Monday, March 09, 2020

Day 29

Every day I try to find 1 thing to be positive about with Joan. Today I failed. It's the fault of the neurologist. She came in, said she read the weekend report about Joan, did a little examination about Joan and sai she was ordering a blood test and chest x-ray. In her opinion, Joan was in worse condition than last Friday. Now she doesn't respond to things like "Open/close your mouth", "Lift your right leg" simple things. She won't open her mouth to eat, drink or take her medicine. When I ask her to open her mouth, she says OK but nothing happens.  As a result, the doctor said Joan isn't well enough to fly back to Poland on a commercial airline. This creates a huge problem, I can't rent a medical airplane to fly just her back and haven't found a service that flys to Poland. Tomorrow  I will call the American Consulate in Poznan and see what they can tell me.

Just when I thought I had worked everything out, this shit happens. Why? How many trials do we have to go through? Just take us both together and be done with it.  "Cause I'm trapped in a web of a Dark light, won't you please be my bridge into daylight, 'cause when I know I am loved I am try to find me".

Każdego dnia staram się znaleźć jedną rzecz, która mogłaby być pozytywna w przypadku Joan. Dzisiaj mi się nie udało. To wina neurologa. Weszła, powiedziała, że ​​przeczytała weekendowy raport o Joan, zrobiła małe badanie na temat Joan i Sai zamówiła badanie krwi i prześwietlenie klatki piersiowej. Jej zdaniem Joan była w gorszym stanie niż w zeszły piątek. Teraz nie reaguje na takie rzeczy jak „Otwórz / zamknij usta”, „Podnieś prawą nogę”, proste rzeczy. Nie otworzy ust, żeby jeść, pić lub przyjmować lekarstwa. Kiedy proszę ją o otwarcie ust, mówi OK, ale nic się nie dzieje. W rezultacie lekarz powiedział, że Joan nie jest wystarczająco dobra, aby lecieć z powrotem do Polski komercyjną linią lotniczą. Stwarza to ogromny problem, nie mogę wynająć samolotu medycznego, by odlecieć tylko z jej powrotem i nie znalazłem usługi, która poleciałaby do Polski. Jutro zadzwonię do konsulatu amerykańskiego w Poznaniu i zobaczę, co mogą mi powiedzieć.

Właśnie kiedy pomyślałem, że wszystko załatwiłem, to gówno się zdarza. Dlaczego? Ile prób musimy przejść? Po prostu połącz nas oboje i skończ z tym. „Bo jestem uwięziony w sieci Ciemnego światła, czyż nie będziesz moim mostem w świetle dziennym, bo kiedy wiem, że jestem kochany, wszystko w porządku… więc spróbuj mnie znaleźć”.


  1. Marilyn9:15 PM

    David... I’m feeling your pain, but my prayers are still with both you and Joan. It’s hard to hear of all the hardships of Joan and heartaches for you! God bless you both! Love and hugs!❤️

  2. I can feel your desperation, but it's not yet time to give up...You must have hope!

    After a serious operation in Barcelona I was not allowed to fly back to Paris (where we lived at the time), so we took overnight sleeper train. The station provided wheelchairs and help with getting me on/off the train. Maybe there's a similar service between your location in Spain and Poznan?

    Praying for you both. Stay strong!

  3. Anonymous5:17 PM

    To David and Joan... just revising your blog, so sorry and deeply sad that you are experiencing this terrible time in your life, shock and disbelief first come to mind, made worse by the the fact that I am unable to assist in any way... they say that every person goes thru a Calvary moment in there life, this must be yours, please know that we are all with you and Joan and pray for a speedy recovery.. David we will discuss politics at another time, its sometimes good to discuss with a person who has a different viewpoint. Hugs to Joan, look after her. Have you considered an ambulance to take Joan home, be aware of the conaravirus.. especially in Joans current situation... Take care and stay positive. annon

  4. Anon. yes I've thought of the ambulance to take her home but 2 or 3 days on the road would be too much for her. I looked at AirAmbulance also but the price is a little less than $50,000. That's not less enough. There are coronavirus signs all over the hospital but no cases there yet.

  5. Thanks, Isa. NO, I am not giving up, just frustrated and venting.
