Tuesday, September 30, 2014


The gray days of autumn have returned and the sun is gone.  It's 30c in Malaga :-) Only 21c in our flat so it was time to turn on the heat. Not too bad considering it's October 1st, or almost. On days like this I think a lot about Spain, the warmer climaete, sun, calamari, the seaside and how nice it would be to have two houses, one here and one there for winter but that's not going to happen. 

Słońce zniknęło, a wróciły szare, jesienne dni.  W  Maladze jest 30C :) W naszym mieszkaniu jest tylko 21C, więc nadszedł czas, aby włączyć ogrzewanie. Nie jest tak źle biorąc pod uwagę, że to prawie 1 października. W takie dni, jak ten, dużo myślę o Hiszpanii, cieplejszym klimacie, słońcu, kalmarach, morzu i jak miło byłoby mieć dwa domy, jeden tu i jeden tam na zimę, ale to nie zdarzy


Anonymous said...

There are apartments all over Spain you can rent for $200 per month for 4-6 months over the winter! That's probably what you would save on heating bills in Poland per month ;-)

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

Yes, that's probably true but we would still have to pay the rent on our flat in Poland while we're gone.