziemy w szkole we wtorki od 6:45PM do 8:15PM i piątku od 3PM do 6:15PM. Pomyślałem, że to miało być 3 dni tydzień ale sądzę nie.
Później tamtego dnia, kuzyna Cecylia Wisniewska i jej męża Leszek przyszedł bywać. Mieliśmy miłą dwie godziny wizytę, wtedy Joan przygotowała obiad.
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