Friday, March 13, 2020

Day 34

Bronwyn, it does help to write about it on the blog. It's a little release for me.  Trials keep popping up. Our neurologist called tonight, 7 hours before our departure and paid in full, to tell us Poland is closing it's borders to foreigners. Joan and I both have permanent residence cards for the last  10 years, mine is Polish and hers is the European Union. He thinks that will be enough to get us in but then she might be quarantined for 14 days, probably in our flat. If it isn't enough to get us in, we may have to go back the same way to Spain.  There is no way of knowing until we get to the Polish border. This nightmare will not end.

When will this let up?

The difference between 3 days ago and now in Joan's mental ability to think has improved. I could see it in her eyes sometimes and it all made sense when she spoke. You don't know how great that was for me. She even asked me what was in the bag on the floor. FANTASTIC! No improvement in sitting up but they haven't worked with her on a daily basis. That's why she needs to get into a rehab hospital. 14 Days at home wouldn't be good enough or soon enough. She's been dormant for almost 6 weeks. She needs to blossom again like that bird-of-paradise in front of the house. It's almost ready to open but needs a few more hotter days to make it pop. They are both wrapped in this gray shell now but inside there is so much beauty.

Well, this is one of life's events I have emblazoned on my mind, It's more like a volcano melting from the inside, out.

Bronwyn, es útil escribir sobre eso en el blog. Es un pequeño lanzamiento para mí. Los juicios siguen apareciendo. Nuestro neurólogo llamó esta noche, 7 horas antes de nuestra partida y pagó en su totalidad, para decirnos que Polonia está cerrando sus fronteras a los extranjeros. Joan y yo tenemos tarjetas de residencia permanente durante los últimos 10 años, la mía es polaca y la suya es la Unión Europea. Él piensa que eso será suficiente para meternos, pero luego podría estar en cuarentena durante 14 días, probablemente en nuestro departamento. Si no es suficiente para entrar, es posible que tengamos que regresar de la misma manera a España. No hay forma de saberlo hasta que lleguemos a la frontera polaca. Esta pesadilla no terminará.

¿Cuándo va a ceder esto?

La diferencia entre hace 3 días y ahora en la capacidad mental de Joan para pensar ha mejorado. A veces podía verlo en sus ojos y todo tenía sentido cuando hablaba. No sabes lo genial que fue para mí. Incluso me preguntó qué había en la bolsa en el suelo. ¡FANTÁSTICO! No hay mejoría en sentarse pero no han trabajado con ella a diario. Es por eso que necesita ingresar a un hospital de rehabilitación. 14 días en casa no serían lo suficientemente buenos o lo suficientemente pronto. Ella ha estado latente durante casi 6 semanas. Ella necesita florecer de nuevo como esa ave del paraíso frente a la casa. Está casi listo para abrir, pero necesita unos días más calurosos para que destaque. Ambos están envueltos en este caparazón gris ahora, pero por dentro hay tanta belleza.

Bueno, este es uno de los eventos de la vida que he grabado en mi mente. Es más como un volcán derritiéndose desde adentro hacia afuera.

Bronwyn, to pomaga pisać o tym na blogu. To dla mnie mała ulga. Problemy ciągle się pojawiają. Nasz neurolog zadzwonił dziś wieczorem, 7 godzin przed naszym wyjazdem, aby powiedzieć nam, że zapłacił całość oraz, że Polska zamyka swoje granice dla cudzoziemców. Joan i ja mamy karty stałego pobytu od 10 lat, moja jest polska, a Jej Unii Europejskiej. On myśli, że to wystarczy, żeby nas wpuścić, ale wtedy możemy być poddani kwarantannie na 14 dni, prawdopodobnie w naszym mieszkaniu. Jeśli to nie wystarczy, być może będziemy musieli wrócić tą samą drogą do Hiszpanii. Nie ma mowy, żebyśmy się dowiedzieli, dopóki nie dotrzemy do polskiej granicy. Ten koszmar się nie skończy.

Kiedy to się skończy?

Nentalna zdolność myslenia u Joan teraz, a 3 dni temu, poprawiła się. Widziałem to czasem w jej oczach i wszystko, co mówiła, miało sens. Nie wiesz, jakie to było dla mnie wspaniałe. Zapytała mnie nawet, co jest w torbie na podłodze. FANTASTYCZNIE! Nie ma poprawy w siedzeniu, ale nie pracowali z nią na co dzień. Dlatego musi się dostać do centrum rehabilitacji. 14 dni w domu nie byłoby wystarczająco dobre i na czas. Jest w stanie unieruchomienia od prawie 6 tygodni. Musi znów zakwitnąć jak ptak-rajski, ten kwiat przed domem. Jest prawie gotowy by rozkwitnąć, ale potrzebuje jeszcze kilku cieplejszych dni. Oboje są teraz owinięci w szarą skorupę, ale w środku jest tyle piękna.

Cóż, to jedno z życiowych wydarzeń, które uwidacznia się mojej głowie. To bardziej jak wulkan wypływający z wewnątrz na zewnątrz.


  1. This just came over the on-line news:
    WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland will ban foreigners from entering the country from Sunday and impose a 14-day quarantine on its citizens returning home in a bid to curb the spread of coronavirus, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Friday.

    “The state will not abandon (its citizens). However, in the current situation we cannot allow ourselves to keep borders open to foreigners,” Morawiecki told a news conference.

    Morawiecki also said shopping malls would be forced to close some shops, and restaurants, bars and casinos would be shuttered. Public gatherings would be allowed only if no more than 50 people were present.

    Poland — central Europe’s biggest country — has confirmed 68 cases of coronavirus so far with one death.

    Reporting by Justyna Pawlak and Anna Wlodarczak-Semczuk

    Hoping for the best. Shaz

  2. David, this does sound like a turning of a corner, and I hope Joan continues to improve, maybe even at a pace! I will be Internetless for a couple of days while away from home (I don't do mobile phones etc) but shall be thinking of you. I trust all goes well at the Polish border. I know your neurologist is one of your 'angels' and has done all he can to help. I suspect you are now on your way - safe travels.

  3. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Hi David and Joan... still shocked as what has met you, do you think it better to stay in Spain and make good use of the 30,000zl it would cost to return to Poland... This is all a hoax, people are buying up toilet paper, flour and rice, governments are scared of a political backlash and are adding to the panic, stay put, relax, enjoy, and be energised.. in a a few weeks when it is all over pack your bags and tell people that you had a great time. Did the US close its boarders when so many people died of the flu last year?
    Lets not listen to what the fake media reports....
    At the end of the day money spent on transport for Joan to Poland will be better used in Spain...
    Take care... be positive.

  4. Hi David,

    I hope the journey home to Poland has gone okay. Having to take her home via ambulance during this crazy virus time is unfortunate. Your readers continue to think of you both and send prayers.


  5. Marilyn Mapes9:20 PM

    I hope everything is falling into place with getting Joan home. Prayers are still flowing for you and Joan! I’m praying and hoping for daily improvements in Joan’s health! Lots of love and hugs! 💚

  6. I am hoping that no posts means that you and Joan are traveling home to Poland. My prayers have been with you since the beginning and more prayers for safe travels. 😋🤗

  7. Thanks, Marilyn. The no posting blog was because of quarantine and no internet access but you will read all about it.

  8. Thanks, Unknown. Our travels are over for now and probably for some time.Also, thanks for the prayers.

