Monday, November 04, 2019


Not much to do today, Yesterday we watched a movie, Only the Brave, a true story about 19 firefighters from Arizona who lost their lives trying to save lives from a forest fire in 2013. They were all members of a group called the Granite Montain Hotshots.  Granite Mountian is near the town of Prescott where they came from. Hotshot is the name given to firefighters who are on the frontline of fires. I thought about them today when I read the news that Trump is threatening to cut off federal aid to fight forest fires in California.

Nie ma dziś wiele do zrobienia. Wczoraj obejrzeliśmy film „Tylko odważni”, prawdziwą historię 19 strażaków z Arizony, którzy stracili życie, próbując ratować życie przed pożarem lasu w 2013 r. Wszyscy byli członkami grupy o nazwie Granite Montain Hotshoty. Granitowy Mountian znajduje się w pobliżu miejscowości Prescott, skąd pochodzą. Hotshot to nazwa nadana strażakom znajdującym się na pierwszej linii pożarów. Myślałem o nich dzisiaj, gdy czytam wiadomość, że Trump grozi odcięciem federalnej pomocy na zwalczanie pożarów lasów w Kalifornii.

1 comment:

  1. The Granite Mountain fire site is only a few miles from my home. We 'lived' the disaster. There is now a state park on the mountain.

    A piece of handbell music was composed in the firefighters honor. I played the music with my bell choir at a concert soon afterward. There was not a dry eye at the end.

    There was even a lawsuit to get full death payment for the widows and children of the dead [part-time specialists]. The Prescott fire dept. felt only full-time firefighters should get benefits. Thankfully that was overturned.
