Sunday, January 15, 2012

Świdnica church.

I have been talking via the Exchange with a young lady from Kraków but living temporarily in New York. We have a similar problem in that she finds it hard to find anyone to have a long conversation with in New York, in English, and I, living in Poznań, can't find a person to have a long conversation with in Polish. It's a very strange situation but kind of funny.  Yesterday she told me about her favorite music artists and we have almost the same likes.  This I find very amazing.

I saw this 360 degree view of an old church in southwest Poland in Świdnica. I posted it on the right. When you click on it and it opens, use the buttons at the bottom to move around the church but first click the button on the right to get a large screen view.  You can zoom in and out with the plus or minus sign.

Rozmawiałem przez Exchange z panienką z Krakowa, ale mieszkała tymczasowo w Nowym Jorku. Mamy podobny problem w tym, że trudno jej znaleźć nikogo do długą rozmowę z w Nowym Jorku, w języku angielskim, a ja, mieszka w Poznaniu, nie można znaleźć osoby do długiej rozmowy w języku polskim. To bardzo dziwna sytuacja, ale zabawne. Wczoraj powiedziała mi o swoich ulubionych artystów i mamy prawie tak samo lubi. To mi się bardzo zdumiewające.

Widziałem to 360 stopni widok starego kościoła, w południowo-zachodniej Polska w Świdnicy. Napisałem go po prawej stronie. Po kliknięciu na nią i otwiera za pomocą przycisków na dole, aby poruszać się po kościele, lecz najpierw kliknij przycisk po prawej stronie, aby uzyskać duży ekran. Możesz powiększać i pomniejszać ze znakiem plus lub minus.


  1. Hi everyone:) I would like to add my “tree penny” to this post (especially when the author of this blog mentions about my modest person – what was for me outstanding commendation).
    This situation with finding a person to have a long conversation with ( like David says) , I think deserve for momentarily reflection. When you think with how many people you talk every day, week, month, for some of us is difficult to sum. Hence, you can think that how is this possible not to find a person with whom you can have a long conversation. But when this comes across to you, you wonder what is the reason; you are not suitable to environment, or maybe everyone are so unique that is very difficult to find a person who has this same point of view, or opposite everyone with who surround you have the same taste, habits only you are a weirdo, or maybe a bad luck.It can be for lots of reasons and you can look for the answer for whole days or weeks. Then when eventually you find this person, you are saying to yourself “how lucky and thankful you are for this time which this person has given it you. And in this part of my short comment, I would like say THANK YOU for David and also for his wife (which I hope soon to meet:) for this time which he spent with me and time which they spent for giving us such kind of opportunity to see there point of view:) I really admire YOU GUYS.. and I would like say ,that this what you are doing is really AMAZING :) David, THANK YOU for this knowledge which you are giving me every time..Joan, THANK YOU for the support which you are giving every single day to David also THANK YOU that you did not keep him in USA..I think that Poland needs such kind people:)…And hope that maybe one day I have enough strength, energies and volition and will go after your example and will also give something from myself to others and that somebody will be such thankful me like I am to you:):):) Gorace Pozdrowienia dla wszystkich, ktorzy czytaja tego bloga i ta strone:)
